AMIGA GAME DATA FILE FORMATS---------------------------------------------- This document was created on 11/5/05, and last updated on 18/2/25, by James Jacobs of Amigan Software ( Corrections and additions are welcomed. At the Amigan Software site (primary URL is you will find various game data editors for Amiga and MS-DOS. Thanks to Simone Battaglioni and Thorsten Gesen for some of this information. You don't need to read any of this information to use MCE. The games covered are: .Alternate Reality: The City *Arazok's Tomb *Bard's Tale 1-3 & Construction Set *BattleTech *Bloodwych & Extended Levels *Bomb Jack 1 *Borrowed Time *Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday *California Games 1 & 2 *Cannon Fodder 1 & 2 .Centerfold Squares .Centurion: Defender of Rome *Chambers of Shaolin *Champions of Krynn 1-3 *Citadel of Vras *Computer Scrabble Deluxe *Conflict Europe *Dark Castle 1 & 2 *Deja Vu 1 *Deja Vu 2 *Demon's Winter .D/Generation *Dragons of Flame *Dragon Wars *Druid 2 *Dungeon Master 1 *Dungeon Master: Chaos Strikes Back *Dungeon Master 2 *Eye of the Beholder 1 *Eye of the Beholder 2 *F/A-18 Interceptor *Faery Tale Adventure *Firepower *Garrison 1 & 2 *Goal! *Grand Monster Slam *Great Giana Sisters *GridStart 1-3 *HackLite *Hard 'n' Heavy *Heroes of the Lance *Hillsfar *Impossible Mission 2 *Insanity Fight *It Came from the Desert 1 & 2 .Journey *Keef the Thief *Larn *Last Ninja Remix *Legend of Faerghail *Legend of Lothian .Legend of the Sword .Links .Little Computer People *Mercenary 1 .Mercenary 2: Damocles *Might & Magic 2 *Might & Magic 3 *Mindshadow *Moria *Neuromancer *Nitro *Obliterator *Oo-Topos .Pac-Man '87 *Panza Kickboxing 1 & 2 *Phantasie 1 *Phantasie 3 *Pinball Dreams *Pinball Fantasies AGA *Pinball Illusions AGA *Pirates! *Pirates! Gold *Pool of Radiance 1-4 .Populous 1 *Quadralien *Questron 2 *Ragnarok *Return of the Jedi *Robin Hood *Rockford *Rogue *Rome: AD92 *Rorke's Drift *Shadowgate *Shadowlands *Shadoworlds *Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon *Slaygon *Speedball 1 *Speedball 2 .Spirit of Excalibur *Syndicate *Tass Times in Tonetown *Temple of Apshai .Test Drive 1 *Times of Lore *Transylvania 1 *Transylvania 2 *Turbo *TV Sports Baseball *TV Sports Basketball *TV Sports Boxing *TV Sports Football *Ultima 3 *Ultima 4 *Ultima 5 *Ultima 6 *Uninvited .Vengeance of Excalibur *War in Middle Earth *Winter Games .Winter Olympiad '88 *Wizardry 6 *World Games *Zerg * = supported by MCE 15.3 . = unsupported by MCE 15.3 For the games that are supported by MCE, you should also look at the relevant MCE source code. Games supporting (and not supporting) character transfers (on Amiga): 1st Edition AD&D games: see MCE user manual. Bard's Tale 1 cannot import Ultima 3 characters (unlike Apple ][ version). Bard's Tale 2 can import Bard's Tale 1 characters (via Disk options in Adventurers' Guild). Bard's Tale 3 can import Bard's Tale 1-3 (!) characters (via Transfer options in Refugee Camp). Chaos Strikes Back can import Dungeon Master 1 characters (via separate Utilities Disk). Dragon Wars can import Bard's Tale 1 & 2 characters (use Amiga-T in-game). Eye of the Beholder 2 can import Eye of the Beholder 1 parties (via main menu). Legend of Faerghail can import Bard's Tale 1 & 2 characters and Phantasie 1 & 3 characters (via separate utility on disk). Might & Magic 2 cannot import Might & Magic 1 characters (unlike MS-DOS version) (Might & Magic 1 was never released for Amiga). Phantasie 3 for Amiga can import Phantasie 1 for Amiga characters (via main menu), but not Phantasie 1 for MS-DOS characters (GUILD.DAT on both platforms but with different sizes and presumably formats). Ultima 5 cannot import Ultima 4 characters (unlike MS-DOS version). Ultima 6 can import Ultima 4 & 5 characters (via main menu). These don't support importing of any format on any platform: Dungeon Master 2 Eye of the Beholder 1 Might & Magic 3 Alternate Reality: The City (ARCHAR:AR., 13,268 bytes)-------------- $1C..$1D: Checksum? $44: minute? (0..59) $45: hour (0..23) $46: day $47: month (0..11) (May=$04) $48: year (starts at 0) $51,$5B: facing direction? $53,$5D: X? (or Y?) $55,$5F: Y? (or X?) $8D,$8E: STRength $94,$95,$97,$98: INTelligence (base, effective, displayed, bonus?) $9E,$9F,$A1,$A2: WISdom $A8,$A9,$AB,$AC: SKiLl $B2,$B3,$B5,$B6: STAmina $BC,$BD,$BF,$C0: CHaRm $C6,$C7,$C9,$CA: SPeeD? $E9,$EB,$ED: Hit Points $F3,$F5: Copper Pieces $FA,$FC: Food $FB,$FD: Water For most/all attributes, eg. INTelligence, there are apparently various versions of the statistic ("base", "effective", "displayed", "bonus", "penalty"). can up to 32 characters, although the filesystem (presumably) cuts it down to 27 characters. Unknown locations/encodings: XP Level Sex Location Facing direction Weather? Time? Quest status? Time of day? Items Alignment Unnoticeability Treasure Finding Gold Pieces Silver Pieces Gems Jewelry Potions The game seems to have hack protection of some kind, presumably via checksum, and will refuse to load hacked characters. Arazok's Tomb (#?.GAM)---------------------------------------------------- The file has four parts: "item" (noun locations) comma-separated numbers comma-separated strings LF terminator 68 "item" (noun) locations, in this order: 1st: north 2nd: south 3rd: east 4th: west 5th: up 6th: down 7th: southwest 8th: northwest 9th: southeast 10th: northeast 11th: a Druid-like statue statue 12th: a magic candle candle 13th: a gold flower flower 14th: an Elixir Elixir 15th: a short sword sword 16th: a silver rifle rifle 17th: a moldy book book 18th: a silver whistle whistle 19th: a magic key key 20th: a golden chalice chalice 21st: a circuit card card 22nd: a small statue statue 23rd: a strength potion potion 24th: a magic wand wand 25th: a small box box 26th: a remote control control 27th: a power pack pack 28th: a burned printout printout 29th: a cloak cloak 30th: a pouch pouch 31st: a glowing prism prism 32nd: Carloni chips chips 33rd: Telanian tostins tostins 34th: a portal projector projector 35th: a laser disk disk 36th: silver chain mail mail 37th: S 38th: a decanter decanter 39th: a travel car 40th: a transport tube 41th: g 42nd: el 43rd: i 44th: f 45th: f 46th: w 47th: d 48th: t 49th: v 50th: S 51st: a Carlonian named Zud 52nd: Arazok the Sorcerer, Wizard of Zambambe 53rd: a giant snake 54th: ar 55th: a revolving wall panel 56th: a computer terminal missing card 57th: a control panel 58th: a polished wooden door 59th: an instant transport portal 60th: a six foot ebony circle 61st: a red jewel 62nd: d 63rd: as 64th: Z 65th: a statue with jewels missing form it's belt and left eye [sic] 66th: a Druid-like statue with a red jewel in each eye socket 67th: a ramp revealed beneath 68th: sign They are in ASCII format, each with a space before and after (eg. " 50 ") and they range from 0..50, as follows: 0 means carried 1..46 means it is in that room 50 means nowhere 17 numbers in ASCII format, separated by commas: 1,0,9,1,0,0,0,61,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2, The 1st number is your location: 1 = in a dense forest 2 = in a clearing with dense, inpenetrable forest 3 = in a chamber illuminated with dimly glowing rocks 4 = in a hall that goes north and south 5 = in another dimly lit chamber larger than the first 6 = in a giant forest 7 = on the edge of a cliff overlooking an ocean 8 = on an island with a path leading up towards a grey, foreboding castle 9 = on a path leading east and west 10 = at a crossroads 11 = in a giant hall inside the domed city of Zambambe 12 = in a giant blue hall inside the domed city of Zenbambe 13 = in a hall leading north and south 14 = in a strange view screen chamber 15 = in a dusty alchemist's laboratory #15 16 = in an empty room with a hall to the east and a ramp leading up 17 = in a room that is empty except for a strange oak door 18 = in a hallway that goes in four directions 19 = in a hall that goes east and west 20 = in a hall that has dead ended 21 = in the warriors' quarters #21 22 = in the computer room #22 23 = in a red hall 24 = in the power room for the whole city #24 25 = in a gloomy hall with a ramp leading up into a dark chamber 26 = in a murky chamber 27 = on a ramp 28 = in the travel car inside the tube 29 = in a transport chamber with a travel tube leading north 30 = in a special view screen chamber 31 = in a hall that has a ramp leading down 32 = in a room that appears to be empty except for a ramp leading up 33 = on a ramp that leads up to a blank wall and down to a dark hall 34 = in a gloomy hall with a ramp leading up and a hall to the south 35 = in a dusty alchemist's laboratory #35 36 = in the warriors' quarters #36 37 = in a room with a locked steel door on the east wall 38 = in a hall that heads in four directions 39 = in a hall that heads east and west 40 = at a dead end 41 = in the computer room #41 42 = in a green hall with a closed green door to the south 43 = in the power room for the whole city #43 44 = on a path leading northwest and southeast 45 = on a path leading southeast and northeast 46 = in the castle The 16th number is your hunger. The 17th number is your move counter. Comma-separated strings: "()(((((((()*64+8.94:;ZV<=*", (where * is $C2) "a Druid-like statue", "a red jewel", "a statue with jewels missing form it's belt and left eye", [sic] "a Druid-like statue with a red jewel in each eye socket", "a ramp revealed beneath", "silver chain mail", "a cloak" The file is terminated by a LF ($0A). There is also a TOMB file which contains the list of saved games. For the saved games "foo" and "bar", it will look like this: "start" "foo" "bar" "" Unknown locations/encodings: Score (it is probably calculated rather than stored) Bard's Tale 1-3 & Construction Set---------------------------------------- There is a character editor (but not a saved game editor) available for these games. The file formats are documented in the source code. See . Additionally, there is a BT1 character editor on AMOS PD #188, a BT1 character editor on MA-GA Docs Disk #3, a BT2 character enhancer in ACE magazine #22 p. 104, and BT1 and BT2 character editors on Megadisc. ITEMS (128 bytes) (for BT1)----------------------------------------------- $00: Always $FF $01.. $7F: How many items are in stock (0..255) for this item (1..128). 255 ($FF) means unlimited. By default, items 1.. 22 are available in unlimited quantity, and items 23..127 are unavailable. Prices are not stored in this file (they are probably hardcoded into the game?). ITEMS (340 bytes) (for BT2)----------------------------------------------- $00: City: $00 = Tangramayne $01 = Tangramayne $02 = Ephesus $03 = Philippi $04 = Colosse $05 = Corinth $06 = Thessalonica $07 = Tangramayne $01.. $7F: How many items are in stock (0..255) for this item (1..128). 255 ($FF) means unlimited. $80..$103: ? $104..$107: 1st bank account number Valid numbers are 1..9999. $FFFFFFFF means a spare (unused) account. $108..$10B: 1st bank account balance : : : $14C..$14F: 1st bank account number $150..$153: 1st bank account balance For BT3, there are no shops? For BTCS, items 1..10 are always available, and no others. For BT1,3,CS there are no banks. All numbers are big-endian. Bard's Tale 2 (, 4,327 bytes)------------------------------------ $0: 1st character's name $26: 2nd character's name $4C: 3rd character's name $72: 4th character's name $98: 5th character's name $BE: 6th character's name? $E4: 7th character's name? "1st..7th" does not refer to marching order. $112: 1st character's status $113: 1st character's race $114: 1st character's class $115: 1st character's current ST $116: 1st character's current IQ $117: 1st character's current DX $118: 1st character's current CN $119: 1st character's current LK $11A: 1st character's maximum ST $11B: 1st character's maximum IQ $11C: 1st character's maximum DX $11D: 1st character's maximum CN $11E: 1st character's maximum LK $121..$122: 1st character's armour $123..$124: 1st character's maximum HpPt $125..$126: 1st character's current HpPt $127..$128: 1st character's maximum SpPt $129..$12A: 1st character's current SpPt ... etc. (items, spells, xp, gp, level) $36B: Area: 2=city 3=wilderness 4=dungeon $36D: Outdoor area (even when indoors): 0=wilderness 1=Tangramayne 2=Ephesus 3=Philippi 4=Colosse 5=Corinth 6=Thessalonica $371: Outdoor N-location (these increase going northwards) $373: Outdoor E-location (these increase going eastwards) $375: Outdoor facing direction: 0=north 1=east 2=south 3=west $4D9: Hour of day ($00=midnight..$17=11pm) $4DC: Indoor N-location (these increase going northwards) $4DE: Indoor E-location (these increase going eastwards) $4E0: Indoor facing direction: 0=north 1=east 2=south 3=west $4E1: Dungeon level ($01=1 level below entry stairs, etc.) $AE6..$AF6: Dungeon name (ASCII but with high bit set) (16 characters max., $FF=terminator) Bard's Tale 3 (game.sav, 972 bytes)--------------------------------------- $000..$079: stats for 1st party member $000..$00E: name (unused chars are NULs) $00F: NUL terminator $010: STrength $011: IQ $012: DeXterity $013: CoNstitution $014: LucK $015: pad byte? $016..$019: eXperience Points $01A..$01D: Gold Pieces $01E..$01F: current level? $020..$021: maximum level? $022..$023: current HpPt? $024..$025: maximum HpPt? $026..$027: current SpPt? $028..$029: maximum SpPt? $02A: class: $00=warrior $01=wizard $02=sorcerer $02B: race: $00=human $01=elf $02=dwarf $02C: sex: $00=male $01=female $02D..$079: items and spells? $07A..$0F3: stats for 2nd party member $0F4..$16D: stats for 3rd party member $16E..$1E7: stats for 4th party member $1E8..$261: stats for 5th party member $262..$2DB: stats for 6th party member $2DC..$355: stats for 7th party member $357: Wilderness/city area: Realm: $00=Realm wilderness $01=Skara Brae (city) Arboria: $02=Arborian wilderness $03=Ciera Brannia (city) Gelidia: $04=Gelidian wilderness Lucencia: $05=Lucencian wilderness $06=Celaria Bree (city) Tenebrosia: $07=Nowhere (wilderness) $08=Dark Copse (wilderness) $09=Black Scar (city) $359: Dungeon area: Arboria: $00=Festering Pit 1 $01=Festering Pit 2 $02=Crystal Palace $03=Valarian's Tower 1 $04=Valarian's Tower 2 $05=Valarian's Tower 3 $06=Valarian's Tower 4 $07=Sacred Grove Gelidia: $08=White Tower 1 $09=White Tower 2 $0A=White Tower 3 $0B=White Tower 4 $0C=Grey Tower 1 $0D=Grey Tower 2 $0E=Grey Tower 3 $0F=Grey Tower 4 $10=Black Tower 1 $11=Black Tower 2 $12=Black Tower 3 $13=Black Tower 4 $14=Ice Dungeon 1 $15=Ice Dungeon 2 $16=Ice Keep 1 $17=Ice Keep 2 Lucencia: $18=Violet Mountain 1 $19=Violet Mountain 2 $1A=Cyanis' Tower 1 $1B=Cyanis' Tower 2 $1C=Cyanis' Tower 3 $1D=Alliria's Tomb 1 $1E=Alliria's Tomb 2 Tarmitia: $1F=Wasteland $20=Tarmitia $21=Berlin $22=Stalingrad $23=Hiroshima $24=Troy $25=Rome $26=Nottingham $27=K'un Wang Realm: $28=Catacombs 1 $29=Catacombs 2 aka Tunnels Malefia: $2A=Malefia 1 $2B=Malefia 2 $2C=Malefia 3 Kinestia: $2D=Barracks $2E=Ferofist's Palace $2F=Private Quarters $30=Workshop 1 $31=Workshop 2 aka Urmech's Paradise $32=Workshop 3 aka Viscous Plane $33=Urmech's Sanctum Realm: $34=UnterBrae 1 $35=UnterBrae 2 $36=UnterBrae 3 $37=UnterBrae 4 Tenebrosia: $38=Tar quarry $39=Shadow Canyon $3A=Sceadu's Demesne 1 $3B=Sceadu's Demesne 2 $3C=Tarjan $35D: Y-location (these increase going northwards): $0C=Scrapwood Tavern $35F: X-location (these increase going eastwards): $0F=Scrapwood Tavern $361: Facing direction: $00=north $01=east $02=south $03=west $365: $01=in camp $02=in city/wilderness $04=in dungeon $3BA: hour of day (24-hour clock) (0..23) Unknown locations/encodings: Number of party members BTCS (Amiga and IBM-PC) (ROSTER.CHR, 94 bytes per character)-------------- 0..13: Name (unused bytes are NULL) 14..15: ? 16..17: Status bit 6 (%1000000) = paralyzed bit 5 (%0100000) = stoned bit 4 (%0010000) = possessed bit 3 (%0001000) = old bit 2 (%0000100) = insane bit 1 (%0000010) = poisoned bit 0 (%0000001) = dead 18: Race 0 = Human 1 = Elf 2 = Dwarf 3 = Hobbit 4 = Half-elf 5 = Half-orc 6 = Gnome 19: Class 0 = Warrior 1 = Paladin 2 = Rogue 3 = Bard 4 = Hunter 5 = Monk 6 = Conjurer 7 = Magician 8 = Sorcerer 9 = Wizard 10 = Archmage 11 = Monster 12 = Illusion 20: Current ST 21: Current IQ 22: Current DX 23: Current CN 24: Current LK 25: Maximum ST 26: Maximum IQ 27: Maximum DX 28: Maximum CN 29: Maximum LK 30..31: Base armour class 32..33: Maximum HP 34..35: Current HP 36..37: Current SP 38..39: Maximum SP 40: Item #1 type 41: Item #1 equipped 42: Item #2 type 43: Item #2 equipped 44: Item #3 type 45: Item #3 equipped 46: Item #4 type 47: Item #4 equipped 48: Item #5 type 49: Item #5 equipped 50: Item #6 type 51: Item #6 equipped 52: Item #7 type 53: Item #7 equipped 54: Item #8 type 55: Item #8 equipped 56: Item #1 quantity 57: Item #2 quantity 58: Item #3 quantity 59: Item #4 quantity 60: Item #5 quantity 61: Item #6 quantity 62: Item #7 quantity 63: Item #8 quantity 64..67: XP 68..71: GP 72: Current level 73: Maximum level 74: Sorcerer spell level 75: Conjurer spell level 76: Magician spell level 77: Wizard spell level 78: Archmage spell level 79..81: ? 82: Number of bard songs remaining? 83: Number of attacks per round 84..93: ? Equipped: $20 = yes, $00 = no. All BTCS values are stored in little-endian format :-( . BattleTech (Game1..Game6, 3929 bytes)------------------------------------- $1: Name: $00 = Jason $01 = Rex $02 = Edward $03 = Russ $04 = Rick $05 = Zeke $06 = Possum $07 = Marco $08 = Rusty $09 = Hunter $0A = Hawk $5: Bow & Blade skill $6: Pistol skill $7: Rifle skill $8: Gunnery skill $9: Piloting skill $A: Tech skill $B: Medical skill $C: Weapon: $00 = Cudgel $01 = Knife $02 = Sword $03 = VibroBlade (Vibratinoz) $04 = Shortbow $05 = Longbow $06 = Crossbow $07 = Pistol $08 = Rifle $09 = Machine Gun $0A = Short Range Missiles $0B = Inferno $0C = Laser Pistol $0D = Laser Rifle $0E = Flamer $0F = Small Laser $10 = Medium Laser $11 = Large Laser $12 = Phased Particle Cannon $13 = AutoCannon 2 $14 = AutoCannon 5 $15 = AutoCannon 10 $16 = AutoCannon 20 $17 = Machine Gun $18 = Flamer $19 = Long Range Missiles 5 $1A = Long Range Missiles 10 $1B = Long Range Missiles 15 $1C = Long Range Missiles 20 $1D = Short Range Missiles 2 $1E = Short Range Missiles 4 $1F = Short Range Missiles 6 $20 = Kick $E: Armour: $00 = None ( 0 points) $01 = Flak Vest (25 points) $02 = Flak Suit (40 points) $03 = Lt Env Suit (30 points) $04 = Hv Env Suit (50 points) $05 = Ablative (50 points) $F: Current hit points of armour (1..50) $D6D..$D70: Money ("C-Bills") (31-bit integer) $D71..$D74: Defiance Industries (DefHes) investment $D75..$D78: Nashsan Diversified (NasDiv) investment $D79..$D7C: Baker Pharmaceuticals (BakPhar) investment Skills are encoded as: $00 = Unskilled $01 = Amateur $02 = Adequate $03 = Good $04+ = Excellent Unknown encodings/locations: Location Health MedKit (yes/no) Mapper (yes/no) Field Surgery Kit (yes/no) B, D, C gauges Game settings (eg. movement rate)? Are these saved as part of the saved game? Quest status Mechs owned, their weaponry, etc. Facing direction is not saved/loaded. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Bloodwych & Extended Levels----------------------------------------------- Original levels: bloodsave0..9, 50,688 bytes Extended levels: bextsave0..9, 50,688 bytes Original Extended ----------- ----------- $00.. $1F: $00.. $1F: Statistics for Blodwyn Stonemaiden $20.. $3F: $40.. $5F: Statistics for Murlock Darkenheart $40.. $5F: $80.. $9F: Statistics for Eleanor of Avalon $60.. $7F: $C0.. $DF: Statistics for Roseanne Swifthand $80.. $9F: $100..$11F: Statistics for Astroth Slaemwort $A0.. $BF: $140..$15F: Statistics for Zothen Runecaster $C0.. $DF: $180..$19F: Statistics for Baldrick the Dung $E0.. $FF: $1C0..$1DF: Statistics for Elfric Falaendor $100..$11F: $200..$21F: Statistics for Sir Edward Lion $120..$13F: $240..$25F: Statistics for Megrim of Moonwych $140..$15F: $280..$29F: Statistics for Sethra Bhoaghail $160..$17F: $2C0..$2DF: Statistics for Mr. Flay Sepulcrast $180..$19F: $300..$31F: Statistics for Ulrich Sternaxe $1A0..$1BF: $340..$35F: Statistics for Zastaph Mantric $1C0..$1DF: $380..$39F: Statistics for Hengist Meldanash $1E0..$1FF: $3C0..$3DF: Statistics for Thai Chang of Yinn Statistics are: $00: $00: Level $01: $02: STrength $02: $03: AGility $03: $04: INtelligence $04: $05: CHarisma $05: $06.. $07: Current HP (0..99 for original levels, 0..9999 for extended levels) $06: $08.. $09: Maximum HP (0..99 for original levels, 0..9999 for extended levels) $07: $0A: Current VItality $08: $0B: Maximum VItality $09: $0C: Current SP $0A: $0D: Maximum SP $0B: $0E: Base armour class $0C..$0F: $10.. $13: Spells (same for both): bit 31: Armour bit 30: Terror bit 29: Vitalise bit 28: Beguile bit 27: Deflect bit 26: Magelock bit 25: Conceal bit 24: Warpower bit 23: Missile bit 22: Vanish bit 21: Paralyze bit 20: Alchemy bit 19: Confuse bit 18: Levitate bit 17: Antimage bit 16: Recharge bit 15: Trueview bit 14: Renew bit 13: Vivify bit 12: Dispell bit 11: Firepath bit 10: Illusion bit 9: Compass bit 8: Spelltap bit 7: Disrupt bit 6: Fireball bit 5: Wychwind bit 4: Arc Bolt bit 3: Formwall bit 2: Summon bit 1: Blaze bit 0: Mindrock $10: $14: Food $12: ? Gloves worn? $16: ? Start X $17: ? Start Y $18: ? Start facing $19: ? Start tower $1A: ? Start floor $200..$20F: $30.. $3F: Inventory for Blodwyn Stonemaiden $210..$21F: $70.. $7F: Inventory for Murlock Darkenheart $220..$22F: $B0.. $BF: Inventory for Eleanor of Avalon $230..$23F: $F0.. $FF: Inventory for Roseanne Swifthand $240..$24F: $130..$13F: Inventory for Astroth Slaemwort $250..$25F: $170..$17F: Inventory for Zothen Runecaster $260..$26F: $1B0..$1BF: Inventory for Baldrick the Dung $270..$27F: $1F0..$1FF: Inventory for Elfric Falaendor $280..$28F: $230..$23F: Inventory for Sir Edward Lion $290..$29F: $270..$27F: Inventory for Megrim of Moonwych $2A0..$2AF: $2B0..$2BF: Inventory for Sethra Bhoaghail $2B0..$2BF: $2F0..$2FF: Inventory for Mr. Flay Sepulcrast $2C0..$2CF: $330..$33F: Inventory for Ulrich Sternaxe $2D0..$2DF: $370..$37F: Inventory for Zastaph Mantric $2E0..$2EF: $3B0..$3BF: Inventory for Hengist Meldanash $2F0..$2FF: $3F0..$3FF: Inventory for Thai Chang of Yinn Inventories are: $00: $00: Left hand $01: $01: Right hand $02: $02: Armour (torso) $03: $03: Shield $04.. $0B: $04.. $0B: Pockets 1..8 $0C: $0C: Coins $0D: $0D: Keys $0E: $0E: Normal Arrows $0F: $0F: Elf Arrows Inventory encodings are different for each game; see the MCE source code. $36F: $46F: 1st party current X-position $370: $470: $00 $371: $471: 1st party current Y-position $372: $472: $00 $373: $473: 1st party current facing $37F: $47F: 1st party holding quantity $380: $480: $00 $381: $481: 1st party holding object code $3D1: $4D1: 2nd party current X-position $3D2: $4D2: $00 $3D3: $4D3: 2nd party current Y-position $3D4: $4D4: $00 $3D5: $4D5: 2nd party current facing $3E1: $4E1: 2nd party holding quantity $3E2: $4E2: $00 $3E3: $4E3: 2nd party holding object code Unknown locations/encoding: List of members of 1st player's party List of members of 2nd player's party Marching orders of parties Active spell effects (eg. compass) Locations, condition, emotions, etc. of NPCs Elapsed time "Ancient spells" (extended levels only) Bomb Jack----------------------------------------------------------------- bj (46,212 bytes) contains the levels (ie. the layout of the platforms). platform.set (1,536 bytes) contains the imagery for the platforms. There is a level and graphics character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Borrowed Time (SVA..SVK, 202 bytes)--------------------------------------- $01: countdown timer? $03: $FF = "Hardcase and Jones are following you." (otherwise $00). $0D: always $02? (vs. always $00 here for Tass Times in Tonetown?) $20: ? $3F: ? Item locations: $41: a gun $43: a pack of matches $45: a wallet $47: a key $49: a personal check $4B: a shard of glass $4D: a scrap of paper $4F: a candle $51: a silver candlestick $53: a white tube $55: a receipt $57: a novel $59: a claim stub $5B: a pair of gloves $5D: three empty cans $5F: a report $61: a poem $63: a shovel $65: a plaid suitcase $67: a manilla [sic] folder $69: a bone $6B: a roll of bandages $C1: You $C1: Your location: $00 = Carried $01 = You're seated in your office. $02 = This little room contains the desk of your girl friday. $03 = Twilight shadows shroud the doorways of the narrow alley. $04 = You're standing in the side doorway of the Dixie Arms Hotel. $05 = You're temporarily hidden. $06 = You're at the base of a stairway. $07 = You are standing in the attic. $08 = You're seated in your office. $09 = You're seated in your office. $0A = You're on the second-stor[e]y window of the Dublin Rose Bar. $0B = The smell of a thousand beers permeates the air of this dark bar. $0C = You're on First Street east of Main. $0D = You're standing at the intersection of First and Main. $0E = You greet your pal, Hawkeye, who now run New City's most popular newsstand. $0F = You're standing in front of an expensive-looking townhouse. $10 = You're standing in front of an expensive-looking townhouse. $11 = You're standing face-to-chest with the bruiser at the door. $12 = You are in what must be Charlie Lebock's livingroom. $13 = A small table rests in the center of the room. $14 = You're in Lebock's kitchen. $15 = You're standing on Polk Street, in front of Rita's apartment. $16 = You're in front of the door to Rita's apartment. $17 = Thick dust covers the floor and furniture. $18 = You're hanging by your wrists... $19 = ...The kitchen... $1A = You're standing on Main south of First. $1B = You're standing at Sixth and South Main. $1C = You're inside the New City Police Station. $1D = You're standing on Sixth west of Main... $1E = You are standing out in front of Bruce Light's place. $1F = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $20 = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $21 = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $22 = A stone facade frames the darkly stained front door of Dr. Lafferty's office. $23 = Empty chairs line two walls. $24 = Bookshelves line the study. $25 = You're in front of a wooden frame house. $26 = You're on the corner of Pershing Avenue and West Sixth. $27 = There is a hot dog cart parked here on the corner of Pershing and West First. $28 = You're standing on the west end of First Street. $29 = The rusted numbers on the shack's mailbox read '960'. $2A = The one-room hovel doesn't look any better on the inside. $2B = You're seated in your office. $2C = You're seated in your office. $2D = You're seated in your office. $2E = You're seated in your office. $2F = You're standing on Polk, west of Pershing. $30 = A red leather couch is the centerpiece of the small...apartment. $31 = Stiles Safe Park lies to the north. $32 = Most of the parking spaces are empty this time of day. $33 = Most of the parking spaces are empty this time of day. $34 = Most of the parking spaces are empty this time of day. $35 = You're standing in front of a frame house on West Polk. $36 = You're inside Jim Shuman's home. $37 = You're inside Jim Shuman's home. $38 = You're standing in front of 85 West Polk, the infamous headquarters of Boss Farnham. $39 = Farnham sits behind a huge desk, in his study. $3A = The marble lobby is impressive, but empty. $3B = The hall leads into an alcove. $3C = A statue of George Washington on the inevitable horse is in the centre of the park. $3D = You're on the south end of the park, beside a small shed. $3E = You're standing in Stiles Safe Park. $3F = You're standing in the attic. $40 = You're seated in your office. $41 = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $42 = You're seated in your office. $43 = You're seated in your office. $44 = You're seated in your office. $45 = You're seated in your office. $46 = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $47 = You're seated in your office. $48 = You're seated in your office. $49 = You're seated in your office. $4A = You're seated in your office. $4B = You are in Bruce Light's livingroom. $4C = You're seated in your office. $CB = You're seated in your office. $C2..$C9: 8 item graphics slots: $00 = a gun $01 = a pack of matches $02 = a wallet $03 = a key $04 = a personal check $05 = a shard of glass $06 = a scrap of paper $07 = a candle $08 = a silver candlestick $09 = a white tube $0A = a receipt $0B = a novel $0C = a claim stub $0D = a pair of gloves $0E = three empty cans $0F = a report $10 = a poem $11 = a shovel $12 = a plaid suitcase $13 = a manilla [sic] folder $14 = a bone $15 = a roll of bandages $FF = nothing Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday (#?.WHO, 402 bytes)-------------------- $0.. $F: Name (15 chars max) (NUL-terminated) $10.. $11: STRength $12.. $13: DEXterity $14.. $15: CONstitution $16.. $17: INTelligence $18.. $19: WISdom $1A.. $1B: CHArisma $1C.. $1D: TeCH $3C: Sex: $00 = Male $01 = Female $3D: Race: $00 = Monster $01 = Terran $02 = Martian $03 = Venusian $04 = Mercurian $05 = Tinker $06 = Desert Runner $07 = Lunarian $08 = Lowlander $3E: Class aka career: $01 = Rocket Jock $02 = Medic $03 = Warrior $04 = Engineer $05 = Rogue $06 = Scout $3F: Level $42.. $45: Credits $46.. $49: Experience points $50.. $51: Movement $52.. $53: Armour Class: The AC is 56 - this value. Eg.: $FFF0 ( -16) = AC of -72 $FFFF ( -1) = AC of 57 $0000 ( 0) = AC of 56 $0031 ( 49) = AC of 7 $0032 ( 50) = AC of 6 $0033 ( 51) = AC of 5 $0038 ( 56) = AC of 0 $0133 ( 307) = AC of -251 $7000 ( 28672) = AC of -28616 $7FFF ( 32767) = AC of -32711 $8000 (-32768) = AC of -32712 It might also have an adjustment based on DEXterity. $54.. $55: Age $6C.. $6D: Maximum hit points $76..$11D: Skills: $76.. $77: Repair Electrical TCH (Engineer) $78.. $79: Repair Mechanical TCH (Engineer) $7A.. $7B: Repair Nuclear Engine TCH (Engineer) $7C.. $7D: Repair Life Support TCH (Engineer) $7E.. $7F: Repair Rocket Hull TCH (Engineer) $80.. $81: Jury Rig TCH (Engineer) $82.. $83: Bypass Security TCH (Rogue) $84.. $85: Open Lock TCH (Rogue) $86.. $87: Commo Operation TCH $88.. $89: Sensor Operation TCH $8A.. $8B: Demolitions TCH (Warrior) $8C.. $8D: ? $8E.. $8F: First Aid TCH $90.. $91: Repair Weapon TCH (Warrior) $92.. $93: ? $94.. $95: Life Suspension Tech TCH (Medic) $96.. $97: Treat Light Wounds TCH (Medic) $98.. $99: Treat Serious Wounds TCH (Medic) $9A.. $9B: Treat Critical Wounds TCH (Medic) $9C.. $9D: Treat Poisoning TCH (Medic) $9E.. $9F: Treat Stun/Paralysis TCH (Medic) $A0.. $A1: Treat Disease TCH (Medic) $A2.. $A3: Diagnose TCH (Medic) $A4.. $A5: ? $A6.. $A7: ? $A8.. $A9: ? $AA.. $AB: Mathematics INT $AC.. $AD: ? $AE.. $AF: ? $B0.. $B1: Planetology INT $B2.. $B3: Battle Tactics INT (Warrior) $B4.. $B5: ? $B6.. $B7: ? $B8.. $B9: ? $BA.. $BB: ? $BC.. $BD: Astronomy INT $BE.. $BF: ? $C0.. $C1: ? $C2.. $C3: ? $C4.. $C5: ? $C6.. $C7: ? $C8.. $C9: ? $CA.. $CB: Programming INT $CC.. $CD: ? $CE.. $CF: Library Search INT $D0.. $D1: Astrogation INT $D2.. $D3: Navigation INT $D4.. $D5: ? $D6.. $D7: ? $D8.. $D9: Disguise INT $DA.. $DB: Pilot Rocket DEX (Rocket Jock) $DC.. $DD: Pilot Fixed Wing DEX (Rocket Jock) $DE.. $DF: Drive Ground Car DEX (Rocket Jock) $E0.. $E1: Pilot Rotor Wing DEX (Rocket Jock) $E2.. $E3: ? $E4.. $E5: Use Jetpack DEX (Rocket Jock & Warrior) $E6.. $E7: ? $E8.. $E9: ? $EA.. $EB: Drive Jetcar DEX (Rocket Jock) $EC.. $ED: ? $EE.. $EF: Hide in Shadows DEX (Rogue) $F0.. $F1: Move Silently DEX (Warrior & Rogue) $F2.. $F3: Pick Pockets DEX (Rogue) $F4.. $F5: Acrobatics DEX $F6.. $F7: Climb DEX (Rogue) $F8.. $F9: ? $FA.. $FB: Manoeuvre in 0G DEX (Rocket Jock & Warrior & Engineer) $FC.. $FD: ? $FE.. $FF: ? $100..$101: ? $102..$103: Act CHA $104..$105: Intimidate CHA $106..$107: Leadership CHA (Warrior) $108..$109: Befriend Animal CHA $10A..$10B: ? $10C..$10D: Fast Talk/Convince CHA (Rogue) $10E..$10F: Singing CHA $110..$111: Distract CHA $112..$113: Etiquette CHA $114..$115: Tracking WIS $116..$117: Shadowing WIS $118..$119: ? $11A..$11B: Notice WIS (Rocket Jock & Warrior & Engineer & Rogue) $11C..$11D: Planetary Survival WIS Mimic (INT) skill is listed in the rulebook but seems not to be in the game. $14A: 1st weapon specialization slot These are only for warriors. These are shown in reverse order by the game. $0F = Sonic Stunner $0E = Heat Gun $0D = Laser Rifle $0C = Microwave Gun $0B = Rocket Rifle $0A = Rocket Pistol $09 = Laser Pistol $08 = Mono Sword $07 = Bolt Gun $06 = Needle Gun $05 = D.R. X-Bow $04 = Sword $03 = Cutlass $02 = Mono Knife $01 = Knife $00 = None $14B: 2nd weapon specialization slot : : : $153: 10th weapon specialization slot $154: Status: $00 = Blank $01 = OK $02 = Gone $03 = Dead $04 = Dying $05 = Unconscious $06 = Fleeing $07 = Poisoned $08 = Comatose $09+ = OK $16E..$16F: Current hit points Calculated rather than stored: Damage? Encumbrance? THAC0? Unknown locations/encodings (these seem to be in the .SWG file): Armour (and how does this affect AC?) Gear (items) Weapon Regarding saved games: They are named SAVGAMA.daa..SAVGAMJ.daa Unused (blank) saved games are 20,000 bytes of $00s. Used saved games are 3,175 bytes. California Games 1 (MCP/menu.cmp, 162 bytes)------------------------------ $0.. $9: Half pipe record holder name (padded with spaces) $A..$10: 7 NULs $11..$16: Half pipe score in ASCII format (with leading zeroes) (000000..999999) $17..$1A: 4 NULs $1B..$24: Foot bag record holder name (padded with spaces) $25..$2B: 7 NULs $2C..$31: Foot bag score in ASCII format (with leading zeroes) (000000..999999) $32..$35: 4 NULs $36..$3F: Surfing record holder name (padded with spaces) $40..$46: 7 NULs $47..$4C: Surfing score in ASCII format (with leading zeroes) (000000..999999) In game, these are 0.0..10.0. 3.7 is represented by '000370'. $4D..$50: 4 NULs etc. Note that there is also a CALGAMES/menu.cmp file; this is *not* what is edited. California Games 2 (cgii, 9,432 bytes)------------------------------------ $21D2..$21D3: 1st event score (unsigned big-endian) $21F6..$21FE: 1st event player name $2202..$2203: 2nd event time (signed big-endian) (in hundredths of a second) Time is shown as m:ss:hh m = minutes s = seconds h = hundredths of a second eg. $7FFF=5:27.67 $2226..$222E: 2nd event player name etc. Cannon Fodder 1 & 2 (SAVE. (1,832 bytes))----------------------- (where is 1..8 characters long) Lowercase filenames are not shown correctly by the game. $1: next phase (0..71): 0 = 1.1 It's a Jungle out There 1 = 2.1 Bridge over the River Pie 2 = 2.2 Trash Enemy HQ 3 = 3.1 Bugger Me It's Cold 4 = 4.1 Beachy Head 5 = 4.2 Pier Pressure 6 = 4.3 Village People 7 = 4.4 Quicksand ... $D: next mission (1..24): 1 = The Sensible Initiation 2 = Onward Virgin Soldiers 3 = Antarctic Adventure 4 = Super Smashing Namtastic ... $12.. $13: spare friendly men (0..360) (Having a large number for this (> 200 or so, depending on the situation?) can cause the game to crash.) $35: phases in mission $3E.. $3F: 1st squad member's ID $40: 1st squad member's rank ($00=unused) $48.. $49: 1st squad member's kill count ($0000=unused) $4A.. $4B: 2nd squad member's ID $4C: 2nd squad member's rank $54.. $55: 2nd squad member's kill count $56.. $57: 3rd squad member's ID $58: 3rd squad member's rank $60.. $61: 3rd squad member's kill count $62.. $63: 4th squad member's ID $64: 4th squad member's rank $6C.. $6D: 4th squad member's kill count $6E.. $6F: 5th squad member's ID $70: 5th squad member's rank $78.. $79: 5th squad member's kill count $7A.. $7B: 6th squad member's ID $7C: 6th squad member's rank $84.. $85: 6th squad member's kill count $86.. $87: 7th squad member's ID $88: 7th squad member's rank $90.. $91: 7th squad member's kill count $92.. $93: 8th squad member's ID $94: 8th squad member's rank $9C.. $9D: 8th squad member's kill count $116..$117: 1st grave ($FFFF to terminate list): $116: style: $00..$01 = plain white cross $02..$03 = white tombstone $04..$05 = black tombstone etc. $117: $00 if grave is in use $118..$119: 2nd grave : : : : $3E4..$3E5: 360th grave $3E6..$3E7: terminator ($FFFF) if 360 graves in list? $6D2..$6D7: 1st hero: $6D2: 1st hero's rank ($00..$0F, or $FF=blank entry) $6D3..$6D4: 1st hero's flag ($00=hero is in slot, $FF=blank entry) $6D4..$6D5: 1st hero's ID ($0..$167, or $FFFF=blank entry) $6D6..$6D7: 1st hero's kills ($0..$7FFF, or $FFFF=blank entry) $6D8..$6DD: 2nd hero $6DE..$6E3: 3rd hero $6E4..$6E9: 4th hero $6EA..$6DF: 5th hero $6F7: total friendlies killed Kills can be up to 32767 but only the last 3 digits are shown. $6F9: total enemies killed Kills can be up to 32767 but only the last 3 digits are shown. See the MCE source code for the lists of ranks, names (IDs), missions and phases. Unknown locations/encodings: Which game (CF1 vs. CF2) Number of men in squad Centerfold Squares (#?.Screen)-------------------------------------------- The pictures are malformed encrypted IFF ILBM FORMs: The FORM size (bytes 3..7 of the file) is incorrect. Odd-length chunks (eg. the BODY chunk) are not padded. (Apparently Strip Poker 2 uses odd-length SIFR chunks which likewise have this problem.) Once you have fixed those two issues, you can use the CFSDecrypt tool (see ) to decrypt the pictures: CFSDecrypt KEY1 KEY2 FIXCHUNKS Centerfold Squares keys are 3 and 12. Strip Poker 2 keys are 3 and 11. FORM ILBM BMHD 32 CMAP 96 (32 colours) SIFR 32 BODY nnnnn (different for each picture) Centurion: Defender of Rome----------------------------------------------- $5DC..$5DD: plunder Chambers of Shaolin (SAVEGAME, 16100 bytes)------------------------------- Note that this information applies only to the WHDLoad slave (V1.2), not to the floppy version, which seems to use a different format. This is a little-endian format :-( 0.. 3: $56 $4F $4C $33: "VOL3" header. Not stored in mirror format. 4 : number of men in roster (0..250). Not stored in mirror format. 5.. $63: all NUL ($00) $64.. $A3: 1st character (each character is 64 ($40) bytes) Characters are stored in 'mirror' format (explained below). 1st character is: $64.. $6D: Name (padded with spaces (stored as $04 which decrypts to $20/32/' ')) After decryption, these are ordinary ASCII characters (uppercase and numerals, at least, are permitted). $64 : 2nd character of name $65 : 1st character of name $66 : 4th character of name $67 : 3rd character of name $68 : 6th character of name $69 : 5th character of name $6A : 8th character of name $6B : 7th character of name $6C : 10th character of name $6D : 9th character of name $6E : low byte of HIDDEN 1 $6F : high byte of HIDDEN 1 The value of HIDDEN 1 seems unimportant. $70 : low byte of STRENGTH $71 : high byte of STRENGTH $72 : low byte of ATTACK FORCE $73 : high byte of ATTACK FORCE $74 : low byte of DEFENCE FORCE $75 : high byte of DEFENCE FORCE $76 : low byte of CONSTITUTION $77 : high byte of CONSTITUTION $78 : low byte of HIDDEN 2 $79 : high byte of HIDDEN 2 If this is $0000: can't do high kick aka kick to head (up & towards & fire) can't do jump kick (up & fire) $7A : low byte of HIDDEN 3 $7B : high byte of HIDDEN 3 If this is $0000: can't flip backwards aka flip-flop (up) can't do sweep kick (down & fire) can't do hand push aka tiger claw (away & fire) $7C : low byte of HIDDEN 4 $7D : high byte of HIDDEN 4 If this is $0000: can't flip backwards aka flip-flop (up) $7E.. $A3: unused (always $00)? $A4.. $E3: 2nd character : : : $3EA4..$3EE3: 250th character The full list of moves is: turn around fire flip backwards aka flip-flop up low punch down jump kick up & fire high kick aka kick to head up & towards & fire high punch up & away & fire kick forwards aka kick to body towards & fire hand push aka tiger claw away & fire sweep kick down & fire Examples of the mirrored format: $00 = %00000000 -> %00000000 = 0 $01 = %00000001 -> %10000000 = 128 $02 = %00000010 -> %01000000 = 64 $03 = %00000011 -> %11000000 = 192 $04 = %00000100 -> %00100000 = 32 $2A = %00101010 -> %01010100 = 84 $50 = %01010000 -> %00001010 = 10 $60 = %01100000 -> %00000110 = 6 $80 = %10000000 -> %00000001 = 1 $8C = %10001100 -> %00110001 = 49 $A0 = %10100000 -> %00000101 = 5 $B0 = %10110000 -> %00001101 = 13 $C0 = %11000000 -> %00000011 = 3 $CA = %11001010 -> %01010011 = 83 $FF = %11111111 -> %11111111 = 255 A stored value of $E7C0 gives you 999 stat value (the highest displayable value). --------ASCII------- Mirrored 'A' $41 = 65 = %01000001 -> %10000010 = $82 'B' $42 = 66 = %01000010 -> %01000010 = $42 'C' $43 = 67 = %01000011 -> %11000010 = $C2 'D' $44 = 68 = %01000100 -> %00100010 = $22 'E' $45 = 69 = %01000101 -> %10100010 = $A2 'F' $46 = 70 = %01000110 -> %01100010 = $62 'G' $47 = 71 = %01000111 -> %11100010 = $E2 'H' $48 = 72 = %01001000 -> %00010010 = $12 'I' $49 = 73 = %01001001 -> %10010010 = $92 'J' $4A = 74 = %01001010 -> %01010010 = $52 'K' $4B = 75 = %01001011 -> %11010010 = $D2 'L' $4C = 76 = %01001100 -> %00110010 = $32 'M' $4D = 77 = %01001101 -> %10110010 = $B2 'N' $4E = 78 = %01001110 -> %01110010 = $72 'O' $4F = 79 = %01001111 -> %11110010 = $F2 'P' $50 = 80 = %01010000 -> %00001010 = $0A 'Q' $51 = 81 = %01010001 -> %10001010 = $8A 'R' $52 = 82 = %01010010 -> %01001010 = $4A 'S' $53 = 83 = %01010011 -> %11001010 = $CA 'T' $54 = 84 = %01010100 -> %00101010 = $2A 'U' $55 = 85 = %01010101 -> %10101010 = $AA 'V' $56 = 86 = %01010110 -> %01101010 = $6A 'W' $57 = 87 = %01010111 -> %11101010 = $EA 'X' $58 = 88 = %01011000 -> %00011010 = $1A 'Y' $59 = 89 = %01011001 -> %10011010 = $9A 'Z' $5A = 90 = %01011010 -> %01011010 = $5A Here is a routine to reverse the bits. This will return the 'mirrored' version (ie. 'encrypted' or 'decrypted') of the input byte. MODULE UBYTE reversebits(UBYTE input) { return ( ((input & 128) >> 7) // bit 7 goes in bit 0 + ((input & 64) >> 5) // bit 6 goes in bit 1 + ((input & 32) >> 3) // bit 5 goes in bit 2 + ((input & 16) >> 1) // bit 4 goes in bit 3 + ((input & 8) << 1) // bit 3 goes in bit 4 + ((input & 4) << 3) // bit 2 goes in bit 5 + ((input & 2) << 5) // bit 1 goes in bit 6 + ((input & 1) << 7) // bit 0 goes in bit 7 ); } Champions of Krynn 1 (426 bytes per character, save/#?.who)--------------- Champions of Krynn 2 aka Death Knights of Krynn (232 bytes per character, save/#?.pch)------------------------------------ Champions of Krynn 3 aka Dark Queen of Krynn (various bytes per character, save/#?.qch)-------------------------------- There is a character editor available for these games. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Citadel of Vras (280 bytes + 155 bytes per rostered character, savedgame)- There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Unknown locations/encodings: Status (eg. alive, dead, poisoned) Item charges remaining (eg. for flashlight) Text speed (as changed with "T" key) is not stored in the file. Computer Scrabble Deluxe (#?, 748 bytes)---------------------------------- The maximum filename length is 15 characters (longer names will not be loadable as the in-game filename string gadget won't allow more than 15). $0.. $3: number of tiles in player 1..4's racks $4.. $A: player 1's rack (eg. "UTET OA") Racks are left-justified, with any empty positions on the right (empty positions are NULs). $B.. $11: player 2's rack $12.. $18: player 3's rack $19.. $1F: player 4's rack $20.. $23: ? (always $00?) $24.. $2C: player 1's name (8 letters max.) (NUL-terminated) $2D.. $35: player 2's name (8 letters max.) (NUL-terminated) $36.. $3E: player 3's name (8 letters max.) (NUL-terminated) $3F.. $47: player 4's name (8 letters max.) (NUL-terminated) $48.. $49: player 1's score (signed big-endian) $4A.. $4B: player 2's score (signed big-endian) $4C.. $4D: player 3's score (signed big-endian) $4E.. $4F: player 4's score (signed big-endian) $50 : skill level of player 1 (0=human, 1..8=computer) $51 : skill level of player 2 (0=human, 1..8=computer) $52 : skill level of player 3 (0=human, 1..8=computer) $53 : skill level of player 4 (0=human, 1..8=computer) $54 : number of players (2..4) $55.. $AF: ? $B0..$190: board contents: $B0.. $BE: 1st row, 1st..15th columns $BF.. $CD: 2nd row, 1st..15th columns : : : $182..$190: 15th row, 1st..15th columns Board contents encodings are: $02 = empty ordinary square ("." below) $03 = empty double letter score (light blue) ("d" below) $04 = empty triple letter score (dark blue) ("t" below) $05 = empty double word score (light red ) ("D" below) $06 = empty triple word score (dark red ) ("T" below) $07 = empty double word score (light red ) ("*" below) $41..$5A = 'A'..'Z' $191..$271: another copy of the board, but sorted row-minor $272..$2A8: ? $2A9: number of 'A's in pile : : : $2C2: number of 'Z's in pile $2C3: number of wilds (blanks) in pile $2C4..$2DE: ? $2DF: number of tiles left in pile Tiles in pile + tiles on board + tiles on racks = 100 $2E0..$2E7: ? $2E8: whose turn it is (0..3 for players 1..4) $2E9..$2EA: ? $2EB: checksum (low byte of the sum of bytes $0..$2EA) Starting configuration of board is: T..d...T...d..T CAPS = "D"ouble/"T"riple word score .D...t...t...D. caps = "d"ouble/"t"riple letter score ..D...d.d...D.. d..D...d...D..d ....D.....D.... .t...t...t...t. ..d...d.d...d.. T..d...*...d..T ..d...d.d...d.. .t...t...t...t. ....D.....D.... d..D...d...D..d ..D...d.d...D.. .D...t...t...D. T..d...T...d..T The game only uses the loaded board(s) to see what letters are on it. For empty squares, the game uses an internal table rather than looking at the file. Therefore the number and arrangement of the bonus squares cannot be altered. The game asks about these options when loading a game: Clock (off, 0:30, 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00) See computer thinking (yes/no) See the racks (yes/no) so presumably they are not stored in the file. There is no replicability of which tiles are drawn from the pile in what order (ie. the order of the tiles in the pile is not stored). Unused variables (eg. player 4's variables in a 3-player game) are zeroes. But it is harmless if they are not. Conflict Europe (#?.gam)-------------------------------------------------- Length of the file can be 12,850 or 12,906 bytes depending on scenario. The map of Europe is 34*16 and looks like this: ---.--.......--+-.....-----------+ Copenhagen, Moscow --..---......-.....--------------- --.----......----.---------------- ...-----...----------------------- ...---+-..------+----+------------ London, Berlin, Warsaw ..-----..------------------------- .......--+------------------------ Brussels ....-.------+----+---------------- Bonn, Prague ..------+------------------------- Paris ...---------------+------------..- Vienna ....-----------------+--------.... Budapest ....--------+-----------------.... Zurich ....----------------------+--..... Bucharest ....------------.-----+------..... Belgrade ----------------...----------..... --------.--...---...----+-----.... Sofia where - is land, . is sea and + are capital cities. $0: Day: $00 = day 1 $01 = day 3 $02 = day 5 etc. $13F8: Start of radiation map $00 = clean (black) $14 = dirty (red) $1618: Start of population map Stored as hundreds of thousands. $00 = 0 $05 = 500,000 $0A = 1,000,000 $14 = 2,000,000 $32 = 5,000,000 $64 = 10,000,000 $1BC0: Army positions $1BC0..$1BE1: 1st row $1BE2..$1C03: 2nd row : : : $1DBE..$1DDF: 16th row Encodings are scenario-dependent. $FF = empty $2080..$2085: stats of army $00 $2080 = scenario-dependent army number or $FF for an unused army $2081 = X-coordinate (0..33) $2082 = Y-coordinate (0..15) $2083 = Arm $2084 = Air $2085 = Sup : : : $20C8..$20CD: stats of army $03 $20E0..$20E5: stats of army $04 etc. See ce.c in the MCE source code for more details. Unknown locations/encodings: scenario number which side is human (NATO or Warsaw Pact) ARM, AIR and SUP reinforcements in reserve diplomatic situation air missions reinforcement/supply rates, etc. Dark Castle 1 (highscor, 80 bytes)---------------------------------------- Scores are stored from 1st..10th. Each entry is 8 bytes. For each score: $0..$2: 3 bytes for initials $3..$7: 5 bytes for score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) (eg. $0000004370 for 4370) Dark Castle 2 aka Beyond Dark Castle (Disk.1, 812,032 bytes)-------------- $9600..$9603: 1st score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) $9604..$960F: 1st name (12 characters max., unused bytes are spaces) $9610..$9613: 2nd score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) $9614..$961F: 2nd name (12 characters max., unused bytes are spaces) $9620..$9623: 3rd score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) $9624..$962F: 3rd name (12 characters max., unused bytes are spaces) $9630..$9633: 4th score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) $9634..$963F: 4th name (12 characters max., unused bytes are spaces) $9640..$9643: 5th score (in packed BCD format, with leading NULs) $9644..$964F: 5th name (12 characters max., unused bytes are spaces) Dark Castle 2 aka Beyond Dark Castle (Disk.2, 812,032 bytes)-------------- Each save slot is 40 bytes long, as follows: 40 $10202..$10229: 1st save slot: 2 $10202..$10203: unknown 4 $10204..$10207: score (in packed BCD format) 4 $10208..$1020B: unknown 2 $1020C..$1020D: shield flag 2 $1020E..$1020F: fireball flag 2 $10210..$10211: rocks (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 2 $10212..$10213: lives (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 2 $10214..$10215: orb flag 2 $10216..$10217: keys (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 2 $10218..$10219: elixirs (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 2 $1021A..$1021B: bombs (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 2 $1021C..$1021D: gas (unsigned) (0..99 are displayable) 5 $1021E..$10222: unknown 5 $10223..$10227: Ante Room orbs: 1 $10223: top left orb 1 $10224: top right orb 1 $10225: middle left orb 1 $10226: middle right orb 1 $10227: bottom orb 2 $10228..$10229: unknown 40 $1022A..$10251: 2nd save slot etc. Easy games are stored first (1..5 order). Then intermediate games, then advanced games. Health is not stored in the saved games. Deja Vu 1 (9,812 bytes)--------------------------------------------------- $0002..$0003: Your location: $0000 = nowhere $0001 = you $0002 = dummy? $000D = You have Died! $000E = Congratulations! $000F = Justice $0010 = sewer $0011 = casino $0012 = hidden room $0013 = bathroom stall $0014 = office $0015 = kitchen $0016 = office $0017 = hall $0018 = guest room $0019 = sewer $001A = newsstand $001B = run-down bungalow $001C = wall $001D = hallway $001E = men's washroom $001F = lobby $0020 = estate $0021 = nice looking lady $0022 = street $0023 = street $0024 = street $0025 = police station $0026 = yellow cab $0027 = fire escape $0028 = car interior $0029 = door $002A = street $002B = street $002C = blue cab $002D = lobby $002E = fire escape $002F = alley $0030 = hallway $0031 = back of the car $0032 = gun palace $0033 = dusty wine cellar $0034 = elevator $0035 = lobby $0036 = street $0037 = shaft under the manhole $0038 = shaft under the manhole $0039 = sewer section $003A = door $003B = street $003C = office $003D = wall $003E = elevator $003F = sewer section $0040 = bedroom $0041 = women's washroom $0042 = office $0043 = sidewalk $0044 = weird room $0045 = stall $0046 = Joe's Bar $0047 = hallway $0048 = apartment $0049 = sewer tunnel $004A = alley $004B = street $004C = construction area $004D = altar Container code: Exits: $09C..$09D: window $004E $09E..$09F: nothing $004F $0A0..$0A1: nothing $0050 $0A2..$0A3: nothing $0051 $0A4..$0A5: nothing $0052 $0A6..$0A7: elevator door $0053 $0A8..$0A9: ladder $0054 $0AA..$0AB: window $0055 $0AC..$0AD: door $0056 $0AE..$0AF: door $0057 $0B0..$0B1: nothing $0058 $0B2..$0B3: front door $0059 $0B4..$0B5: nothing $005A $0B6..$0B7: nothing $005B $0B8..$0B9: fire escape $005C $0BA..$0BB: window $005D $0BC..$0BD: nothing $005E $0BE..$0BF: nothing $005F $0C0..$0C1: nothing $0060 $0C2..$0C3: nothing $0061 $0C4..$0C5: nothing $0062 $0C6..$0C7: nothing $0063 $0C8..$0C9: nothing $0064 $0CA..$0CB: fire escape $0065 $0CC..$0CD: nothing $0066 $0CE..$0CF: nothing $0067 $0D0..$0D1: nothing $0068 $0D2..$0D3: manhole $0069 $0D4..$0D5: nothing $006A $0D6..$0D7: nothing $006B $0D8..$0D9: nothing $006C $0DA..$0DB: nothing $006D $0DC..$0DD: nothing $006E $0DE..$0DF: ladder $006F $0E0..$0E1: nothing $0070 $0E2..$0E3: ladder $0071 $0E4..$0E5: nothing $0072 $0E6..$0E7: elevator $0073 $0E8..$0E9: window $0074 $0EA..$0EB: manhole $0075 $0EC..$0ED: manhole $0076 $0EE..$0EF: bar door $0077 $0F0..$0F1: nothing $0078 $0F2..$0F3: nothing $0079 $0F4..$0F5: nothing $007A $0F6..$0F7: nothing $007B $0F8..$0F9: nothing $007C $0FA..$0FB: nothing $007D $0FC..$0FD: nothing $007E $0FE..$0FF: nothing $007F $100..$101: nothing $0080 $102..$103: nothing $0081 $104..$105: nothing $0082 $106..$107: nothing $0083 $108..$109: nothing $0084 $10A..$10B: doorway $0085 $10C..$10D: nothing $0086 $10E..$10F: nothing $0087 $110..$111: nothing $0088 $112..$113: nothing $0089 $114..$115: elevator $008A $116..$117: nothing $008B $118..$119: door $008C $11A..$11B: door $008D $11C..$11D: nothing $008E $11E..$11F: nothing $008F : : : $140..$141: nothing $00A0 $142..$143: nothing $00A1 $144..$145: nothing $00A2 $146..$147: nothing $00A3 $148..$149: nothing $00A4 $14A..$14B: nothing $00A5 $14C..$14D: wine cellar door $00A6 $14E..$14F: mansion $00A7 : : : $190..$191: door $00C8 $192..$193: nothing $00C9 $194..$195: thing $00CA $196..$197: thing $00CB $198..$199: nothing $00CC $19A..$19B: cab $00CD $19C..$19D: cab $00CE $19E..$19F: door $00CF Props: $1A0..$1A1: window $00D0 $1A2..$1A3: Mercedes $00D1 $1A4..$1A5: front door $00D2 $1A6..$1A7: bum $00D3 $1A8..$1A9: clutch $00D4 $1AA..$1AB: clutch $00D5 $1AC..$1AD: window $00D6 $1AE..$1AF: lamppost $00D7 $1B0..$1B1: lamppost $00D8 $1B2..$1B3: sign $00D9 $1B4..$1B5: ceiling light $00DA $1B6..$1B7: door latch $00DB $1B8..$1B9: ceiling light $00DC $1BA..$1BB: mirror $00DD $1BC..$1BD: sink $00DE $1BE..$1BF: puddle $00DF $1C0..$1C1: puddle $00E0 $1C2..$1C3: ceiling light $00E1 $1C4..$1C5: mirror $00E2 $1C6..$1C7: sink $00E3 $1C8..$1C9: toilet $00E4 $1CA..$1CB: toilet $00E5 $1CC..$1CD: toilet crank handle $00E6 $1CE..$1CF: poster $00E7 $1D0..$1D1: poster $00E8 $1D2..$1D3: poster $00E9 $1D4..$1D5: desk $00EA $1D6..$1D7: window $00EB $1D8..$1D9: window $00EC $1DA..$1DB: desk lamp $00ED $1DC..$1DD: phone $00EE $1DE..$1DF: typewriter $00EF $1E0..$1E1: desk $00F0 $1E2..$1E3: wall safe $00F1 $1E4..$1E5: safe door $00F2 $1E6..$1E7: telephone $00F3 $1E8..$1E9: corpse $00F4 $1EA..$1EB: old wall phone $00F5 $1EC..$1ED: chandelier $00F6 $1EE..$1EF: button $00F7 $1F0..$1F1: button $00F8 $1F2..$1F3: top button $00F9 $1F4..$1F5: second button $00FA $1F6..$1F7: third button $00FB $1F8..$1F9: bottom button $00FC $1FA..$1FB: barrel of wine $00FD $1FC..$1FD: wine bottle $00FE $1FE..$1FF: light bulb $00FF $200..$201: spigot $0100 $202..$203: spigot $0101 $204..$205: picture $0102 $206..$207: picture $0103 $208..$209: slot machine $0104 $20A..$20B: slot machine $0105 $20C..$20D: roulette table $0106 $20E..$20F: lamp $0107 $210..$211: lamp $0108 $212..$213: dice table $0109 $214..$215: whirling mess $010A $216..$217: sewer pipe $010B $218..$219: handle $010C $21A..$21B: handle $010D $21C..$21D: shelf $010E $21E..$21F: chair $010F $220..$221: button $0110 $222..$223: man $0111 $224..$225: back door $0112 $226..$227: tyre $0113 $228..$229: trunk lid $0114 $22A..$22B: trunk lid $0115 $22C..$22D: ignition $0116 $22E..$22F: hood release $0117 $230..$231: radio $0118 $232..$233: steering wheel $0119 $234..$235: hood $011A $236..$237: glove compartment $011B $238..$239: gas pedal $011C $23A..$23B: woman $011D $23C..$23D: trunk lid $011E $23E..$23F: trunk lid $011F $240..$241: keyhole $0120 $242..$243: window $0121 $244..$245: newsboy $0122 $246..$247: window $0123 $248..$249: newsstand $0124 $24A..$24B: nice looking lady $0125 $24C..$24D: purse $0126 $24E..$24F: knocked-out woman $0127 $250..$251: clerk $0128 $252..$253: sign $0129 $254..$255: trash can $012A $256..$257: cab driver $012B $258..$259: latch $012C $25A..$25B: pay slot $012D $25C..$25D: cab driver $012E $25E..$25F: latch $012F $260..$261: pay slot $0130 $262..$263: cab driver $0131 $264..$265: cab driver's arm $0132 $266..$267: cab driver $0133 $268..$269: cab driver's arm $0134 $26A..$26B: meter $0135 $26C..$26D: meter $0136 $26E..$26F: meter $0137 $270..$271: meter $0138 $272..$273: slot $0139 $274..$275: slot $013A $276..$277: picture $013B $278..$279: table $013C $27A..$27B: bookcase $013D $27C..$27D: fireplace $013E $27E..$27F: chandelier $013F $280..$281: mirror $0140 $282..$283: sofa $0141 $284..$285: chair $0142 $286..$287: bed $0143 $288..$289: table $0144 $28A..$28B: window $0145 $28C..$28D: window $0146 $28E..$28F: shadow $0147 $290..$291: keyhole $0148 $292..$293: lock $0149 $294..$295: window $014A $296..$297: file cabinet $014B $298..$299: living man $014C $29A..$29B: dead man $014D $29C..$29D: desk $014E $29E..$29F: keyhole $014F $2A0..$2A1: lock $0150 $2A2..$2A3: file cabinet $0151 $2A4..$2A5: shot up cabinet $0152 $2A6..$2A7: file drawer $0153 $2A8..$2A9: medicine cabinet $0154 $2AA..$2AB: eye chart $0155 $2AC..$2AD: knocker $0156 $2AE..$2AF: door handle $0157 $2B0..$2B1: keyhole $0158 $2B2..$2B3: mailbox $0159 $2B4..$2B5: mailbox $015A $2B6..$2B7: flag $015B $2B8..$2B9: flag $015C $2BA..$2BB: butler $015D $2BC..$2BD: table $015E $2BE..$2BF: nightstand $015F $2C0..$2C1: lamp $0160 $2C2..$2C3: bed $0161 $2C4..$2C5: sleeping man $0162 $2C6..$2C7: cover $0163 $2C8..$2C9: nightstand $0164 $2CA..$2CB: lamp $0165 $2CC..$2CD: mirror $0166 $2CE..$2CF: bed $0167 $2D0..$2D1: sleeping woman $0168 $2D2..$2D3: cover $0169 $2D4..$2D5: bare light bulb $016A $2D6..$2D7: toilet paper $016B $2D8..$2D9: toilet paper $016C $2DA..$2DB: nothing $016D $2DC..$2DD: nothing $016E $2DE..$2DF: nothing $016F $2E0..$2E1: nothing $0170 $2E2..$2E3: nothing $0171 $2E4..$2E5: nothing $0172 $2E6..$2E7: nothing $0173 $2E8..$2E9: nothing $0174 $2EA..$2EB: nothing $0175 $2EC..$2ED: nothing $0176 $2EE..$2EF: nothing $0177 $2F0..$2F1: nothing $0178 $2F2..$2F3: nothing $0179 $2F4..$2F5: nothing $017A $2F6..$2F7: nothing $017B $2F8..$2F9: nothing $017C $2FA..$2FB: nothing $017D $2FC..$2FD: bullet hole $017E $2FE..$2FF: bullet hole $017F $300..$301: bullet hole $0180 $302..$303: garbage $0181 Items: $304..$305: fly $0182 $306..$307: Holy Grail $0183 $308..$309: holster $0184 $30A..$30B: trench coat $0185 $30C..$30D: notepad $0186 $30E..$30F: wastebasket $0187 $310..$311: wastebasket $0188 $312..$313: Luger $0189 $314..$315: gun $018A $316..$317: gun $018B $318..$319: pair of dark glasses $018C $31A..$31B: handkerchief $018D $31C..$31D: pack of cigarettes $018E $31E..$31F: file $018F $320..$321: file $0190 $322..$323: file $0191 $324..$325: file $0192 $326..$327: file $0193 $328..$329: file $0194 $32A..$32B: file $0195 $32C..$32D: file $0196 $32E..$32F: file $0197 $330..$331: file $0198 $332..$333: file $0199 $334..$335: file $019A $336..$337: file $019B $338..$339: file $019C $33A..$33B: file $019D $33C..$33D: file $019E $33E..$33F: file $019F $340..$341: photo $01A0 $342..$343: street map $01A1 $344..$345: gun $01A2 $346..$347: Luger $01A3 $348..$349: gun $01A4 $34A..$34B: envelope #1 $01A5 $34C..$34D: envelope #2 $01A6 $34E..$34F: envelope #3 $01A7 $350..$351: wok $01A8 $352..$353: jug $01A9 $354..$355: car registration $01AA $356..$357: receipt $01AB $358..$359: sheet of paper $01AC $35A..$35B: pan #1 $01AD $35C..$35D: pan #2 $01AE $35E..$35F: pan #3 $01AF $360..$361: jar #1 $01B0 $362..$363: jar #2 $01B1 $364..$365: jar #3 $01B2 $366..$367: sugar $01B3 $368..$369: flour $01B4 $36A..$36B: letter $01B5 $36C..$36D: pair of dark glasses $01B6 $36E..$36F: pair of glasses $01B7 $370..$371: handkerchief $01B8 $372..$373: leather wallet $01B9 $374..$375: photograph $01BA $376..$377: woman's purse $01BB $378..$379: box $01BC $37A..$37B: tissue $01BD $37C..$37D: key $01BE $37E..$37F: pack of cigarettes $01BF $380..$381: key $01C0 $382..$383: $20 bill $01C1 $384..$385: $20 bill $01C2 $386..$387: plastic card $01C3 $388..$389: key $01C4 $38A..$38B: shot glass $01C5 $38C..$38D: cigarette lighter $01C6 $38E..$38F: key $01C7 $390..$391: manila folder $01C8 $392..$393: pile of cheques $01C9 $394..$395: cardboard box $01CA $396..$397: letter $01CB $398..$399: diary $01CC $39A..$39B: briefcase $01CD $39C..$39D: briefcase $01CE $39E..$39F: newspaper #1 $01CF $3A0..$3A1: newspaper #2 $01D0 $3A2..$3A3: newspaper #3 $01D1 $3A4..$3A5: newspaper #4 $01D2 $3A6..$3A7: newspaper #5 $01D3 $3A8..$3A9: newspaper #6 $01D4 $3AA..$3AB: newspaper #7 $01D5 $3AC..$3AD: newspaper #8 $01D6 $3AE..$3AF: newspaper #9 $01D7 $3B0..$3B1: newspaper #10 $01D8 $3B2..$3B3: newspaper #11 $01D9 $3B4..$3B5: newspaper #12 $01DA $3B6..$3B7: newspaper #13 $01DB $3B8..$3B9: makeup kit $01DC $3BA..$3BB: key $01DD $3BC..$3BD: piece of paper $01DE $3BE..$3BF: bookmark $01DF $3C0..$3C1: pen $01E0 $3C2..$3C3: pencil $01E1 $3C4..$3C5: ammo kit $01E2 $3C6..$3C7: gag $01E3 $3C8..$3C9: food $01E4 $3CA..$3CB: magazine $01E5 $3CC..$3CD: quarter #1 $01E6 $3CE..$3CF: quarter #2 $01E7 $3D0..$3D1: quarter #3 $01E8 $3D2..$3D3: quarter #4 $01E9 $3D4..$3D5: quarter #5 $01EA $3D6..$3D7: quarter #6 $01EB $3D8..$3D9: quarter #7 $01EC $3DA..$3DB: quarter #8 $01ED $3DC..$3DD: quarter #9 $01EE $3DE..$3DF: quarter #10 $01EF $3E0..$3E1: quarter #11 $01F0 $3E2..$3E3: quarter #12 $01F1 $3E4..$3E5: quarter #13 $01F2 $3E6..$3E7: quarter #14 $01F3 $3E8..$3E9: quarter #15 $01F4 $3EA..$3EB: quarter #16 $01F5 $3EC..$3ED: quarter #17 $01F6 $3EE..$3EF: quarter #18 $01F7 $3F0..$3F1: quarter #19 $01F8 $3F2..$3F3: quarter #20 $01F9 $3F4..$3F5: quarter #21 $01FA $3F6..$3F7: quarter #22 $01FB $3F8..$3F9: quarter #23 $01FC $3FA..$3FB: quarter #24 $01FD $3FC..$3FD: quarter #25 $01FE $3FE..$3FF: quarter #26 $01FF $400..$401: quarter #27 $0200 $402..$403: quarter #28 $0201 $404..$405: quarter #29 $0202 $406..$407: quarter #30 $0203 $408..$409: quarter #31 $0204 $40A..$40B: quarter #32 $0205 $40C..$40D: quarter #33 $0206 $40E..$40F: quarter #34 $0207 $410..$411: quarter #35 $0208 $412..$413: quarter #36 $0209 $414..$415: quarter #37 $020A $416..$417: .38 cartridge $020B $418..$419: .38 cartridge $020C $41A..$41B: .38 cartridge $020D $41C..$41D: .38 cartridge $020E $41E..$41F: .38 cartridge $020F $420..$421: .38 cartridge $0210 $422..$423: .38 cartridge $0211 $424..$425: .38 cartridge $0212 $426..$427: .38 cartridge $0213 $428..$429: .38 cartridge $0214 $42A..$42B: .38 cartridge $0215 $42C..$42D: .38 cartridge $0216 $42E..$42F: .38 cartridge $0217 $430..$431: .38 cartridge $0218 $432..$433: .38 cartridge $0219 $434..$435: .38 cartridge $021A $436..$437: .38 cartridge $021B $438..$439: .38 cartridge $021C $43A..$43B: .38 cartridge $021D $43C..$43D: .38 cartridge $021E $43E..$43F: .38 cartridge $021F $440..$441: .38 cartridge $0220 $442..$443: .38 cartridge $0221 $444..$445: .38 cartridge $0222 $446..$447: .38 shell $0223 $448..$449: .38 shell $0224 $44A..$44B: .38 shell $0225 $44C..$43D: .38 shell $0226 $44E..$44F: .38 shell $0227 $450..$451: .38 shell $0228 $452..$453: .38 shell $0229 $454..$455: .38 shell $022A $456..$457: .38 shell $022B $458..$459: .38 shell $022C $45A..$45B: .38 shell $022D $45C..$45D: .38 shell $022E $45E..$45F: .38 shell $022F $460..$461: .38 shell $0230 $462..$463: .38 shell $0231 $464..$465: .38 shell $0232 $466..$467: .38 shell $0233 $468..$469: .38 shell $0234 $46A..$46B: .38 shell $0235 $46C..$46D: .38 shell $0236 $46E..$46F: .38 shell $0237 $470..$471: .38 shell $0238 $472..$473: .38 shell $0239 $474..$475: .38 shell $023A $476..$477: 9mm cartridge $023B $478..$479: 9mm cartridge $023C $47A..$47B: 9mm cartridge $023D $47C..$47D: 9mm cartridge $023E $47E..$47F: 9mm cartridge $023F $480..$481: 9mm cartridge $0240 $482..$483: 9mm shell $0241 $484..$485: 9mm shell $0242 $486..$487: 9mm shell $0243 $488..$489: 9mm shell $0244 $48A..$48B: 9mm shell $0245 $48C..$48D: 9mm shell $0246 $48E..$48F: specimen bottle $0247 $490..$491: vial $0248 $492..$493: vial $0249 $494..$495: vial $024A $496..$497: vial $024B $498..$499: vial $024C $49A..$49B: vial $024D $49C..$49D: vial $024E $49E..$49F: vial $024F $4A0..$4A1: vial $0250 $4A2..$4A3: vial $0251 $4A4..$4A5: vial $0252 $4A6..$4A7: vial $0253 $4A8..$4A9: vial $0254 $4AA..$4AB: vial $0255 $4AC..$4AD: vial $0256 $4AE..$4AF: vial $0257 $4B0..$4B1: syringe $0258 $4B2..$4B3: pearl earring $0259 $4B4..$4B5: pearl earring $025A $4B6..$4B7: candy $025B $4B8..$4B9: candy $025C $4BA..$4BB: candy $025D $4BC..$4BD: candy $025E $4BE..$4BF: candy $025F $4C0..$4C1: candy $0260 $4C2..$4C3: candy $0261 $4C4..$4C5: candy $0262 Item location codes work as follows: $0001 = carried. Eg. to carry the pencil, put $0001 in $3C2..$3C3. To put an item in a room, put the room number in the item's inventory slot. Eg. to put the pencil in the estate, put $0020 in $3C2..$3C3. To put an item inside another item (or prop), put the "container code" of the container in the containee's inventory slot. Eg. to put the pencil in the coat, put $0185 in $3C2..$3C3. Deja Vu 2 (20,032 bytes)-------------------------------------------------- $0002..$0003: Your location: $0000 = nowhere $0001 = you $0002 = dummy $0003 = bathroom $0004 = bedroom $0005 = corridor $0006 = elevator $0007 = corridor $0008 = corridor $0009 = dumpster $000A = corridor $000B = corridor $000C = Malone's office $000D = Ventini's office $000E = lobby $000F = cashier's room $0010 = blackjack room $0011 = blackjack room $0012 = slot machine room $0013 = blackjack room $0014 = blackjack room $0015 = slot machine room $0016 = blackjack room $0017 = casino entryway $0018 = train station entryway $0019 = laundry room $001A = hallway $001B = office $001C = secret office $001D = laundry entryway $001E = train station $001F = baggage claim department $0020 = track 2 platform $0021 = track 3 platform $0022 = track 4 platform $0023 = track 5 platform $0024 = track 6 platform $0025 = track 7 platform $0026 = track 8 platform $0027 = track 9 platform $0028 = train $0029 = train $002A = train station $002B = train station entryway $002C = taxi $002D = apartment entryway $002E = hall $002F = your apartment $0030 = morgue entrance $0031 = morgue $0032 = freezer $0033 = apartment entryway $0034 = Sugar's apartment $0035 = Joe's Bar's entrance $0036 = alley $0037 = fire escape $0038 = Siegel's office $0039 = back alley $003A = hall $003B = bar room $003C = hall $003D = wine cellar $003E = secret room $003F = casino $0040 = police station $0041 = cemetery $0042 = empty lot $0043 = desert $0044 = arrested $0045 = death $0046 = storage $0047 = congratulations! $0048 = desert $0049 = desert $004A = desert Props: Container code: More exits and props before here... $650..$651: bed $0328 $652..$653: blanket $0329 $654..$655: plate $032A $656..$657: awning $032B $658..$659: lamp post $032C $65A..$65B: lamp post $032D $65C..$65D: fire escape $032E $65E..$65F: bunch of boards $032F $660..$661: bunch of boards $0330 $662..$663: bunch of boards $0331 $664..$665: bunch of boards $0332 $666..$667: set of blinds $0333 $668..$669: set of blinds $0334 $66A..$66B: safe $0335 $66C..$66D: safe $0336 $66E..$66F: phone $0337 $670..$671: desk $0338 $672..$673: bunch of boards $0339 $674..$675: window $033A $676..$677: broken window $033B $678..$679: bar $033C $67A..$67B: poster $033D $67C..$67D: poster $033E $67E..$67F: poster $033F $680..$681: wine rack $0340 $682..$683: bottle $0341 $684..$685: keg $0342 $686..$687: spigot $0343 $688..$689: light $0344 $68A..$68B: wheel of fortune $0345 $68C..$68D: slot machine $0346 $68E..$68F: slot machine $0347 $690..$691: picture $0348 $692..$693: picture $0349 $694..$695: lamp $034A $696..$697: lamp $034B $698..$699: roulette table $034C $69A..$69B: craps table $034D $69C..$69D: sign $034E $69E..$69F: tombstone $034F $6A0..$6A1:-broken window $0350 $6A2..$6A3:-window $0351 $6A4..$6A5:-broken window $0352 $6A6..$6A7:-flight of stairs $0353 $6A8..$6A9:-bunch of policemen $0354 $6AA..$6AB:-lamp post $0355 $6AC..$6AD:-lamp post $0356 $6AE..$6AF:-window $0357 $6B0..$6B1:-tombstone $0358 $6B2..$6B3:-tombstone $0359 $6B4..$6B5:-tombstone $035A $6B6..$6B7:-tombstone $035B $6B8..$6B9:-tombstone $035C $6BA..$6BB:-tombstone $035D $6BC..$6BD:-tombstone $035E $6BE..$6BF:-tombstone $035F $6C0..$6C1:-gate $0360 $6C2..$6C3:-sign $0361 $6C4..$6C5:-tree $0362 $6C6..$6C7:-pile of ruins $0363 $6C8..$6C9:-tree $0364 $6CA..$6CB:-fence $0365 $6CC..$6CD:-fence $0366 $6CE..$6CF:-taxi $0367 $6D0..$6D1:-railing $0368 $6D2..$6D3:-railing $0369 $6D4..$6D5:-bum $036A $6D6..$6D7:-sign $036B $6D8..$6D9:-sign $036C $6DA..$6DB:-sign $036D $6DC..$6DD:-sign $036E $6DE..$6DF:-sign $036F $6E0..$6E1:-sign $0370 $6E2..$6E3:-sign $0371 $6E4..$6E5:-sign $0372 $6E6..$6E7:-coat rack $0373 $6E8..$6E9:-chair $0374 $6EA..$6EB:-desk $0375 $6EC..$6ED:-phone $0376 $6EE..$6EF:-pair of drapes $0377 $6F0..$6F1:-pair of drapes $0378 $6F2..$6F3:-chair $0379 $6F4..$6F5:-desk $037A $6F6..$6F7:-phone $037B $6F8..$6F9:-chair $037C $6FA..$6FB:-desk $037D $6FC..$6FD:-phone $037E $6FE..$6FF:-chair $037F $700..$701:-desk $0380 $702..$703:-phone $0381 $704..$705:-table $0382 $706..$707:-dresser $0383 $708..$709:-night table $0384 $70A..$70B:-lamp $0385 $70C..$70D:-dumpster $0386 $70E..$70F:-chandelier $0387 $710..$711:-slab $0388 $712..$713:-picture $0389 $714..$715:-pile of clothes $038A $716..$717:-plant $038B $718..$719:-plant $038C Items: $71A..$71B:*ledger $038D $71C..$71D:*wastebasket $038E $71E..$71F:*ledger $038F $720..$721:-plant $0390 $722..$723:*coat $0391 $724..$725:-night table $0392 $726..$727:*dress $0393 $728..$729:*uniform $0394 $72A..$72B:*dress $0395 $72C..$72D:*pile of clothes $0396 $72E..$72F:*ledger $0397 $730..$731:*ledger $0398 $732..$733:*box $0399 $734..$735:*box $039A $736..$737:*box $039B $738..$739:-chair $039C $73A..$73B:-chair $039D $73C..$73D:*carton $039E $73E..$73F:*carton $039F $740..$741:*paper $03A0 $742..$743:*key $03A1 $744..$745:*pizza $03A2 $746..$747:*Peking duck $03A3 $748..$749:-plant $03A4 $74A..$74B:*overcoat $03A5 $74C..$74D:-table $03A6 $74E..$74F:-table $03A7 $750..$751:-table $03A8 $752..$753:-table $03A9 $754..$755:-table $03AA $756..$757:-table $03AB $758..$759:*plank $03AC $75A..$75B:*vacuum $03AD $75C..$75D:*suitcase $03AE $75E..$75F:*skull $03AF $760..$761:-table $03B0 $762..$763:*blotter $03B1 $764..$765:*trenchcoat $03B2 $766..$767:*Bible $03B3 $768..$769:*Bible $03B4 $76A..$76B:*log $03B5 $76C..$76D:*log $03B6 $76E..$76F:-table $03B7 $770..$771:*newspaper $03B8 $772..$773:*envelope $03B9 $774..$775:*envelope $03BA $776..$777:*letter $03BB $778..$779:*letter $03BC $77A..$77B:*letter $03BD $77C..$77D:*letter $03BE $77E..$77F:*newsclip $03BF $780..$781:*detergent $03C0 $782..$783:*plant $03C1 $784..$785:*plant $03C2 $786..$787:*plant $03C3 $788..$789:*lamp $03C4 $78A..$78B:*plant $03C5 $78C..$78D:*plant $03C6 $78E..$78F:*plant $03C7 $790..$791:*wallet $03C8 $792..$793:*wallet $03C9 $794..$795:*drawer $03CA $796..$797:*garbage can $03CB $798..$799:*garbage can $03CC $79A..$79B:*garbage can $03CD $79C..$79D:*paperweight $03CE $79E..$79F:*envelope $03CF $7A0..$7A1:*envelope $03D0 $7A2..$7A3:*briefcase $03D1 $7A4..$7A5:?nothing $03D2 $7A6..$7A7:?nothing $03D3 $7A8..$7A9:*box $03D4 $7AA..$7AB:*box $03D5 $7AC..$7AD:*box $03D6 $7AE..$7AF:*box $03D7 $7B0..$7B1:*banana peel $03D8 $7B2..$7B3:*pencil $03D9 $7B4..$7B5:*newsclip $03DA $7B6..$7B7:*$1 bill #1 $03DB $7B8..$7B9:*$1 bill #2 $03DC $7BA..$7BB:*$5 bill #1 $03DD $7BC..$7BD:*$5 bill #2 $03DE $7BE..$7BF:*$5 bill #3 $03DF $7C0..$7C1:*$5 bill #4 $03E0 $7C2..$7C3:*$5 bill #5 $03E1 $7C4..$7C5:*$5 bill #6 $03E2 $7C6..$7C7:*$5 bill #7 $03E3 $7C8..$7C9:*$5 bill #8 $03E4 $7CA..$7CB:*$5 bill #9 $03E5 $7CC..$7CD:*$5 bill #10 $03E6 $7CE..$7CF:*$5 bill #11 $03E7 $7D0..$7D1:*$5 bill #12 $03E8 $7D2..$7D3:*$5 bill #13 $03E9 $7D4..$7D5:*$5 bill #14 $03EA $7D6..$7D7:*$5 bill #15 $03EB $7D8..$7D9:*$5 bill #16 $03EC $7DA..$7DB:*$5 bill #17 $03ED $7DC..$7DD:*$5 bill #18 $03EE $7DE..$7DF:*$5 bill #19 $03EF $7E0..$7E1:*$5 bill #20 $03F0 $7E2..$7E3:*$10 bill #1 $03F1 $7E4..$7E5:*$10 bill #2 $03F2 $7E6..$7E7:*$10 bill #3 $03F3 $7E8..$7E9:*$10 bill #4 $03F4 $7EA..$7EB:*$10 bill #5 $03F5 $7EC..$7ED:*$20 bill #1 $03F6 $7EE..$7EF:*$20 bill #2 $03F7 $7F0..$7F1:*$20 bill #3 $03F8 $7F2..$7F3:*vacuum bag $03F9 $7F4..$7F5:*slashed vacuum bag $03FA $7F6..$7F7:*plant $03FB $7F8..$7F9:*pair of pants $03FC $7FA..$7FB:*banana $03FD $7FC..$7FD:-cobweb #1 $03FE $7FE..$7FF:-cobweb #2 $03FF $800..$801:-cobweb #3 $0400 $802..$803:-cobweb #4 $0401 $804..$805:-cobweb #5 $0402 $806..$807:-cobweb #6 $0403 $808..$809:-cobweb #7 $0404 $80A..$80B:-cobweb #8 $0405 $80C..$80D:-cobweb #9 $0406 $80E..$80F:-cobweb #10 $0407 $810..$811:-cobweb #11 $0408 $812..$813:-cobweb #12 $0409 $814..$815:-cobweb #13 $040A $816..$817:-cobweb #14 $040B $818..$819:-cobweb #15 $040C $81A..$81B:-cobweb #16 $040D $81C..$81D:-cobweb #17 $040E $81E..$81F:-cobweb #18 $040F $820..$821:-cobweb #19 $0410 $822..$823:*paper $0411 $824..$825:*gun $0412 $826..$827:*newspaper $0413 $828..$829:*newspaper $0414 $82A..$82B:*newspaper $0415 $82C..$82D:*newspaper $0416 $82E..$82F:*newspaper $0417 $830..$831:*box $0418 $832..$833:*litter $0419 $834..$835:*paper $041A $836..$837:*envelope $041B $838..$839:*envelope $041C $83A..$83B:*envelope $041D $83C..$83D:*envelope $041E $83E..$83F:*box $041F $840..$841:*pillow $0420 $842..$843:*pillow $0421 $844..$845:*pillow $0422 $846..$847:*pillow $0423 $848..$849:*racing form $0424 $84A..$84B:*banana $0425 $84C..$84D:*wallet $0426 $84E..$84F:*wallet $0427 $850..$851:*litter $0428 $852..$853:*base $0429 $854..$855:*matchbox $042A $856..$857:*driver's licence $042B $858..$859:*driver's licence $042C $85A..$85B:*licence $042D $85C..$85D:*perfume $042E $85E..$85F:*pack of cigarettes $042F $860..$861:*towel $0430 $862..$863:*towel $0431 $864..$865:-table $0432 $866..$867:-table $0433 $868..$869:-table $0434 $86A..$86B:-table $0435 $86C..$86D:-table $0436 $86E..$86F:*shoe $0437 $870..$871:*matchbox $0438 $872..$873:*box $0439 $874..$875:*box $043A $876..$877:*dart $043B $878..$879:*business card $043C $87A..$87B:*flashlight $043D $87C..$87D:*letter opener $043E $87E..$87F:*watch $043F $880..$881:*broken watch $0440 $882..$883:*pile of clothes $0441 $884..$885:*spitoon $0442 $886..$887:*shoe $0443 $888..$889:*penknife $0444 $88A..$88B:*sandwich $0445 $88C..$88D:*bottle $0446 $88E..$88F:*broken bottle $0447 $890..$891:*plant $0448 $892..$893:*box $0449 $894..$895:*bottle $044A $896..$897:*broken bottle $044B $898..$899:*tissue $044C $89A..$89B:*plant $044D $89C..$89D:*plant $044E $89E..$89F:*plant $044F $8A0..$8A1:*wastebasket $0450 $8A2..$8A3:*dart $0451 $8A4..$8A5:*plant $0452 $8A6..$8A7:*plant $0453 $8A8..$8A9:*letter $0454 $8AA..$8AB:*envelope $0455 $8AC..$8AD:*envelope $0456 $8AE..$8AF:*envelope $0457 $8B0..$8B1:*envelope $0458 $8B2..$8B3:*picture $0459 $8B4..$8B5:*bag $045A $8B6..$8B7:*bag $045B $8B8..$8B9:*can $045C $8BA..$8BB:*bottle $045D $8BC..$8BD:*broken bottle $045E $8BE..$8BF:*bottle $045F $8C0..$8C1:*broken bottle $0460 $8C2..$8C3:*bottle $0461 $8C4..$8C5:*broken bottle $0462 $8C6..$8C7:*schedule $0463 $8C8..$8C9:*schedule $0464 $8CA..$8CB:*schedule $0465 $8CC..$8CD:*schedule $0466 $8CE..$8CF:*schedule $0467 $8D0..$8D1:*schedule $0468 $8D2..$8D3:*bundle of deposit slips $0469 $8D4..$8D5:*bundle of deposit slips $046A $8D6..$8D7:*box $046B $8D8..$8D9:*penknife $046C $8DA..$8DB:*battery $046D $8DC..$8DD:*battery $046E $8DE..$8DF:*key $046F $8E0..$8E1:*key $0470 $8E2..$8E3:*key $0471 $8E4..$8E5:*key $0472 $8E6..$8E7:*key $0473 $8E8..$8E9:*key $0474 $8EA..$8EB:*key $0475 $8EC..$8ED:*lit match $0476 $8EE..$8EF:*lit match $0477 $8F0..$8F1:*lit match $0478 $8F2..$8F3:*lit match $0479 $8F4..$8F5:*lit match $047A $8F6..$8F7:*lit match $047B $8F8..$8F9:*match $047C $8FA..$8FB:*match $047D $8FC..$8FD:*match $047E $8FE..$8FF:*match $047F $900..$901:*match $0480 $902..$903:*match $0481 $904..$905:*burnt-out match $0482 $906..$907:*burnt-out match $0483 $908..$909:*burnt-out match $0484 $90A..$90B:*burnt-out match $0485 $90C..$90D:*burnt-out match $0486 $90E..$90F:*burnt-out match $0487 $910..$911:*coconut #1 $0488 $912..$913:*coconut #2 $0489 $914..$915:*coconut #3 $048A $916..$917:*coconut #4 $048B $918..$919:*coconut #5 $048C $91A..$91B:*coconut #6 $048D $91C..$91D:*coconut #7 $048E $91E..$91F:*coconut #8 $048F $920..$921:*identification tag $0490 $922..$923:*toe-tag $0491 $924..$925:*ID tag $0492 $926..$927:*picture $0493 $928..$929:*glass $0494 $92A..$92B:*bullet $0495 $92C..$92D:*bullet $0496 $92E..$92F:*bullet $0497 $930..$931:*bullet $0498 $932..$933:*bullet $0499 $934..$935:*bullet $049A $936..$937:*shell $049B $938..$939:*shell $049C $93A..$93B:*casing $049D $93C..$93D:*casing $049E $93E..$93F:*shell $049F $940..$941:*shell $04A0 $942..$943:*ashtray $04A1 $944..$945:*cigar ring $04A2 $946..$947:*cigar ring $04A3 $948..$949:*cigar ring $04A4 $94A..$94B:*cigar ring $04A5 $94C..$94D:*cigar ring $04A6 $94E..$94F:*cigar ring $04A7 $950..$951:*cigar ring $04A8 $952..$953:*ashtray $04A9 $954..$955:*quarter #1 $04AA $956..$957:*quarter #2 $04AB $958..$959:*quarter #3 $04AC $95A..$95B:*magnet $04AD $95C..$95D:*$5 chip $04AE $95E..$95F:*$5 chip $04AF $960..$961:*$5 chip $04B0 $962..$963:*$5 chip $04B1 $964..$965:*$5 chip $04B2 $966..$967:*$5 chip $04B3 $968..$969:*$5 chip $04B4 $96A..$96B:*$5 chip $04B5 $96C..$96D:*$5 chip $04B6 $96E..$96F:*$5 chip $04B7 $970..$971:*$5 chip $04B8 $972..$973:*$5 chip $04B9 $974..$975:*$5 chip $04BA $976..$977:*$5 chip $04BB $978..$979:*$5 chip $04BC $97A..$97B:*$5 chip $04BD $97C..$97D:*$5 chip $04BE $97E..$97F:*$5 chip $04BF $980..$981:*$5 chip $04C0 $982..$983:*$5 chip $04C1 $984..$985:*pair of dice $04C2 $986..$987:*baggage claim ticket $04C3 More props beyond here... Demon's Winter (V1.0) (1494 bytes, PARTY.DAT)----------------------------- $00..$0B 0.. 11: Name (padded with NULLs) (9 characters max) $0C 12: Item A $1D Item B $2E Item C $3F 63: Item D $50 80: Item E $61 97: Item F $72 114: Item G $83 Item H $94 Item I $A5 Item J $C4..$C7 196..199: Experience $C8..$E6 200..230: skills: these are $00 for no, $01 for yes $C8 200: Fencing $C9 201: Sword $CA 202: Axe $CB 203: Mace $CC 204: Karate $CD 205: Kung fu $CE 206: Berserking $CF 207: Tactics $D0 208: Hunting $D1 209: Persuasiveness $D2 210: Detect traps $D3 211: Disarm traps $D4 212: Illusion $D5 213: Possession $D6 214: Summoning $D7 215: #Shaman $D8 216: #Priesthood $D9 217: Fire runes $DA 218: Metal runes $DB 219: Wind runes $DC 220: Ice runes $DD 221: Spirit runes $DE 222: Weapon lore $DF 223: Potion lore $E0 224: Item lore $E1 225: Monster lore $E2 226: View land $E3 227: View room $E4 228: View items $E5 229: View mind $E6 230: Armored skin $F4 244: Level $F5 245: Race: 0 for Human 1 for Elf 2 for Dwarf 3 for Dark Elf 4 for Troll $F6 246: Class: 0 for Ranger 1 for Paladin 2 for Barbarian 3 for Monk 4 for Cleric 5 for Thief 6 for Wizard 7 for Sorcerer 8 for Visionary 9 for Scholar $F7 247: Speed $F8 248: Strength $F9 249: Intellect $FA 250: Endurance $FB 251: Skill $FC 252: Maximum HP $FD 253: Current HP $FE 254: Maximum SP $FF 255: Current SP 1310..1313: gold (999,999,999 is displayable limit) 1454: number of characters in party 1455: provisions (food) $5B1: month $00 = Ruby $01 = Ebony $02 = Gold $03 = Comet $04 = Spirit $05 = Dragon $06 = Rose $07 = Sword $08 = Unicorn $09 = Metal $0A = Lotus $0B = Axe $0C = Panther $0D = Ice $0E = Mandrake $0F = Aurora $10 = Onyx $11 = Phoenix $12 = Wind $13 = Jade $14 = Fire $15 = Hyacinth $16 = Coyote $5B2: day (1..34) $5B3: hour (1..24) $5B4: segment (1..10): minute = (segment - 1) * 6 $5B5: X-location (3..60) $5B6: Y-location (3..60) $5B7: region (0..?) Item encodings are: 0: dagger 1: small axe 2: short sword 3: mace 4: morning star 5: broad sword 6: battle axe 7: 2-hand sword 8: cloth 9: leather 11: chain 11: scale 12: plate 13: crown 14: vial 15: ring 16: wand 17: staff 18: rod 19: gem 20: amulet 21: medallion 22: figurine 23: talisman 24: salve 25: vial 26: torch 27: lantern 28: Demon Crystal 29: Orb/Evertime 40: Ancient 41: Iron key 47: Bed 255: Nothing (empty) # skills have deities. All files are 1494 bytes long. 0.. 259 character 1 260.. 519 character 2 520.. 780 character 3 781..1041 character 4 1042..1301 character 5 1302..1493 footer 0: item 1: first dormant power 2: point cost of first dormant power 3: second dormant power 4: point cost of second dormant power 5: 0.. 99: invoked power usable how often per day 100..200: breakability + 100 (eg. 200 = 100%) 6: unknown 7: invoked power: 0 $00: none 1 $01: FLAME STRIKE 2 $02: FIRE STORM 3 $03: FLAME SHIELD 4 $04: SWORD 5 $05: CHAINS 6 $06: DEATH BLADE 7 $07: STRENGTH 8 $08: ARMOR 9 $09: RUST ARMOR 10 $0A: TEMPEST 11 $0B: STILL AIR 12 $0C: WINGS OF VICTORY 13 $0D: WINGS 14 $0E: HAIL STORM 15 $0F: CHILL 16 $10: SLOW 17 $11: FREEZE 18 $12: ICE SHIELD 19 $13: SPIRIT WRACK 20 $14: WEAKEN 21 $15: CLUMSINESS 22 $16: SANCTUARY 23 $17: WITHER STRIKE 24 $18: SUMMON 25 $19: ILLUSION 26 $1A: POSSESSION 27 $1B: WIND WALK 28 $1C: MELT 29 $1D: BREAK BONDS 30 $1E: FREEDOM 31 $1F: BREATH OF LIFE 32 $20: HEAL 33 $21: CURE POISON 34 $22: TRANSFERRENCE 35 $23: MAGIC TORCH 36 $24: CRYSTALIGHT 37 $25: RESURRECT 38 $26: ET CETERA 39 $27: POISON 40 $28: YOUTH 41 $29: POWER LEECH 42 $2A: THE END 8: point cost of invoked power 9: 1st constant power: $00: Berserking $01: Tactics $02: Hunting $03: Persuasiveness $04: Detect traps $05: Monster lore $06: View mind $07: Armored skin $08: God runes 10: 1st constant power, yes/no 11: 2nd constant power 12: 2nd constant power, yes/no 13: cursed ($00 for no, $01 for yes) 14: plus/minus + 10 (-10 to +245) ($09 is -1, $0A is +0, $0B is +1, etc.) 15: quality $00/$01: normal $02: Well made $03: Silver $04: Jade $05: Crystal $06: Gold $07: Platinum $08: Jewel encrusted 16: identified ($00 is no, $01 is yes) Unknown locations/encodings are: for each character: deity (for Shamen [sic] and Priesthood) "modifiers" to attributes, spell points, etc. (perhaps applied automatically by game?) dungeon items equipped weapon equipped armor status (poisoned/bound/etc.) item flags to indicate whether invoked power affects user or opponent? more generally: "order" (not talking about marching order)/formation ships (number, location, damage status, boarded or not) sleepiness There is a character editor available for this game. See . According to the manual, a day is 26 hours. However, the game actually uses 24-hour days. There is a bug in how the game handles months: a new game begins in the month of the Ruby (month 0). However, after the last month, which is the month of the Coyote (month 22), the month is set to the month of the Ebony (month 1). D/Generation-------------------------------------------------------------- Seventh digit = Life Eighth digit = Rescue people Tenth digit = Grenades Dragons of Flame (Disk.2, 901,120 bytes)---------------------------------- File table: $400.. $407: 1st filename (unused bytes are NULs) $410.. $417: 2nd filename : : $7F0.. $7F7: 64th filename Saved games: $800.. $29FF: 1st saved game (8,704 bytes) $2A00.. $4BFF: 2nd saved game : : $86600..$887FF: 64th saved game Saved games are as follows (assuming 1st saved game slot is used): $800.. $801: Number of baazes killed $802.. $803: Number of bozaks killed $804.. $805: Number of kapaks killed $806.. $807: Number of war dogs killed $808.. $809: Number of dire wolves killed $80A.. $80B: Number of wild dogs killed $80C.. $80D: Number of hobgoblins killed $80E.. $80F: Number of goblins killed $810.. $811: Number of trolls killed $812.. $813: Number of griffons killed $8CC: 1st character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead)? $8CD: 1st character slot $8D4: 2nd character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead)? $8D5: 2nd character slot $8DC: 3rd character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead)? $8DD: 3rd character slot : : $914: 10th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead)? $915: 10th character slot Character slot encodings are as follows (note that this is not quite the same order as the characters are serialized in the file): $00 = Goldmoon $01 = Sturm $02 = Caramon $03 = Raistlin $04 = Tanis $05 = Tasslehoff $06 = Riverwind $07 = Flint $08 = Gilthanas $09 = Princess Laurana $0A = Eben Shatterstone $0B = Akar $0C = Toragan $0D = Valdor $0E = Cedric $0F = Hanal $10 = Ash $11 = Barac $12 = Gerath $13 = Camar $14 = Garian $15 = Issus $16 = Rencel $17 = Empty Item slots: $91F,$920,$922,$92B: related to Tanis's 1st item slot? $92D,$930,$932,$93B: related to Riverwind's 1st item slot? Each character is 38 ($26) bytes: $25A5: Goldmoon's status? $25AA: Goldmoon's melee weapon $25AC: Goldmoon's ranged weapon $25AD..$25AE: Goldmoon's current Hit Points $25AF..$25B0: Goldmoon's maximum Hit Points $25B9: Goldmoon's STRength ($00..$14) $25BA: Goldmoon's INTelligence ($00..$14) $25BB: Goldmoon's WISdom ($00..$14) $25BC: Goldmoon's CONstitution ($00..$14) $25BD: Goldmoon's DEXterity ($00..$14) $25BE: Goldmoon's CHArisma ($00..$14) $25BF: Goldmoon's Armour Class ($00..$14) $25AA: Tanis's status? $25D0: Tanis's melee weapon $25D2: Tanis's ranged weapon $25D3..$25D4: Tanis's current Hit Points $25D5..$25D6: Tanis's maximum Hit Points $25F9..$25FA: Tasslehoff's current Hit Points $25FB..$25FC: Tasslehoff's maximum Hit Points $261F..$2620: Riverwind's current Hit Points $2621..$2622: Riverwind's maximum Hit Points $263C: Caramon's status? $2642: Caramon's melee weapon $2644: Caramon's ranged weapon $2645..$2646: Caramon's current Hit Points $2647..$2648: Caramon's maximum Hit Points $2651: Caramon's STRength ($00..$14) $2652: Caramon's INTelligence ($00..$14) $2653: Caramon's WISdom ($00..$14) $2654: Caramon's CONstitution ($00..$14) $2655: Caramon's DEXterity ($00..$14) $2656: Caramon's CHArisma ($00..$14) $2657: Caramon's Armour Class ($00..$14) $2662: Sturm's status? $2668: Sturm's melee weapon: $00 = None $01 = Disks of Mishakal $02 = Staff of Magius $03 = Bow $04 = Longsword $05 = Broadsword +2 $06 = Sling $07 = Hoopak +2 $08 = 2-Handed sword +3 $09 = Spear $0A = Longsword +1 $0B = Battle Axe +1 $0C = Longsword +2 $0D = Quarterstaff +2 $0E = Arrows $0F = Arrows +2 $10 = Pouch, Bullets +1 $11 = Throwing Axe $12 = Battle Axe +3 $13 = Wyrmslayer $266A: Sturm's ranged weapon $266B..$266C: Sturm's current Hit Points $266D..$266E: Sturm's maximum Hit Points $2691..$2692: Raistlin's current Hit Points $2693..$2694: Raistlin's maximum Hit Points $26B7..$26B8: Flint's current Hit Points $26B9..$26BA: Flint's maximum Hit Points : : $28E9: Rencel's status? $25EE: Rencel's melee weapon $25F0: Rencel's ranged weapon $25F1..$25F2: Rencel's current Hit Points $25F3..$25F4: Rencel's maximum Hit Points $25FD: Rencel's STRength ($00..$14) $25FE: Rencel's INTelligence ($00..$14) $25FF: Rencel's WISdom ($00..$14) $2600: Rencel's CONstitution ($00..$14) $2601: Rencel's DEXterity ($00..$14) $2602: Rencel's CHArisma ($00..$14) $2603: Rencel's Armour Class ($00..$14) Unknown locations/encodings: the same as for Heroes of the Lance (except prime attributes), plus: inventory slots xp charges of staves The high score table is stored on Disk.1 (901,120 bytes), as follows: $104D2..$104E1: Name of 1st high scorer (16 characters) $104E2: CR ($0D) $104E3..$104F2: Name of 2nd high scorer (16 characters) $104F3: CR ($0D) $104F4..$10503: Name of 3rd high scorer (16 characters) $10504: CR ($0D) $10505..$10514: Name of 4th high scorer (16 characters) $10515: CR ($0D) $10516..$10525: Name of 5th high scorer (16 characters) $10526: CR ($0D) Unused characters are $20 (space). $10528..$1052B: Score of 1st high scorer $1052C..$1052F: Score of 2nd high scorer $10530..$10533: Score of 3rd high scorer $10534..$10537: Score of 4th high scorer $10538..$1053B: Score of 5th high scorer All numbers are big-endian. Dragon Wars (#?.dwgame, 12014 bytes)-------------------------------------- Each character is 512 ($200) bytes. Ie. 1st character is $000..$1FF. 2nd character is $200..$3FF. 3rd character is $400..$5FF. 4th character is $600..$7FF. 5th character is $800..$9FF. 6th character is $A00..$BFF. 7th character is $C00..$DFF. $E00: X-coordinate $E01: Y-coordinate $E02: Facing direction: $00 = North $01 = East $02 = South $03 = West $E41: Time elapsed? $EDF: Time elapsed? Each character is as follows: $00..$0B: Name (padded with NULs if necessary) (up to 12 characters in length) (all non-NUL bytes except the last must have their high bit set) $0C: Current STRength $0D: Maximum STRength $0E: Current DEXterity $0F: Maximum DEXterity $10: Current INTelligence $11: Maximum INTelligence $12: Current SPR $13: Maximum SPR $14..$15: Current health (little-endian) $16..$17: Maximum health (little-endian) $18..$19: Current stun (little-endian) $1A..$1B: Maximum stun (little-endian) $1C..$1D: Current power (little-endian) $1E..$1F: Maximum power (little-endian) $20: Arcane Lore skill $21: Cave Lore skill $22: Forest Lore skill $23: Mountain Lore skill $24: Town Lore skill $25: Bandage skill $26: Climb skill $27: Fistfighting skill $28: Hiding skill $29: Lockpick skill $2A: Pickpocket skill $2B: Swim skill $2C: Tracker skill $2D: Bureaucracy skill $2E: Druid Magic skill $2F: High Magic skill $30: Low Magic skill $31: Merchant skill $32: Sun Magic skill $33: Axes skill $34: Flails skill $35: Maces skill $36: Swords skill $37: 2-handers skill $38: Bows skill $39: Crossbows skill $3A: Thrown Weapons skill $3B: "Pts" Spells known: $3C bit 7: Mage Fire (Low) $3C bit 6: Disarm (Low) $3C bit 5: Charm (Low) $3C bit 4: Luck (Low) $3C bit 3: Lesser Heal (Low) $3C bit 2: Mage Light (Low) $3C bit 1: Fire Light (High) $3C bit 0: Elvar's Fire (High) $3D bit 7: Poog's Vortex (High) $3D bit 6: Ice Chill (High) $3D bit 5: Big Chill (High) $3D bit 4: Dazzle (High) $3D bit 3: Mystic Might (High) $3D bit 2: Reveal Glamour (High) $3D bit 1: Sala's Swift (High) $3D bit 0: Vorn's Guard (High) $3E bit 7: Cowardice (High) $3E bit 6: Healing (High) $3E bit 5: Group Heal (High) $3E bit 4: Cloak Arcane (High) $3E bit 3: Sense Traps (High) $3E bit 2: Air Summon (High) $3E bit 1: Earth Summon (High) $3E bit 0: Water Summon (High) $3F bit 7: Fire Summon (High) $3F bit 6: Death Curse (Druid) $3F bit 5: Fire Blast (Druid) $3F bit 4: Insect Plague (Druid) $3F bit 3: Whirl Wind (Druid) $3F bit 2: Scare (Druid) $3F bit 1: Brambles (Druid) $3F bit 0: Greater Healing (Druid) $40 bit 7: Cure All (Druid) $40 bit 6: Create Wall (Druid) $40 bit 5: Soften Stone (Druid) $40 bit 4: Invoke Spirit (Druid) $40 bit 3: Beast Call (Druid) $40 bit 2: Wood Spirit (Druid) $40 bit 1: Sun Stroke (Sun) $40 bit 0: Exorcism (Sun) $41 bit 7: Rage of Mithras (Sun) $41 bit 6: Wrath of Mithras (Sun) $41 bit 5: Fire Storm (Sun) $41 bit 4: Inferno (Sun) $41 bit 3: Holy Aim (Sun) $41 bit 2: Battle Power (Sun) $41 bit 1: Column of Fire (Sun) $41 bit 0: Mithras' Bless (Sun) $42 bit 7: Light Flash (Sun) $42 bit 6: Armour of Light (Sun) $42 bit 5: Sun Light (Sun) $42 bit 4: Heal (Sun) $42 bit 3: Major Healing (Sun) $42 bit 2: Disarm Trap (Sun) $42 bit 1: Guidance (Sun) $42 bit 0: Radiance (Sun) $43 bit 7: Summon Salamander (Sun) $43 bit 6: Charger (Sun) $43 bit 5: Zak's Speed (Other) $43 bit 4: Kill Ray (Other) $43 bit 3: Prison (Other) $4F.. $50: Level (little-endian) $51.. $54: "Exp"erience (little-endian) $55.. $58: Gold pieces (little-endian) $EC..$102: 1st item (23 bytes) Each item is as follows: $0 ($EC ): Whether equipped or not ($80=yes, $00=no) ( 1 byte ) $1 ($ED ): Which attribute is required to use: ( 1 byte ) $00..$01 = STR $02..$03 = DEX $04..$05 = INT $06..$07 = SPR $14 = Arcane Lore skill $15 = Cave Lore skill $16 = Forest Lore skill $17 = Mountain Lore skill $18 = Town Lore skill $19 = Bandage skill $1A = Climb skill $1B = Fistfighting skill $1C = Hiding skill $1D = Lockpick skill $1E = Pickpocket skill $1F = Swim skill $20 = Tracker skill $21 = Bureaucracy skill $22 = Druid Magic skill $23 = High Magic skill $24 = Low Magic skill $25 = Merchant skill $26 = Sun Magic skill $27 = Axes skill $28 = Flails skill $29 = Maces skill $2A = Swords skill $2B = 2-handers skill $2C = Bows skill $2D = Crossbows skill $2E = Thrown Weapons skill $2 ($EE ): Minimum of attribute required to use ( 1 byte ) $3 ($EF ): ? ( 1 byte ) $4 ($F0 ): Value (to buy) ( 1 byte ) (sale value is half this amount) $00 = Priceless $01..$1F = $1..$30 $20 = $2 $21 = $10 $26 = $60 $27 = $70 $28 = $80 $29 = $90 $2A = $100 $30 = $160 $50 = $800 $7F = $15500 $FF = $4005056 $5 ($F1 ): Category: ( 1 byte ) $00 = general item $01 = shield $02 = full shield $03 = axe $04 = flail $05 = sword $06 = 2-handed sword $07 = mace $08 = bow $09 = crossbow $0A = gun $0B = thrown weapon $0C = ammunition $0D = gloves $0E = mage gloves $0F = ammo clip $10 = cloth armour $11 = leather armour $12 = cuir bouilli armour $13 = brigandine armour $14 = scale armour $15 = chain armour $16 = plate and chain armour $17 = full plate armour $18 = helmet $19 = scroll $1A = pair of boots $6.. $A ($F2.. $F6): ? ( 5 bytes) $B..$16 ($F7..$102): Item name (12 bytes) (unused bytes are garbage) (up to 12 characters in length) (all non-garbage bytes except the last must have their high bit set) $103..$119: 2nd item (23 bytes) $11A..$130: 3rd item (23 bytes) $131..$147: 4th item (23 bytes) $148..$15E: 5th item (23 bytes) $15F..$175: 6th item (23 bytes) $176..$18C: 7th item (23 bytes) $18D..$1A3: 8th item (23 bytes) $1A4..$1BA: 9th item (23 bytes) $1BB..$1D1: 10th item (23 bytes) $1D2..$1E8: 11th item (23 bytes) $1E9..$1FF: 12th item (23 bytes) Unknown locations/encodings: For each character: Race? Status (a la Bard's Tale)? Some item fields General: Time of day? Weather? Quest status? Automapping history (ie. what areas have been mapped/visited) Area (eg. Purgatory) These are calculated in-game, based on other attributes: Combat AV Magic AV DV AC (probably) There is a character editor available for this game. See . Druid 2: Enlightenment (80 bytes, hi_scores)------------------------------ Each hiscore is 8 bytes in length: $0.. $7: 1st hiscore $8.. $F: 2nd hiscore $10.. $17: 3rd hiscore $18.. $1F: 4th hiscore $20.. $27: 5th hiscore $28.. $2F: 6th hiscore $30.. $37: 7th hiscore $38.. $3F: 8th hiscore $40.. $47: 9th hiscore $48.. $4F: 10th hiscore Each hiscore is as follows: $0.. $4: name (padded with spaces) $5: NUL ($00) $6.. $7: score Druid 2: Enlightenment (level#?, 4646 bytes)------------------------------ $0.. $5: 0.. 5: ? (6 bytes) $6.. $405: 6..1029: foreground (1K) There are 16 rows of 64 bytes (32 columns) each. Each column takes 2 bytes. 1024*512 pixels is the total size of each level. 32*16 tiles = 512 tiles, each of 32*32 pixels. $406.. $805: 1030..2053: background (1K) $806..$1005: 2054..4101: ? (2K) $1006..$1205: 4102..4613: monster generators (512 bytes) There are 8 rows of 64 bytes (32 columns) each. Each column takes 2 bytes. 1024*512 pixels is the total size of each level. 32*8 tiles = 256 tiles, each of 32*64 pixels. Each of the 8 monster generator rows is as tall as 2 foreground/background rows. Contents are as follows: $0000: empty (ie. don't spawn monsters) $0001..$000B: monsters (see MCE source code) $000C..$0012: unused? $0013..$0016: special? $0017..$0057: unused? $0058: special? $0059+: unused? $1206..$1225: 4614..4645: palette (32 bytes) There are 16 entries. Each entry is 2 bytes, 0RGB format. Unknown locations/encodings: exits spells See the MCE source code for more details. Dungeon Master 1 (dmgame.dat, 47,916 bytes)------------------------------- $640.. $95F: 1st character $960.. $C7F: 2nd character $C80.. $F9F: 3rd character $FA0..$12BF: 4th character Each character is like this (offsets are from start of the character): $34.. $35: Health (1.. 999) (maximum?) $36.. $37: Health (1.. 999) (current?) $38.. $39: Stamina (1.. 9999) (maximum?) $3A.. $3B: Stamina (1.. 9999) (current?) $3C.. $3D: Mana (1.. 990) (maximum?) $3E.. $3F: Mana (1.. 990) (current?) $42.. $43: Food (1.. 2047) $44.. $45: Water (1.. 2047) $49 : Strength (1.. 255) (maximum?) $4A : Strength (1.. 255) (current?) $4C : Dexterity (1.. 255) (maximum?) $4D : Dexterity (1.. 255) (current?) $4F : Wisdom (1.. 255) (maximum?) $50 : Wisdom (1.. 255) (current?) $52 : Vitality (1.. 255) (maximum?) $53 : Vitality (1.. 255) (current?) $55 : Antimagic (1.. 255) (maximum?) $56 : Antimagic (1.. 255) (current?) $58 : Antifire (1.. 255) (maximum?) $59 : Antifire (1.. 255) (current?) $5E.. $61: Fighter level (1..999,999,999) $64.. $67: Ninja level (1..999,999,999) $6A.. $6D: Priest level (1..999,999,999) $70.. $73: Wizard level (1..999,999,999) The character block is 1408 or 3328 bytes long. It consists of 4 character records, each 320 or 800 bytes long, then a 128-byte global section, as follows: 0.. 7: Name 8.. 23: Title 28 : Facing 29 : Position 32 : Attack type (signed so check for -1 works) 34 : 1st incantation: power 96 through 111 --> 1 through 6 35 : 2nd incantation: 102 through 107 36 : 3rd incantation: 108 through 113 37 : 4th incantation: 114 through 119 40 : Facing 3 (?) 42 : Poison count. A timer for each one? 44.. 45: Busy timer (signed so -1 works) 46.. 47: Timer index 48.. 49: OR'd with $280. $8000 while selecting attack option. 50.. 51: mask of damaged body parts 52.. 53: current HP 54.. 55: maximum HP 56.. 57: current stamina 58.. 59: maximum stamina 60.. 61: current mana 62.. 63: maximum mana 66.. 67: food 68.. 69: water 70 : maximum luck 71 : current luck 72 : minimum luck 73 : maximum strength 74 : current strength 75 : minimum strength 76 : maximum dexterity 77 : current dexterity 78 : minimum dexterity 79 : maximum wisdom 80 : current wisdom 81 : minimum wisdom 82 : maximum vitality 83 : current vitality 84 : minimum vitality 85 : maximum anti-magic 86 : current anti-magic 87 : minimum anti-magic 88 : maximum anti-fire 89 : current anti-fire 90 : minimum anti-fire 94.. 97: skill #0 (fighter) (signed longword) 100..103: skill #1 (ninja) 106..109: skill #2 (priest) 112..115: skill #3 (wizard) 118..121: skill #4 (fighter) 124..127: skill #5 (fighter) 130..133: skill #6 (fighter) 136..139: skill #7 (fighter) 142..145: skill #8 (ninja) 148..151: skill #9 (ninja) 154..157: skill #10 (ninja) 160..163: skill #11 (ninja) 166..169: skill #12 (priest) 172..175: skill #13 (priest) 178..181: skill #14 (priest) 184..187: skill #15 (priest) 190..193: skill #16 (wizard) 196..199: skill #17 (wizard) 202..205: skill #18 (wizard) 208..211: skill #19 (wizard) 212..269: 30 item slots (words): See the MCE source code for a partial list of items. 272..273: encumbrance (in 1/10ths of a kg) 274..275: shield strength 276..319: ? 320..799: ? (only in some files) Then a 128-byte global section: 0..127: ? See or the MCE source code for the decryption algorithm. Dungeon Master: Chaos Strikes Back (csbgame.dat, 42,784 bytes)------------ $640.. $77F: 1st character $780.. $8BF: 2nd character $8C0.. $9FF: 3rd character $A00.. $B3F: 4th character See the Dungeon Master 1 file format for details about each character's information. Dungeon Master 2---------------------------------------------------------- There is a saved game editor (characters and levels) available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Eye of the Beholder 1 (33,107 bytes, EOBDATA.SAV)------------------------- Each character is 244 ($F4) bytes in length: $0.. $F3: 1st character $F4..$1E7: 2nd character $1E8..$2DB: 3rd character $2DC..$3CF: 4th character $3D0..$4C3: 5th character $4C4..$5B7: 6th character Each character is as follows: $02..$0C: name (NUL-terminated) (padded with NULs) (10 characters max + NUL) $0D: current STR $0E: maximum STR $0F: current exceptional STR $10: maximum exceptional STR $11: current INT $12: maximum INT $13: current WIS $14: maximum WIS $15: current DEX $16: maximum DEX $17: current CON $18: maximum CON $19: current CHA $1A: maximum CHA $1B: current HP $1C: maximum HP $1F: race and sex: $00 = human male $01 = human female $02 = elf male $03 = elf female $04 = half-elf male $05 = half-elf female $06 = dwarf male $07 = dwarf female $08 = gnome male $09 = gnome female $0A = halfling male $0B = halfling female $20: class: $00 = fighter $01 = ranger $02 = paladin $03 = mage $04 = cleric $05 = thief $06 = fighter/cleric $07 = fighter/thief $08 = fighter/mage $09 = fighter/mage/thief $0A = thief/mage $0B = cleric/thief $0C = fighter/cleric/mage $0D = ranger/cleric $0E = cleric/mage $21: alignment: $00 = LG $01 = NG $02 = CG $03 = LN $04 = TN $05 = CN $06 = LE $07 = NE $08 = CE $22: portrait: $00..$1D: male PCs $1C..$2B: female PCs $2C..$EC: illegal? $ED..$EF: NPCs: $ED: Keirgar $EE: Dorhum $EF: Taghor $F0..$F9: illegal? $FA..$FF: NPCs: $FA: Tod Uphill $FB: Tyrra $FC: Ileria $FD: Kirath $FE: Behoram $FF: Anya $23: food % (0..100) ($00..$64) $24: level in 1st class $25: level in 2nd class $26: level in 3rd class $28..$2B: XP in 1st class $2C..$2F: XP in 2nd class $30..$33: XP in 3rd class $38..$55: Mage spell slots $56..$73: Cleric spell slots $78..$79: left hand slot $7A..$7B: right hand slot $7C..$7D: 1st backpack slot $7E..$7F: 2nd backpack slot $80..$81: 3rd backpack slot $82..$83: 4th backpack slot $84..$85: 5th backpack slot $86..$87: 6th backpack slot $88..$89: 7th backpack slot $8A..$8B: 8th backpack slot $8C..$8D: 9th backpack slot $8E..$8F: 10th backpack slot $90..$91: 11th backpack slot $92..$93: 12th backpack slot $94..$95: 13th backpack slot $96..$97: 14th backpack slot $98..$99: quiver slot $9A..$9B: torso slot $9C..$9D: wrist slot $9E..$9F: head slot $A0..$A1: neck slot $A2..$A3: feet slot $A4..$A5: 1st belt slot $A6..$A7: 2nd belt slot $A8..$A9: 3rd belt slot $AA..$AB: 1st fingers slot $AC..$AD: 2nd fingers slot Unknown locations/encodings: Location Facing direction Item locations Preferences (tunes/sounds/bar graphs on/off) There is a character editor available for this game. See . In particular, it has the item and spell encodings. Eye of the Beholder 2 (46,897 bytes, EOBDATA[0-5].SAV)-------------------- Each character is 346 ($15A) bytes in length: $00.. $13 ( 0.. 19): saved game name (19 characters + NUL) $14..$16D ( 20.. 365): 1st character $16E..$2C7 ( 366.. 711): 2nd character $2C8..$421 ( 712..1057): 3rd character $422..$57B (1058..1403): 4th character $57C..$6D5 (1404..1749): 5th character $6D6..$82F (1750..2095): 6th character Each character is as follows: Relative pos Absolute pos (for 1st char) $0.. $1: $14.. $15: ? $2.. $C: $16.. $20: name (10 characters + NUL) $D: $21: current STR $E: $22: maximum STR $F: $23: current exceptional STR $10: $24: maximum exceptional STR $11: $25: current INT $12: $26: maximum INT $13: $27: current WIS $14: $28: maximum WIS $15: $29: current DEX $16: $2A: maximum DEX $17: $2B: current CON $18: $2C: maximum CON $19: $2D: current CHA $1A: $2E: maximum CHA $1C.. $1D: $30.. $31: current HP $1E.. $1F: $32.. $33: maximum HP $22: $36: race and sex: $00 = human male $01 = human female $02 = elf male $03 = elf female $04 = half-elf male $05 = half-elf female $06 = dwarf male $07 = dwarf female $08 = gnome male $09 = gnome female $0A = halfling male $0B = halfling female $23: $37: class: $00 = fighter $01 = ranger $02 = paladin $03 = mage $04 = cleric $05 = thief $06 = fighter/cleric $07 = fighter/thief $08 = fighter/mage $09 = fighter/mage/thief $0A = thief/mage $0B = cleric/thief $0C = fighter/cleric/mage $0D = ranger/cleric $0E = cleric/mage $24: $38: alignment: $00 = LG $01 = NG $02 = CG $03 = LN $04 = TN $05 = CN $06 = LE $07 = NE $08 = CE $25: $39: portrait ($00..$2B) $26: $3A: food % (0..100) ($00..$64) $27: $3B: level in 1st class $28: $3C: level in 2nd class $29: $3D: level in 3rd class $2A.. $2D: $3E.. $41: XP in 1st class $2E.. $31: $42.. $45: XP in 2nd class $32.. $35: $46.. $49: XP in 3rd class $3A.. $74: $4E.. $88: Mage spells (6 pages of 9 slots each = 54 slots): $4E..$56: page 1 $58..$60: page 2 $62..$6A: page 3 $6C..$74: page 4 $76..$7C: page 5 $80..$88: page 6 $8A.. $D4: $9E.. $E8: Cleric spells (6 pages of 9 slots each = 54 slots): $9E..$A6: page 1 $A8..$B0: page 2 $B2..$BA: page 3 $BC..$C4: page 4 $C6..$CE: page 5 $D0..$D8: page 6 $DE.. $DF: $F2.. $F3: left hand slot $E0.. $E1: $F4.. $F5: right hand slot $E2.. $E3: $F6.. $F7: 1st backpack slot $E4.. $E5: $F8.. $F9: 2nd backpack slot $E6.. $E7: $FA.. $FB: 3rd backpack slot $E8.. $E9: $FC.. $FD: 4th backpack slot $EA.. $EB: $FE.. $FF: 5th backpack slot $EC.. $ED: $100..$101: 6th backpack slot $EE.. $EF: $102..$103: 7th backpack slot $F0.. $F1: $104..$105: 8th backpack slot $F2.. $F3: $106..$107: 9th backpack slot $F4.. $F5: $108..$109: 10th backpack slot $F6.. $F7: $10A..$10B: 11th backpack slot $F8.. $F9: $10C..$10D: 12th backpack slot $FA.. $FB: $10E..$10F: 13th backpack slot $FC.. $FD: $110..$111: 14th backpack slot $FE.. $FF: $112..$113: quiver slot $100..$101: $114..$115: torso slot $102..$103: $116..$117: wrist slot $104..$105: $118..$119: head slot $106..$107: $11A..$11B: neck slot $108..$109: $11C..$11D: feet slot $10A..$10B: $11E..$11F: 1st belt slot $10C..$10D: $120..$121: 2nd belt slot $10E..$10F: $122..$123: 3rd belt slot $110..$111: $124..$125: 1st fingers slot $112..$113: $126..$127: 2nd fingers slot Unknown locations/encodings: Location Facing direction Item locations Preferences There is a character editor available for this game. See . In particular, it has the item and spell encodings. F/A-18 Interceptor (config, 78 bytes)------------------------------------- $0.. $1: Qualification status ($0000=unqualified, $0001 (or any other nonzero value)=qualified) $2.. $4: ? $5: ? ($01 for new game) $6: Next mission: $00..$02 = Visual Confirmation $03 = Emergency Defence Operation $04 = Intercept Stolen Aircraft $05 = Search and Rescue Operation $06 = Incoming Cruise Missile $07 = Shadow Sub Detection $08..$FF = Visual Confirmation $7: ? $8.. $B: Flight time (in seconds): $FFFFFFFF is shown as 7295h 95m $7FFFFFFF is shown as 7295h 46m $00FFFFFF is shown as 4660h 20m $0000FFFF is shown as 18h 12m $C..$13: ? $14..$1A: Mission flags ($00=not completed, $01=completed) (the game counts how many of these are completed: 0 are completed: 1st mission is available 1 are completed: 1st..2nd missions are available 2 are completed: 1st..3rd missions are available 3+ are completed: 1st..4th missions are available) $1B..$1D: ? $1E..$28: Name (uppercase ASCII): 20 characters is OK (but only first 11 are used) 30 characters is not OK unused bytes are NUL $29..$35: ? $36..$37: Missions started $38..$39: Missions completed $3A..$3B: M61 cannon rounds fired $3C..$3D: M61 cannon rounds hits $3E..$3F: AIM-120 AMRAAMS fired $40..$41: AIM-120 AMRAAMS hits $42..$43: AIM-9L Sidewinders fired $44..$45: AIM-9L Sidewinders hits $46..$47: Crashes $48..$49: Hits from missiles (0..65535, but only last 4 digits are shown by game) $4A..$4D: ? For a new game, everything except byte $5 (which is $01) and name is NUL. Faery Tale Adventure (1181/1555/1599 bytes per character, [A-H].faery)---- 18: *trainer 30.. 31: .BRaVery 32.. 33: .LuCK 34.. 35: .KiNDness 36.. 37: .WeaLTH 39: @hunger 41: @sleepiness 43: %brother: $01 for Julian $02 for Philip $03 for Kevin 50.. 51: time of day (0..23999): each hour is worth 1000 of these units. therefore, each minute is worth 16.6' units. 88.. 89: X-coordinate (0..32767) 90.. 91: Y-coordinate (0..32767) 100: %weapon in hand: $01 for dirk $02 for mace $03 for sword $04 for bow $05 for wand 106..107: .VITality Offsets of item slots vary according to filesize, as follows: 1st 2nd 3rd $9A/ $E9/$115: *dirk $9B/ $EA/$116: *mace $9C/ $EB/$117: *sword $9D/ $EC/$118: *bow $9E/ $ED/$119: *wand $9F/ $EE/$11A: *lasso $A0/ $EF/$11B: *shell $A1/ $F0/$11C: *sun stone $A2/ $F1/$11D: @arrows $A3/ $F2/$11E: @blue stones $A4/ $F3/$11F: @green jewels $A5/ $F4/$120: @glass vials $A6/ $F5/$121: @crystal orbs $A7/ $F6/$122: @bird totems $A8/ $F7/$123: @gold rings $A9/ $F8/$124: @jade skulls $AA/ $F9/$125: @gold keys $AB/ $FA/$126: @green keys $AC/ $FB/$127: @blue keys $AD/ $FC/$128: @red keys $AE/ $FD/$129: @grey keys $AF/ $FE/$12A: @white keys $B0/ $FF/$12B: *talisman $B1/$100/$12C: *rose $B2/$101/$12D: *fruit $B3/$102/$12E: @gold statues $B4/$103/$12F: *book $B5/$104/$130: *herb $B6/$105/$131: *writ $B7/$106/$132: *bone $B8/$107/$133: *shard 1st = 1181-byte files 2nd = 1555-byte files (file is 374 bytes bigger than 1181, offset is 79 bytes further than 1181) 3rd = 1599-byte files (file is 44 bytes bigger than 1555, offset is 44 bytes further than 1599) So, first 295 extra bytes are "wasted", then offset starts increasing. Unknown locations/encodings: facing direction quest status mount (none/raft/turtle/swan) map level object locations/availability hidden 'maximum vitality' (if it exists) combat: enemy types, weapons, locations, vitalities, facing directions. @ = 8-bit quantity. . = 16-bit quantity. * = flag ($00 for no, $01 for yes). % = multiple choice. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Some fields, eg. the indoors/ outdoors flag, are not documented here, only in the MCE source code. Additionally, there is a character editor for this game on MA-GA Docs Disk #10. Note that you must use a separate disk for saving, not the Faery Tale Adventure game disk. Firepower (T?, 4,096 bytes (maps) and tiles, 106,784 bytes (graphics))---- There is a level and graphics editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . The map is 64*64 tiles. Offsets of map tile bytes are: $000 $040 $080 $F40 $F80 $FC0 $001 $041 $081 $F41 $F81 $FC1 $002 $042 $082 $F42 $F82 $FC2 : : : ... : : : $03D $07D $0BD $F7D $FBD $FFD $03E $07E $0BE $F7E $FBE $FFE $03F $07F $0BF $F7F $FBF $FFF Garrison 1 & 2 (Disk.2, 737,280 bytes)------------------------------------ $ 0..$ 3: "GARR" (for Garrison 1) four NULs (for Garrison 2) $1200..$12EF: High scores: $1200..$1227: Team: $1200..$1203: 1st score (BCD format) $1204..$1207: 1st initials (ASCII format) : : : $1220..$1223: 5th score (BCD format) $1224..$1227: 5th initials (ASCII format) $1228..$124F: Wizard $1250..$1277: Valkyrie? $1278..$129F: Warrior? $12A0..$12C7: Elf? $12C8..$12EF: Dwarf? See the MCE source code for the level format. Goal! (Disk.3, 901,120 bytes)--------------------------------------------- See the MCE source code. Grand Monster Slam (Disk.1, 901,120 bytes)-------------------------------- Each high score is 26 bytes, as follows: $00..$14: 1st high score name (21 chars max, padded with spaces) $15: NUL $16..$19: 1st high score amount (big-endian) $1600..$1619: 1st high score $161A..$1633: 2nd high score $1634..$164D: 3rd high score $164E..$1667: 4th high score $1668..$1681: 5th high score $1682..$169B: 6th high score $169C..$16B5: 7th high score $16B6..$16CF: 8th high score Changes to game source code that would enable trainer (start with 6 faultons fed, ie. always pass to next level): Line 6283: change move #0,i2_count to move #6,i2_count Line 6669: optionally nop out addq #1,i2_count Great Giana Sisters (96 bytes, gianahigh)--------------------------------- $00..$09: 0.. 9: Name of 1st score climber Names are maximum of 10 characters, and are unterminated. Unused characters are $20 (ie. spaces). $0A..$13: 10.. 19: Name of 2nd score climber $14..$1D: 20.. 29: Name of 3rd score climber $1E..$27: 30.. 39: Name of 4th score climber $28..$31: 40.. 49: Name of 5th score climber $33..$35: 51.. 53: Score of 1st score climber Packed BCD format (eg. $026552 means 26552) $37..$39: 55.. 57: Score of 2nd score climber $3B..$3D: 59.. 61: Score of 3rd score climber $3F..$41: 63.. 65: Score of 4th score climber $43..$45: 67.. 69: Score of 5th score climber $49: 73: Level for 1st score climber Packed BCD format (eg. $12 means level 12) $4D: 77: Level for 2nd score climber $51: 81: Level for 3rd score climber $55: 85: Level for 4th score climber $59: 89: Level for 5th score climber $5A..$5F: 90.. 95: Unknown (appears not to be a checksum) GridStart 1-3 (topScores, 206 bytes)-------------------------------------- $00..$01: always $00s? $02..$3D: Professional 1st..10th entries (6 bytes per entry) Each entry is: 3 bytes: initials (ASCII) 1 byte : NUL terminator 2 bytes: score (big-endian binary, 0..999. Eg. $01F0=496) $3E..$43: "11th" professional entry (always $00s) $44..$7F: Amateur 1st..10th entries (6 bytes per entry) $80..$85: "11th" amateur entry (always $00s) $86..$C1: Novice 1st..10th entries (6 bytes per entry) $C2..$C7: "11th" novice entry (always $00s) $C8..$CD: "12th entry" (always $FFs) HackLite------------------------------------------------------------------ No file formats are described here for this game; you will need to refer to the MCE source code. Hard 'n' Heavy (180 bytes, hnhhigh)--------------------------------------- $00..$09: 0.. 9: Name of 1st score climber Names are maximum of 10 characters, and are unterminated. Unused characters are $20 (ie. spaces). $0A..$13: 10.. 19: Name of 2nd score climber $14..$1D: 20.. 29: Name of 3rd score climber $1E..$27: 30.. 39: Name of 4th score climber $28..$31: 40.. 49: Name of 5th score climber $33..$35: 51.. 53: Score of 1st score climber Packed BCD format (eg. $026552 means 26552) $37..$39: 55.. 57: Score of 2nd score climber $3B..$3D: 59.. 61: Score of 3rd score climber $3F..$41: 63.. 65: Score of 4th score climber $43..$45: 67.. 69: Score of 5th score climber $5A..$63: 90.. 99: Name of 1st level climber $64..$6D: 100..109: Name of 2nd level climber $6E..$77: 110..119: Name of 3rd level climber $78..$81: 120..129: Name of 4th level climber $82..$8B: 130..139: Name of 5th level climber $8F: 143: % for 1st level climber Packed BCD format (eg. $45 means 45%) $93: 147: % for 2nd level climber $97: 151: % for 3rd level climber $9B: 155: % for 4th level climber $9F: 159: % for 5th level climber $A3: 163: Level for 1st level climber Packed BCD format (eg. $11 means level 11) $A7: 167: Level for 2nd level climber $AB: 171: Level for 3rd level climber $AF: 175: Level for 4th level climber $B3: 179: Level for 5th level climber Heroes of the Lance (V1.0) (2344 bytes, D&DDL?.SAV)----------------------- Save slots correspond to filenames as follows: Slot 0 = D&DDL9.SAV Slot 1 = D&DDL0.SAV Slot 2 = D&DDL1.SAV Slot 3 = D&DDL2.SAV Slot 4 = D&DDL3.SAV Slot 5 = D&DDL4.SAV Slot 6 = D&DDL5.SAV Slot 7 = D&DDL6.SAV Slot 8 = D&DDL7.SAV Slot 9 = D&DDL8.SAV $00..$01: Goldmoon's experience points $02..$03: Goldmoon's current hit points $05: Goldmoon's ranged weapon $0A..$0B: Sturm's experience points $0C..$0D: Sturm's current hit points $0F: Sturm's ranged weapon $14..$15: Caramon's experience points $16..$17: Caramon's current hit points $19: Caramon's ranged weapon $1E..$1F: Raistlin's experience points $20..$21: Raistlin's current hit points $23: Raistlin's ranged weapon $28..$29: Tanis's experience points $2A..$2B: Tanis's current hit points $2D: Tanis's ranged weapon $32..$33: Tasslehoff's experience points $34..$35: Tasslehoff's current hit points $37: Tasslehoff's ranged weapon $3C..$3D: Riverwind's experience points $3E..$3F: Riverwind's current hit points $41: Riverwind's ranged weapon $46..$47: Flint's experience points $48..$49: Flint's current hit points $4B: Flint's ranged weapon Each character has 8 inventory slots, each of two bytes, with the first byte being ignored. Empty inventory slots are not necessarily moved to the end of the inventory. $50..$5F: Goldmoon's inventory $60..$6F: Tanis's inventory $70..$7F: Tasslehoff's inventory $80..$8F: Raistlin's inventory $90..$9F: Sturm's inventory $A0..$AF: Riverwind's inventory $B0..$BF: Caramon's inventory $C0..$CF: Flint's inventory Item codes are: $00 = Empty $01 = Blue Crystal Staff $02 = Staff of Magius $03 = Bow #1 $04 = Longsword #1 $05 = Dagger #1 $06 = Sling $07 = Jo stick $08 = Hunting knife #1 $09 = Spear $0A = Two-handed sword $0B = Hand axe $0C = Sword #1 $0D = Sword #2 $0E = Quiver $0F = Red Quiver $10 = Pouch $11 = Bracelet $12 = Shield #1 $13 = Shield #2 $14 = Shield #3 $15 = Shield #4 $16 = Shield #5 $17 = Gem #1 $18 = Gem #2 $19 = Gem #3 $1A = Gem #4 $1B = Gem #5 $1C = Gold Bar $1D = Silver Bar $1E = Gold Chalice $1F = Silver Chalice $20 = Coins $21 = TBD (ie. "To Be Decided/Determined/Developed/Discussed/Done"?) #1 $22 = TBD #2 $23 = TBD #3 $24 = TBD #4 $25 = TBD #5 $26 = TBD #6 $27 = TBD #7 $28 = Bow #2 $29 = Longsword #2 $2A = Sword #3 $2B = Dagger #2 $2C = Hunting knife #2 $2D = Scroll #1 $2E = Scroll #2 $2F = Green Potion $30 = Orange Potion $31 = Red Potion $32 = Blue Potion $33 = Yellow Potion $34 = Ring $35 = Gem Ring $36 = Wand $37 = Disks of Mishakal $D0.. $D1: remaining charges in Blue Crystal Staff (initially $C7 (199)) $D2.. $D3: remaining charges in Staff of Magius (initially $61 ( 97)) $EA.. $EB: Number of baazes killed $EC.. $ED: Number of bozaks killed $EE.. $EF: Number of trolls killed $F0.. $F1: Number of wraiths killed $F2.. $F3: Number of spectrals killed $F4.. $F5: Number of large aghars killed $F6.. $F7: Number of small aghars killed $F8.. $F9: Number of men killed $FA.. $FB: Number of spiders killed $FC.. $FD: Number of hatchlings killed $88A..$88B: X-location of party (as pixel offset from left edge of room) $8E6: 1st character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $8E7: 1st character slot $8EE: 2nd character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $8EF: 2nd character slot $8F6: 3rd character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $8F7: 3rd character slot $8FE: 4th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $8FF: 4th character slot $906: 5th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $907: 5th character slot $90E: 6th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $90F: 6th character slot $916: 7th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $917: 7th character slot $91E: 8th character status ($00 = alive, $40 = dead) $91F: 8th character slot Character slot encodings are as follows: $00 = Goldmoon $01 = Sturm $02 = Caramon $03 = Raistlin $04 = Tanis $05 = Tasslehoff $06 = Riverwind $07 = Flint Unknown locations/encodings: Facing direction and Y-location of party (maybe not stored) Party location (ie. which room) Status, locations, types, etc. of monsters and items Active spells (ie. burning hands flying across room, protection spells, potion effects) Active items (eg. rings being worn vs. merely carried) Charges remamining in items (eg. wand, quiver) Prime attributes (STR, INT, etc.) The high score table is stored in D&DDL1B.PRG (72704 bytes), as follows: $84BA..$84C9: Name of 1st high scorer (16 characters) $84CA: CR ($0D) $84CB..$84DA: Name of 2nd high scorer (16 characters) $84DB: CR ($0D) $84DC..$84EB: Name of 3rd high scorer (16 characters) $84EC: CR ($0D) $84ED..$84FC: Name of 4th high scorer (16 characters) $84FD: CR ($0D) $84FE..$850D: Name of 5th high scorer (16 characters) $850E: CR ($0D) Unused characters are $20 (space). $8510..$8513: Score of 1st high scorer $8514..$8517: Score of 2nd high scorer $8518..$851B: Score of 3rd high scorer $851C..$851F: Score of 4th high scorer $8520..$8523: Score of 5th high scorer All numbers are big-endian. Hillsfar (V1.0) (188 bytes per character, ????????.HIL)------------------- 0: $00: $FC (magic byte) 1- 3: $01-$03: elapsed time? 4- 19: $04-$13: Name NULL-terminated, then padded with spaces. <= 15 characters, not including NULL byte. First 8 characters of name are also used in filename. 20: $14: STR 21: $15: exceptional STR 22: $16: INT 23: $17: WIS 24: $18: DEX 25: $19: CON 26: $1A: CHA 27: $1B: ? 28: $1C: Alignment 0 = L/G (Lawful Good) 1 = L/N (Lawful Neutral) 2 = L/E (Lawful Evil) 3 = N/G (Neutral Good) 4 = T/N (True Neutral) 5 = N/E (Neutral Evil) 6 = C/G (Chaotic Good) 7 = C/N (Chaotic Neutral) 8 = C/E (Chaotic Evil) 29: $1D: ? 30- 31: $1E-$1F: Age 32: $20: current HP 33: $21: maximum HP 34: $22: ? 35: $23: # of charges of Rod of Blasting 36- 39: $24-$27: ? 40- 43: $28-$2B: GP (signed 32-bit integer) 44: $2C: Sex 0 = male 1 = female 45: $2D: Race 0 = Dwarf 1 = Elf 2 = Gnome 3 = Half-Elf 4 = Halfling 5 = Human 46- 49: $2E-$31: XP (signed 32-bit integer) 50- 52: $32-$34: ? 53: $35: Class !$1 = cmfT = Thief !$2 = cmFt = Fighter !$3 = cmFT = Fighter/Thief !$4 = cMft = Magic-User !$5 = cMfT = Magic-User/Thief !$6 = cMFt = Fighter/Magic-User !$7 = cMFT = Fighter/Magic-User/Thief !$8 = Cmft = Cleric -$9 = CmfT = Cleric/Thief !$A = CmFt = Cleric/Fighter -$B = CmFT = Fighter/Cleric/Thief !$C = CMft = Cleric/Magic-User -$D = CMfT = Cleric/Magic-User/Thief !$E = CMFt = Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User -$F = CMFT = Fighter/Cleric/Magic-User/Thief Upper nybble is normally a copy of the lower nybble (but seems to be ignored by the game). "!" are possible to be created (for certain races). "-" are impossible to be created (but might be supportable nevertheless). 54- 68: $36-$44: ? 69: $45: Bit fields: 1 = bit is set if you have lockpicks 2 = ? 4 = ? 8 = bit is set if you have the Chime of Opening 16 = ? 32 = ? 64 = ? 128 = ? 70: $46: left head of pick #1 71: $47: right head of pick #1 72- 73: $48-$49: ? 74: $4A: status of pick #1 75: $4B: left head of pick #2 76: $4C: right head of pick #2 77- 78: $4D-$4E: ? 79: $4F: status of pick #2 80: $50: left head of pick #3 81: $51: right head of pick #3 82- 83: $52-$53: ? 84: $54: status of pick #3 85: $55: left head of pick #4 86: $56: right head of pick #4 87- 88: $57-$58: ? 89: $59: status of pick #4 90: $5A: left head of pick #5 91: $5B: right head of pick #5 92- 93: $5C-$5D: ? 94: $5E: status of pick #5 95: $5F: left head of pick #6 96: $60: right head of pick #6 97- 98: $61-$62: ? 99: $63: status of pick #6 100: $64: left head of pick #7 101: $65: right head of pick #7 102-103: $66-$67: ? 104: $68: status of pick #7 105: $69: left head of pick #8 106: $6A: right head of pick #8 107-108: $6B-$6C: ? 109: $6D: status of pick #8 110: $6E: left head of pick #9 111: $6F: right head of pick #9 112-113: $70-$71: ? 114: $72: status of pick #9 115: $73: left head of pick #10 116: $74: right head of pick #10 117-118: $75-$76: ? 119: $77: status of pick #10 120: $78: left head of pick #11 121: $79: right head of pick #11 122-123: $7A-$7B: ? 124: $7C: status of pick #11 125: $7D: left head of pick #12 126: $7E: right head of pick #12 127-128: $7F-$80: ? 129: $81: status of pick #12 130-133: $82-$85: ? 134: $86: # of knock rings 135: $87: # of healing potions 136: $88: always $07? 137-154: $89-$9A: ? 155: $9B: always $01? 156: $9C: always $07? 157-169: $9D-$A9: ? 170: $AA: horse: $01 = Faith $02 = Lightning $03 = Pokey $04 = Jumper 171-182: $AB-$B6: ? 183: $B7: Cleric level 184: $B8: Magic-User level 185: $B9: Fighter level 186: $BA: Thief level 187: $BB: ? Picks are numbered as follows: -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- 10- 11- 12- Pick statuses are as follows: $01: missing $02: reversed? $03: normal? $07: broken Left pick heads are at least $28..$38. Right pick heads are at least $15..$27. Unknown locations/encodings: time of day? quest statuses NPCs (eg. locksmith) present or not spells? which buildings you have tried to break into recently There is a character editor available for this game. See . Impossible Mission 2------------------------------------------------------ score (96 bytes): 12 entries, of 8 bytes each: $00..$04: name (5 characters) $05: NUL $06..$07: score (big-endian) score is stored as hundreds (ie. last 2 digits aren't stored) $270F = 9999(00) GAME (1715 bytes): $4D2: current tower number ($00='1'..$07='8') $613: hours remaining $614: minutes remaining $615: seconds remaining (eg. $093B3B is 9:59:59) $62E: electric plugs $638: platform moves $642: lift resets $64C: time bombs $656: mines $660: light bulbs Unknown locations/encodings: PINs found Number of objects found (for scoring purposes) Music found Towers completed Score (probably calculated from the above) Room arrangements Rooms lit/unlit Rooms visited Man's position and facing direction How much each object has been searched Where each object is hidden Tape position and contents Positions of lifts (in corridors and in rooms?) There is a saved game and high score table editor available for this game. See . Insanity Fight (Disk.1, 901,120 bytes)------------------------------------ The algorithm for tile offsets is: offset = $91000 + (level * 4096) + ((409 - y) * 10) - x; where level is 0.. 17 (for 1st..18th levels respectively). and x is 0.. 8. and y is 0..408. Each level is 10*409 tiles. Each tile is 32*20 pixels. The bottom row is stored first in the file. Each row is stored right-to-left. There is a level editor available for this game. See . It Came from the Desert 1 (icftd, 12,444 bytes)--------------------------- $7: days remaining until 15/6/51: $00 = 0 days remaining (ie. date is 15/6/51) : : : $0E = 14 days remaining (ie. date is 1/6/51) $B: hour (eg. $09=9 am) $D: minute (eg. $1A=26 past the hour) $242B: number of Army units $242D: number of Police units $242F: number of Construction units $2431: number of Townsfolk units Unknown locations/encoding: Locations of yourself and others Quest status Tiredness For WinUAE users, in WinUAE settings, you need to ensure "Immediate blitter" is unticked (even for the WHDLoad version). It Came from the Desert 2 (ICFTD2, 13,014 bytes)-------------------------- $9: days remaining until 15/1/56: $00 = 0 days remaining (ie. date is 15/1/56) : : : $0E = 14 days remaining (ie. date is 1/1/56) $D: hour (eg. $09=9 am) $F: minute (eg. $1A=26 past the hour) $242D?: number of Army units? $242F?: number of Police units? $2431?: number of Construction units? $2433?: number of Townsfolk units? The game certainly uses these later on. Unknown locations/encoding: Locations of yourself and others Quest status Tiredness For WinUAE users, in WinUAE settings, you need to ensure "Immediate blitter" is unticked (even for the WHDLoad version). Journey (#?, 16,896 bytes)------------------------------------------------ $3D8C..$3D93: name (8 characters max) (padded with NULs) $3FE3: amount of air essence ($00..$10) $3FE5: amount of fire essence ($00..$10) $3FE7: amount of earth essence ($00..$10) $3FE9: amount of water essence ($00..$10) $3FEB: amount of blue reagent ($00..$10) $3FED: amount of grey reagent ($00..$10) $3FEF: amount of black reagent ($00..$10) There seems to be some other bytes involved in essences/reagents... ie. it's not always enough just to set the number... You can go somewhat beyond $10 if you don't mind the erroneous text. Keef the Thief (SG, 2000 bytes)------------------------------------------- $02.. $03: Strength % (1..32767) $04.. $05: Speed % $06.. $07: Constitution % $08.. $09: Wisdom % $0A.. $0B: Luck % $0C.. $0D: Charisma % $0E.. $0F: Disarming % $10.. $11: Stealing % $12.. $13: Unlocking % $14.. $15: Nutrition % $16.. $17: Sobriety % $18.. $19: Sleep % $1A.. $1B: Gold pieces $1C.. $1D: Magic points? $1E.. $1F: Hit points? $20.. $21: Level (1..32767) Inventory: Spells (big-endian, but cleanly displayable range is only 0..99): $22.. $23: Bandus Aidus ("band aid") $24.. $25: Flickus Bickus ("flick bic") $26.. $27: Emmus Exesus ("MXS"?) $28.. $29: Nudus Bunsus ("nude buns"?) $2A.. $2B: Generus Elektus ("general electric") $2C.. $2D: Huvius Vacuumus ("hoover vacuum") $2E.. $2F: Cynus Arcenus $30.. $31: Agenus Oranus ("agent orange") $32.. $33: Riteus Gardus ("right guard"?) $34.. $35: Makus Foodus ("make food") $36.. $37: Takus Tylenus ("take tylenol") $38.. $39: Dranus Liqus ("drain liquid") $3A.. $3B: Qnus Arudes ("qualudes"?) $3C.. $3D: Napus Almus ("napalm") $3E.. $3F: Mutus Omahaus $40.. $41: Bigus Litus ("big light"?) $42.. $43: Goodas Newus ("good as new") $44.. $45: Usus Carus ("use car") $46.. $47: Pizaus Coldus ("cold pizza") $48.. $49: Olus Gayus $4A.. $4B: Lyodus Londus ("lloyd's of london") $4C.. $4D: Barbus Rubinus $4E.. $4F: Killus Deadus ("kill us dead") $50.. $51: Wastus Em! ("waste them") $52.. $53: Phonus Homus ("phone home") $54.. $55: Elmus Pastus ("elm paste"?) $56.. $5D: unused? Reagents (big-endian, but cleanly displayable range is only 0..99): $5E.. $5F: Dragon's Drool $60.. $61: Peppermint Sprigs $62.. $63: Scorpion Tail $64.. $65: Skunk Juice $66.. $67: Eye of Owl $68.. $69: Rhino Horn $6A.. $6B: Glow Grass $6C.. $6D: Wart Weed $6E.. $6F: Kiki Root $70.. $71: Black Pearl $72.. $73: Narcissus Root $74.. $75: Phoenix Egg Weapons ($00 = no, $01 = yes): $8E.. $8F: Bare Hands $90.. $91: Tree Branch $92.. $93: Spiked Club $94.. $95: Spiked Gloves $96.. $97: Sickle $98.. $99: Scythe $9A.. $9B: Dirk $9C.. $9D: Throwing Dagger $9E.. $9F: Axe $A0.. $A1: Blessed Axe $A2.. $A3: Whirling Death $A4.. $A5: Halberd $A6.. $A7: Bola $A8.. $A9: Long Bow $AA.. $AB: Crossbow $AC.. $AD: Holy Bow $AE.. $AF: Short Sword $B0.. $B1: Blood Blade $B2.. $B3: Bruce $B4.. $B5: Bahb el Buhd $B6.. $B7: Yin $B8.. $B9: Yang $BA.. $BB: Yin Yang $BC.. $BD: Charles $BE.. $BF: St. George $C0.. $C1: David $C2.. $C3: Neptune $C4.. $C5: Nischtarr $C6.. $C7: The Hare Armour ($00 = no, $01 = yes): $C8.. $C9: Bare Skin $CA.. $CB: Cloth Robe $CC.. $CD: Leather Tunic $CE.. $CF: Light Mail $D0.. $D1: Silver Ring $D2.. $D3: Serpent Skin $D4.. $D5: Dragon Hide $D6.. $D7: Achilles $D8.. $D9: Small Shield $DA.. $DB: Large Shield $DC.. $DD: Leather Cap $DE.. $DF: Ogre Skull $E0.. $E1: Moe $E2.. $E3: Gauntlets $E4.. $E5: The Tortoise Items: $278..$279: Jungle Map $27A..$27B: Book of Lore $27C..$27D: Antique Book $27E..$27F: Book of Swords $280..$281: Scroll of Unity $282..$283: Scroll of Power $284..$285: Scroll of Force $286..$287: Scroll of Infinity $288..$289: Flower of Mem $28A..$28B: Telloc's Log $28C..$28D: Roses $28E..$28F: Daffodils $290..$291: Bad Poetry $292..$293: Rope $294..$295: Lock Pick Set $296..$297: Oil $298..$299: Grappling Hook $29A..$29B: Knife $29C..$29D: Flint & Steel $29E..$29F: Homin Horse $2A0..$2A1: Clydesdale $2A2..$2A3: Porche Art $2A4..$2A5: Landscape $2A6..$2A7: Shard of Mem $2A8..$2A9: Used Scrolls $2AA..$2AB: Credits $2AC..$2AD: Telloc's Skull $2AE..$2AF: Passport $2B0..$2B1: Hermit's Key $2B2..$2B3: Key of Koran $2B4..$2B5: Mermaid's Ring $2B6..$2B7: Porche Sketch $2B8..$2B9: Tea Pot $2BA..$2BB: Dog $2BC..$2BD: Toothbrush $2BE..$2BF: Plate $2C0..$2C1: Goblet $2C2..$2C3: Green Necklace $2C4..$2C5: Ruby Necklace $2C6..$2D3: unused? Artifacts: $2D4..$2D5: Gem of Wisdom $2D6..$2D7: Globe of Power $2D8..$2D9: Plate of Strength $2DA..$2DB: Arm of Wealth $2DC..$2DD: Arm of Love $2DE..$2DF: Artifact of Mem Unknown locations/encodings: Equipped weapons and armour Current health % Current magic points # of lockpicks # of flints Location and facing direction Scores (treasure, magic, thieving, quest, XP) Not stored: Weapon Strength Weapon Speed Weapon Range Armour Strength Armour Speed Maximum health % (= constitution) Maximum magic points (= wisdom) Larn 12.0B (saved games) (Larn12.0.sav, 9,899+ bytes)--------------------- $0: whether you have ever been to town (always $01 because always yes) $1.. $A: whether you have ever been to dungeon level 1..10 ($00=no, $01=yes) $B.. $D: whether you have ever been to volcano level 1..3 $E..$23A5: level data for town level (67 rows * 17 columns * 8 bytes): 1st..17th rows of 1st column : : : 1st..17th rows of 67th column Each square is 8 bytes, as follows: $0.. $2: ? $3: contents $4.. $5: ? $6: visibility ($00=unexplored, $01=explored) $7: ? Increase these offsets by 912 ($2398) for each dungeon level that has been reached (town level is already taken into account): $23A6..$23A9: STRength $23AA..$23AD: INTelligence $23AE..$23B1: WISdom $23B2..$23B5: DEXterity $23B6..$23B9: CONstitution $23BA..$23BD: CHarisma $23BE..$23C1: maximum Hit Points $23C2..$23C5: current Hit Points $23C6..$23C9: Gold Pieces $23CA..$23CD: eXperience Points $23F2..$23F5: maximum Spell Points $23F6..$23F9: current Spell Points $2533..$2536: Moves $253A: Z-location (ie. current dungeon level) $253B: X-location $253C: Y-location The file size is 787 bytes + 9112 per level (for a minimum of 9899 bytes, since the town is considered to be a level). See also the source code for the Atari ST port at and the MCE source code. Larn 12.0B (high scores) (.lscore12.0) (1680 bytes)----------------------- $0..$437: Losers table (10 entries, each of 108 bytes): $0.. $6B: 1st loser (not necessarily best loser): $0.. $3: score $4.. $7: player ID $8.. $9: number of monster that killed player $A.. $B: dungeon level player was on when he died $C.. $D: difficulty level $E.. $F: relative ordering ($00=best loser, $01=2nd best loser, etc.) $10.. $37: name (40 bytes) $38.. $6B: inventory list (52 bytes) $6C.. $D7: 2nd loser etc. $438..$68F: Winners table (10 entries, each of 60 bytes) See also the source code for the Atari ST port at and the MCE source code. Last Ninja Remix (Disk.1, 819,200 bytes)---------------------------------- $61800: whether there is a saved game? ($00=no, $01=yes) If no, normally $61801..$61817 will be $00, and the game doesn't actually look at those bytes. Objects ($00=no, $01=yes) (objects are toggled by "H" key): $61801: pouch $61802: key $61803: apple $61804: claw $61805: glove $61806: amulet $61807: flower $61808: rope $61809: bottle $6180A: scrolls Weapon flags ($00=no, $01=yes) (weapons are toggled by spacebar): $6180B: sword $6180C: nunchakus $6180D: staff $6180E: shuriken $6180F: smoke bomb(s) Quantities (big-endian): $61810..$61811: how many *spare* lives you have $0000..$000A are handled correctly, higher values confuse it. If you choose later to "restart this level", you get 3 lives (ie. 2 spare lives). If you begin level 2 with only one life you will receive another immediately. $61812..$61813: number of smoke bombs $61814..$61815: number of shurikens $61816..$61817: level number: $01 = the start $02 = the wilderness $03 = palace gardens $04 = the dungeons $05 = the palace $06 = the inner sanctum $07 = to be continued It doesn't seem to keep a record of: health weapon in use object held facing direction Legend of Faerghail (SYST/ROST)------------------------------------------- The file is structured as follows: $000: Number of characters in roster (0..32) $001..$19E ( 1.. 414): 1st character $19F..$33C ( 415.. 828): 2nd character $33D..$4DA ( 829..1242): 3rd character $4DB..$682 (1243..1666): 4th character etc. Each character is 414 ($19E) bytes long, as follows: MODULE struct // -----Structure----- -------File-------- { UBYTE Enabled; // $00 0 $00 0 char Name[10 + 1]; // $01.. $0B 1.. 11 $01.. $0B 1.. 11 BYTE Caught, // $0C 12 $0C 12 Target; // $0D 13 $0D 13 UBYTE Magic; // $0E 14 $0E 14 BYTE NextAction; // $0F 15 $0F 15 WORD SpecialChar, // $10.. $11 16.. 17 $10.. $11 16.. 17 MaxSpecialRound, // $12.. $13 18.. 19 $12.. $13 18.. 19 Damage; // $14.. $15 20.. 21 $14.. $15 20.. 21 BYTE HiddenAt; // $16 22 $16 22 UBYTE Level, // $17 23 $17 23 Sex, // $18 24 $18 24 Align, // $19 25 $19 25 Race, // $1A 26 $1A 26 Class, // $1B 27 $1B 27 Thaco, // $1C 28 $1C 28 ACa, // $1D 29 $1D 29 ACr, // $1E 30 $1E 30 Health; // $1F 31 $1F 31 WORD StHits, // $20.. $21 32.. 33 $20.. $21 32.. 33 CnHits; // $22.. $23 34.. 35 $22.. $23 34.. 35 UBYTE Position, // $24 36 $24 36 Negotiate, // $25 37 $25 37 LastNego, // $26 38 $26 38 Attack, // $27 39 $27 39 Defend, // $28 40 $28 40 LastPhys, // $29 41 $29 41 LastMagi, // $2A 42 $2A 42 Concentration, // $2B 43 $2B 43 LastSpell, // $2C 44 $2C 44 PickPockets, // $2D 45 $2D 45 LastFail, // $2E 46 $2E 46 LastSucc, // $2F 47 $2F 47 Stalk, // $30 48 $30 48 LastStal, // $31 49 $31 49 FindTrap, // $32 50 $32 50 LastFind, // $33 51 $33 51 DisarmTrap, // $34 52 $34 52 LastDisa, // $35 53 $35 53 OpenDoor, // $36 54 $36 54 Revive, // $37 55 $37 55 Location[13], // $38.. $44 56.. 68 $38.. $44 56.. 68 Con, // $45 69 $45 69 Str, // $46 70 $46 70 Dex, // $47 71 $47 71 Int, // $48 72 $48 72 Wis; // $49 73 $49 73 BYTE DoesNotMove, // $4A 74 --- --- AntiMagic; // $4B 75 --- --- BOOL NeedsRescue, // $4C.. $4D 76.. 77 --- --- NoMagic; // $4E.. $4F 78.. 79 --- --- LONG Speed; // $50.. $53 80.. 83 --- --- BOOL Dragon, // $54.. $55 84.. 85 --- --- Healer, // $56.. $57 86.. 87 --- --- WereWolf; // $58.. $59 88.. 89 --- --- BYTE HalfVal, // $5A 90 --- --- NumAttacks, // $5B 91 --- --- PoisonSpeed, // $5C 92 --- --- Phases, // $5D 93 --- --- HitsUpPerPhase, // $5E 94 --- --- RescueUp, // $5F 95 --- --- ACUp, // $60 96 --- --- ThacoUp, // $61 97 --- --- AttacksUp, // $62 98 --- --- StrUp, // $63 99 --- --- LevelUp, // $64 100 --- --- OldCon; // $65 101 --- --- WORD StrengthDrain; // $66.. $67 102..103 --- --- // UWORD MaxLoad, // $68.. $69 104..105 --- --- // CurLoad; // $6A.. $6B 106..107 --- --- UBYTE Spells, // $6C 108 $68 104 NumSpells, // $6D 109 $69 105 ListSpell, // $6E 110 $6A 106 NumItems; // $6F 111 $6B 107 ULONG Experience; // $70.. $73 112..115 $6C.. $6F 108..111 UBYTE Rations, // $74 116 $70 112 Pad; // $75 117 $71 113 LONG Gold, // $76.. $79 118..121 $72.. $75 114..117 Account; // $7A.. $7D 122..125 $76.. $79 118..121 UBYTE Language[8], // $7E.. $85 126..133 $7A.. $81 122..129 Items[48][4], // $86..$145 134..325 $82..$141 130..321 Spell[34][2], // $146..$189 326..393 $142..$185 322..389 Identified[20]; // $18A..$19D 394..413 $186..$199 390..409 // ULONG Sum; // $19E..$1A1 414..417 $19A..$19D 410..413 } Roster[32]; See the MCE source code for the checksum algorithm. Legend of Lothian (.save, 96 bytes)--------------------------------- $00..$02: X-location (0..999?) Longitudes range from 72W..84E (X of 0..156). 0 is X of 72. $03..$05: Y-location (0..999?) Latitudes range from 40N..40S (Y of 0.. 80). 0 is Y of 40. $06..$07: area $2452 ('-1'): Land of Mercia (72W..84E,40N..40S) $2323 ('00'): Town of Larkspur (56W,26N) $2352 ('01'): Lothian Castle (1st floor) ( 7W,18N) $2366 ('02'): Lothian Castle (2nd floor) ( 7W,18N) $232A ('03'): Mountain cave (57W,16N) $2377 ('04'): Town of Asraela (19E,14S) $2341 ('05'): Forlorn Castle (1st floor) (17W,13S) $2356 ('06'): Forlorn Castle (2nd floor) (17W,13S) $2321 ('07'): Town of Rastun (45E, 7N) $2332 ('08'): Ruins of Hesron (34E,12S) $2369 ('09'): Forlorn Dungeon (72W,40N) $5223 ('10'): Town of Wenhea (62E,25S) $5252 ('11'): Town of Marlot (29W,28S) $5266 ('12'): Shrine of Might (67E,19N) $522A ('13'): Shrine of Protection (17W,29N) $5277 ('14'): Town of Trubly (59W,17S) $5241 ('15'): Evil Palace (67E,10S) $5256 ('16'): Evil Dungeon (72W,40N) $08..$0B: experience (0..9999) $0C..$0F: gold (0..9999) $10..$12: food (0..999) $13..$15: current health (1..999) $16..$18: maximum health (1..999) $19..$1B: current stamina (1..999) $1C..$1E: maximum stamina (1..999) $1F..$20: level (1..99) $21: weapon $23 ('0') = none $52 ('1') = club $66 ('2') = dagger $2A ('3') = mace $77 ('4') = sword $41 ('5') = crossbow $56 ('6') = magical $22: armour $23 ('0') = none $52 ('1') = cloth $66 ('2') = leather $2A ('3') = ringmail $77 ('4') = chainmail $41 ('5') = plate $56 ('6') = magical $23: ? $24..$26: ship X-location $27..$29: ship Y-location $2A: ? $2B: "ship boarded" flag $23 ('0') = no $52 ('1') = yes $2C..$2D: ? $2E: sex $23 ('0') = male $52 ('1') = female $2F: ? $30: "compass in use" flag $23 ('0') = no $52 ('1') = yes $31: "marsh immune" flag $23 ('0') = no $52 ('1') = yes $32..$37: ? $38..$39: 1st inventory slot $3A..$3B: 2nd inventory slot $3C..$3D: 3rd inventory slot $3E..$3F: 4th inventory slot $40..$41: 5th inventory slot $42..$43: 6th inventory slot $44..$45: 7th inventory slot $46..$47: 8th inventory slot $48..$49: 9th inventory slot $4A..$4B: 10th inventory slot Inventory slots are as follows: $2452 ('-1'): nothing $2323 ('00'): skeleton key $2352 ('01'): axe $2366 ('02'): lantern $232A ('03'): amulet $2377 ('04'): compass $2341 ('05'): orb of sight $2356 ('06'): rose $2321 ('07'): hand mirror $2332 ('08'): magical wood $2369 ('09'): rope $5223 ('10'): unicorn $5252 ('11'): horn $5266 ('12'): spell book $522A ('13'): gem $5277 ('14'): potion $4C..$5F: ? The character's name is (only) stored in the filename. Values are stored in encrypted BCD format, one byte per digit, as follows: $24 = '-' $23 = '0' $52 = '1' $66 = '2' $2A = '3' $77 = '4' $41 = '5' $56 = '6' $21 = '7' $32 = '8' $69 = '9' Ragnarok (SAVEGAME, 5120 bytes)------------------------------------------- $0.. $3: "RAGN" $4.. $103: board: It is stored as though it was 16*16, although only the first 11 elements of each axis are actually used. $4.. $13: 1st row (only $4.. $E are actually used) $14.. $23: 2nd row (only $14..$1E are actually used) etc. $406: animations ($00=on, $01=off) $407: sound effects ($00=on, $01=off) Table of starting positions: $10B7: 1st piece Y $10B9: 1st piece X $10BA..$10BB: 1st piece player (1 or 2) $10BB: 1st piece type: $0280 = Odin $0240 = Einherjar $0220 = Vidar $0210 = Tyr $0208 = Heimdall $0204 = Thor $0202 = Valkries $0201 = Frey $0140 = Giant $0120 = Hyrm $0110 = Garm $0108 = Surt $0104 = Surmangand $0102 = Fenrir $0101 = Loki $0000 = None $10BD: 2nd piece Y $10BF: 2nd piece X etc. Normal starting positions are: 0123456789A 0...GGSGG... 1.....G..... 2........... 3G....E....G 4G...ESE...G 5SG.ESOSE.GS 6G...ESE...G 7G....E....G 8........... 9.....G..... 0...GGSGG... O = Odin E = Einherjar G = Giant S = Special (or einherjar/giant) Unknown locations/encodings: how far through tournament they are game mode (eg. number of players, king's table or ragnarok) which special pieces have been chosen opponent cameos on/off Unknown game behaviours: what happens if multiple pieces are in the same square? what happens if there are eg. multiple Odins? how would a black Odin (type $0180) be treated? what about if multiple type flags are set for the same piece? or the player field is given an unusual value? Legend of the Sword (GAME.LOS, 2048 bytes)-------------------------------- $00: $FF $01..$2E: "Hi hackers! Another boring 48byte file header!" $2F: $00 $35: Your location: $00 = dead $01 = ship = on board the Lady Juville $02 = beach = on a sandy beach at the foot of a sheer rockface $03 = in a small cave, 30' above the beach $04 = a prisoner $05 = at the end of a darkened passage which runs south $06 = dead $07 = at the base of a jagged rockface which towers almost 50' above you $08 = along this point of the beach, the water line is much nearer to the rockface $09 = the boat is sinking $0A = at the top of a rockface which looks down nearly 50' to a sandy beach below $0B = in the keep's courtyard $0C = at the tower's entrance $0D = at the foot of the path $0E = at the bottom of a circular stone stairway $0F = the two paths at this turning lead west and southeast $10 = at the western edge of the Anar forest $11 = at the crossroad of four paths $12..$5B = ? $5C = at the edge of a large hole and in the middle of a small clearing $5D+ = ? Unknown locations/encodings: Inventory Object locations Time Links (games/#?.GAM, 872 bytes)------------------------------------------- $02..$10: Filename of saved game $1AB: Number of holes completed $1AC+: Player filename (eg. "DEFAULT.PLR") $24C+: Player name (eg. "DEFAULT") $2CE+: Course filename (eg. "FIRESTON.CRS") Score for 1st hole is either at $17, $3B or $3F. Mulligans for 1st hole is either at $316 or $351. Unknown locations/encodings: Options: Sounds: commentary on/off wildlife on/off all others on/off Drawing detail: close min/med/max mid min/med/max far min/med/max Grid on/off Club (eg. 1W) Location and facing direction of the player, ball and/or hole Stance, etc. Wind Scores for this hole (incl. mulligans) Scores for previous hole (incl. mulligans) Whose turn it is to swing Little Computer People (LCP:Misc/Brain, 200 bytes)------------------------ $27: $FE = Healthy $2F: $14 = Healthy $33: $FE = Healthy $43: $7A = Evict Current LCP and invite a new LCP to stay $58..$C7: $00 = Reset personality back to day 0 Mercenary 1 (Mercenary?.save?, 5162 bytes)-------------------------------- "Escape from Targ" saved games are named "The Second City" saved games are named where ? is a number from 0 to 9. $49D.. $49F: Your 1st coordinate $49D is coarse location (ie. displayed coordinate) black is non-negative, eg. $00="00", $01="01", $0A="10", etc. >99 are shown in-game as black "**" 127 ($7F) is highest value red is negative, eg. $FF=-1, $FE=-2, etc. <-99 are shown in-game as red "**" -128 ($80) is lowest value $49E..$49F are fine location (0..65535) $4A5.. $4A7: Your 2nd coordinate $51B: Speed of vehicle (eg. $05="5" key, $0A="0" key)? $573: Number of items carried (ie. items in stack). $5A3: $80 = Dominion Dart is not owned $81 = Dominion Dart is owned $DE7.. $DF1: Item stack, bottom to top. There are 11 slots but the game has a limit of 10. Items are added and removed from the top of the stack. Item codes are (Y/N is for whether carryable or not): $01 N Dominion Dart #1 $02 N Car #2 $03 N Car #3 $04 N Hexapod #4 $05 N Vehicle #5 $06 Y Cheese $07 N Vehicle #7 $08 N Cube #8 $09 N Dominion Dart #9 $0A N Prestinium (destroyed) $0B N Vehicle #11 $0C Y Mechanoid $0D N Vehicle #13 $0E N Cube #14 $0F N Hexapod #15 $10 Y Photon emitter $11 Y Triangle $12 Y Bottom-heavy trapezoid $13 Y Pentagon $14 Y Pointed tombstone $15 Y Top-heavy trapezoid $16 Y Hexagon $17 Y Rounded tombstone $18 Y Anti time bomb $19 Y Novadrive $1A Y Metal detector $1B Y Antigrav $1C Y Poweramp $1D Y Neutron fuel $1E Y Antenna $1F Y Energy crystal $20 Y Coffin $21 Y Music stand $22 Y Large box $23 Y Useful armament $24 Y Stove $25 Y Sales forecast $26 Y Gold $27 Y Lounge $28 Y Sights $29 Y Medical supplies $2A Y Essential 12939 supply $2B Y Winchester $2C Y Catering provisions $2D Y Databank $2E Y Pass $2F Y Kitchen sink $30 N Cobweb $31 Y Lamp $32 N Prop #50 $33 N Fireplace $34 N TV cabinet $35 Y Table $36 Y Chair $37 Y Bed $38 N Structure #56 $39 N Skull & crossbones #57 $3A N Skull & crossbones #58 $3B N Skull & crossbones #59 $3C N Skull & crossbones #60 $3D N Structure #61 $3E N Structure #62 $3F N Structure #63 $FB4.. $FB5: Useful armament X-location $11B4..$11B5: Useful armament Y-location $12AC: Flags for item $06 (cheese) $08=not carried?, $88=carried? $1406..$1409: Money, in packed BCD format eg. $00009000 = 9,000 credits See the MCE source code for more information. Unknown locations/encodings: Damage to eg. Dominion Dart Whether you are in Dominion Dart (vs. walking) Altitude Heading (compass and elevation) (ie. facing direction in 3D space) Quest status Relations with Palyars and Mechanoids Time elapsed Indoor coordinates Mercenary 2: Damocles (, 7384 bytes)---------------------- ? is a number from 0 to 9. $1B03..$1B06: Money, in packed BCD format (eg. $00009000 = 9,000 credits) Unknown locations/encodings: Inventory Location (incl. altitude, heading, etc.) Quest status Speed of vehicle Time elapsed/left how are indoor coords represented? & how is altitude represented? Might & Magic 2 (ROSTER.DAT, 8320 bytes)---------------------------------- Each character's section in the file ROSTER.DAT is 130 ($00..$81) bytes long, as follows: $00..$09: Character's name (not NULL-terminated, padded with spaces) $0A: $00 (NUL) $0B: City: $01: Middlegate $02: Atlantium $03: Tundara $04: Vulcania $05: Sansobar $0C: Sex: $00: Male $01: Female $0D: Alignment: $00: Good $01: Neutral $02: Evil $0E: Race: $00: Human $01: Elf $02: Dwarf $03: Gnome $04: Half-Orc $0F: Class: $00: Knight $01: Paladin $02: Archer $03: Cleric $04: Sorcerer $05: Robber $06: Ninja $07: Barbarian $10: Might (maximum) $11: Intelligence (maximum) $12: Personality (maximum) $13: Speed (maximum) $14: Accuracy (maximum) $15: Luck (maximum) $16: Magic Resistance (as measured in Vulcania) $17: Fire Resistance $18: Electricity Resistance $19: Cold Resistance $1A: Energy Resistance $1B: Sleep Resistance $1C: Poison Resistance $1D: Acid Resistance $1E: Thievery $1F..$20: ? $21: Age $22: ? $23: Spell level (maximum) $24: Armour class $25: Food $26: Condition: bit 7: eradicated bit 6: unconscious bit 5: paralyzed bit 4: asleep bit 3: poisoned bit 2: diseased bit 1: silenced bit 0: cursed $27: Endurance (maximum) $28..$2D: Equipped 1..6 $2E..$33: Equipped 1..6 charges (even though in theory you can give an item $FF charges, the item will only recognize a maximum of $3F) $34..$39: Equipped 1..6 + $3A..$3F: Pack 1..6 $40..$45: Pack 1..6 charges $46..$4B: Pack 1..6 + $4C..$4F: ? $50: Secondary skills (one per nybble): $0: No Skills $1: Arms Master $2: Athlete $3: Cartographer $4: Crusader $5: Diplomat $6: Gambler $7: Gladiator $8: Hero $9: Linguist $A: Merchant $B: Moutaineer $C: Navigator $D: Pathfinder $E: Pickpocket $F: Soldier $51..$56: Available spells (set bytes $51..$56 to $FF to obtain ALL spells) $57: Null $58..$59: Current spell points (little-endian) $5A..$5B: Maximum spell points (little-endian) $5C..$5D: Gems (little-endian) $5E..$5F: Current hit points (little-endian) $60..$61: Maximum hit points (little-endian) $62..$65: Experience points (little-endian) $66..$69: Gold (little-endian) $6A: $00 $6B: Might (current) $6C: Intellect (current) $6D: Personality (current) $6E: Speed (current) $6F: Accuracy (current) $70: Luck (current) $71: Experience level $72: Spell level (current) $73: Endurance (current) $74..$81: ? There is a character editor available for this game. See . Might & Magic 3 (save??.mm3)---------------------------------------------- Save game sizes vary: sizes of 153,600 and 208,919 have been seen. There are 30 characters, each of 304 ($130) bytes, starting at $98B. Offsets shown are for 1st character. $98B..$99A: Name (16 chars max.) (not NUL-terminated, but padded with NULs) $99B: Sex ($00=male, $01=female) $99C: Race: $00 = human $01 = elf $02 = gnome $03 = dwarf $04 = half-orc $99D: Alignment: $00 = good $01 = neutral $02 = evil $99E: Class: $00 = knight $01 = paladin $02 = archer $03 = cleric $04 = sorcerer $05 = robber $06 = ninja $07 = barbarian $08 = druid $09 = ranger $99F: Might $9A1: Intellect $9A3: Personality $9A5: Endurance $9A7: Speed $9A9: Accuracy $9AB: Luck $9AE: Experience level $9B2..$9C3: Skills: $9B2: Thievery 2 $9B3: Arms Master $9B4: Astrologer $9B5: Body Builder $9B6: Cartographer $9B7: Crusader $9B8: Direction Sense $9B9: Linguist $9BA: Merchant $9BB: Mountaineer $9BC: Navigator $9BD: Path Finder $9BE: Prayer Master $9BF: Prestidigitator $9C0: Swimmer $9C1: Tracker $9C2: Spot Secret Doors $9C3: Danger Sense $9C4..$9DB: Awards: $9C4: Raven's Guild Member $9D7: Icarus Resurrected $9C5: Albatross Guild Member $9D3: Greek Brothers Visited $9C6: Falcon's Guild Member $9D4: Greywind Released (645) $9C7: Buzzard's Guild Member $9D5: Blackwind Released (231) $9C8: Eagle's Guild Member $9CF: Good Artifacts Recovered $9C9: Saved Fountain Head $9D0: Evil Artifacts Recovered $9D9: Arena Wins $9D1: Neut Artifacts Recovered $9CA: Blessed by the Forces $9CB: Orbs Given to Zealot $9D6: Skulls Given to Kranion $9CD: Orbs Given to Tumult $9D2: Shells Given to Athea $9CC: Orbs Given to Malefactor $9DA: Pearls to Pirate Queen $9D8: Freed Princess Trueberry $9DB: Ultimate Adventurer $9DE..$A01: Spells ($00=no, $01=yes): $9DE: Light $9DF: Awaken $9E0: First Aid (cleric)/Detect Magic (mage) $9E1: Flying Fist (cleric)/Elemental Arrow (mage) $9E2: Revitalize (cleric)/Energy Blast (mage) $9E3: Cure Wounds (cleric)/Sleep (mage) $9E4: Sparks (cleric)/Create Rope (mage) $9E5: Prot. from Elements (cleric)/Toxic Cloud (mage) $9E6: Pain (cleric)/Jump (mage) $9E7: Suppress Poison (cleric)/Acid Stream (mage) $9E8: Suppress Disease (cleric)/Levitate (mage) $9E9: Turn Undead (cleric)/Wizard Eye (mage) $9EA: Silence (cleric)/Identify Monster (mage) $9EB: Blessed (cleric)/Lightning Bolt (mage) $9EC: Holy Bonus (cleric)/Lloyd's Beacon (mage) $9ED: Power Cure (cleric)/Power Shield (mage) $9EE: Heroism (cleric)/Detect Monster (mage) $9EF: Immobilize (cleric)/Fireball (mage) $9F0: Cold Ray (cleric)/Time Distortion (mage) $9F1: Cure Poison (cleric)/Feeble Mind (mage) $9F2: Acid Spray (cleric)/Teleport (mage) $9F3: Cure Disease (cleric)/Finger of Death (mage) $9F4: Cure Paralysis (cleric)/Super Shelter (mage) $9F5: Paralyze (cleric)/Dragon Breath (mage) $9F6: Create Food (cleric)/Recharge Item (mage) $9F7: Fiery Flail (cleric)/Fantastic Freeze (mage) $9F8: Town Portal (cleric)/Duplication (mage) $9F9: Stone to Flesh (cleric)/Disintegrate (mage) $9FA: Half for Me (cleric)/Etherealize (mage) $9FB: Raise Dead (cleric)/Dancing Sword (mage) $9FC: Moon Ray (cleric)/Enchant Item (mage) $9FD: Mass Distortion (cleric)/Incinerate (mage) $9FE: Holy Word (cleric)/Megavolts (mage) $9FF: Resurrect (cleric)/Inferno (mage) $A00: Sun Ray (cleric)/Implosion (mage) $A01: Divine Intervention (cleric)/Star Burst (mage) $A1B..$A2C: Charges for 1st..18th items $A2E..$A3F: 1st adjective for 1st..18th items: $00 = normal $01 = burning $02 = fiery $03 = pyric $04 = fuming $05 = flaming $06 = seething $07 = blazing $08 = scorching $09 = flickering $0A = sparking $0B = static $0C = flashing $0D = shocking $0E = electric $0F = dyna $10 = icy $11 = frost $12 = freezing $13 = cold $14 = cryo $15 = acidic $16 = venomous $17 = poisonous $18 = toxic $19 = noxious $1A = glowing $1B = incandescent $1C = dense $1D = sonic $1E = power $1F = thermal $20 = radiating $21 = kinetic $22 = mystic $23 = magical $24 = ectoplasmic $A41..$A52: item materials (aka 2nd adjective): $00 = normal $01 = wooden $02 = leather $03 = brass $04 = bronze $05 = iron $06 = silver $07 = steel $08 = gold $09 = platinum $0A = glass $0B = coral $0C = crystal $0D = lapis $0E = pearl $0F = amber $10 = ebony $11 = quartz $12 = ruby $13 = emerald $14 = sapphire $15 = diamond $16 = obsidian $A54..$A65 is 3rd adj: $00 = normal $01 = might $02 = strength $03 = warrior $04 = ogre $05 = giant $06 = thunder $07 = force $08 = power $09 = dragon $0A = photon $0B = clever $0C = mind $0D = sage etc. (see MCE source code) $A67..$A78: items list: $00 = nothing $01 = long sword $02 = short sword $03 = broad sword $04 = scimitar $05 = cutlass $06 = sabre $07 = club $08 = hand axe $09 = katana $0A = nunchakas $0B = wakazashi $0C = dagger $0D = mace $0E = flail $0F = cudgel $10 = maul $11 = spear $12 = bardiche $13 = glaive $14 = halberd $15 = pike $16 = flamberge $17 = trident $18 = staff $19 = hammer $1A = naginata $1B = battle axe $1C = grand axe $1D = great axe $1E = short bow $1F = long bow $20 = crossbow $21 = sling $22 = padded armor $23 = leather armor $24 = scale armor $25 = ring mail $26 = chain mail $27 = splint mail $28 = plate mail $29 = plate armor $2A = shield $2B = helm $2C = crown $2D = tiara $2E = gauntlets $2F = ring $30 = boots $31 = cloak $32 = robes $33 = cape $34 = belt $35 = broach $36 = medal $37 = charm $38 = cameo $39 = scarab $3A = pendant $3B = necklace $3C = amulet $3D = rod $3E = jewel $3F = gem $40 = box $41 = orb $42 = horn $43 = coin $44 = wand $45 = whistle $46 = potion $47 = scroll $48 = Torch $49 = Rope and Hooks $4A = Useless Item $4B = Ancient Jewelry $4C = Green Eyeball Key $4D = Red Warrior's Key $4E = Sacred Silver Skull $4F = Ancient Artifact of Good $50 = Ancient Artifact of Neutrality $51 = Ancient Artifact of Evil $52 = Jewelry $53 = Precious Pearl of Youth and Beauty $54 = Black Terror Key $55 = King's Ultimate Power Orb $56 = Ancient Fizbin of Misfortune $57 = Master Key $58 = Quatloo Coin $59 = Hologram Sequencing Card 001 $5A = Yellow Fortress Key $5B = Blue Unholy Key $5C = Hologram Sequencing Card 002 $5D = Hologram Sequencing Card 003 $5E = Hologram Sequencing Card 004 $5F = Hologram Sequencing Card 005 $60 = Hologram Sequencing Card 006 $61 = Z Item 23 $62 = Blue Priority Pass Card $63 = Interspatial Transport Box $64 = Might Potion $65 = Gold Pyramid Key Card $66 = Alacorn of Icarus $67 = Sea Shell $A7A..$A8B: 4th adjective (see MCE source code) $A92: fire resistance $A94: cold resistance $A96: electricity resistance $A98: poison resistance $A9A: energy resistance $A9C: magic resistance $AB1..$AB2: current hit points $AB3..$AB4: current spell points $AB5..$AB6: year of birth (age = 500 - birthyear) For entire party: $3085..$3086: Food (0..$FFFF) (each party member eats 3 units per day) $3095..$3098: Gold carried $3099..$309C: Gems carried All values are big-endian. The following appear to be calculated by the game rather than stored on disk: maximum sp? maximum hp? natural age? (based on birthyear?) armour class? Unknown locations/encodings: game name current time/date marching order banked gold/gems experience points for each character: "current" age (eg. including magical ageing) portrait initial location day of birth condition "equipped" variable for each item There is a character editor available for this game. See . Mindshadow (SVA..SVK, 180 bytes)------------------------------------------ $02..$03: Money (in pounds) (0..65535) Locations of items: $61: a shell $63: a rock $65: a map $67: some straw $69: a piece of steel $6B: a vine $6D: a bottle of rum $6F: an empty bottle $71: some canvas $73: a meat-cleaver $75: a fishing pole $77: a newspaper $79: a hat $7B: a forged ticket $7D: a leaflet $7F: an ID $81: a note $83: a parchment $85: a message $87: some debris $89: a pistol $8B: a hat $8D: a safety deposit box $8F: a pistol $9D: Location of you $9F: ? Locations are: $00 = Carried $01 = You are on a beach with a marvellous and intriguing view of the ocean. $02 = The island dead-ends here at a steep rocky cliff. $03 = You are outside a rocky cave. $04 = You stand before a primitive, badly deteriorated hut. $05 = The old hut has been abandoned for a long time. $06 = An old dory lies broken and faded in the sand. $07 = In the clearing of a small jungle oasis. $08 = A trail marked by an ominous warning sign leads into a forest and some high mountains. $09 = You are lost in the mountains. $0A = Quicksand!!! $0B = You are lost in the mountains. $0C = You've found another beach. $0D = You are lost in the mountains. $0E = You are lost in the mountains. $0F = Quicksand!!! $10 = You are lost in the mountains. $11 = Quicksand!!! $12 = Quicksand!!! $13 = You are lost in the mountains. $14 = You are lost in the mountains. $15 = You are lost in the mountains. $16 = Quicksand!!! $17 = You are lost in the mountains. $18 = Quicksand!!! $19 = Quicksand!!! $1A = Your rescue ship is an old pirate schooner. $1B = You are on the starboard side of the boat. $1C = You are on the starboard side of the boat. $1D = Welcome to the poop deck. $1E = You are on the port side of the boat. $1F = The port side of the ship... $20 = You are on the port side of the boat. $21 = Abaft, the ship's stern. $22 = Entering the sick bay... $23 = You've stumbled upon the crew's quarters. $24 = Your nose finds the galley before your eyes do. $25 = Perched precariously on the end of the gangplank... $26 = You are walking along a pier. $27 = The docks are dark and dangerous... $28 = The coastal fog is cool and thick with brine. $29 = An old derelict, reeking of ale and bitters... $2A = You're in an airport. $2B = You're making your way north, on Baker Street. $2C = You are on Baker Street which runs north and south. $2D = You are on a beach with a marvellous and intriguing view of the ocean. $2E = You are on Baker Street, heading south. $2F = This is no ordinary store. $30 = Rick's Cafe is smoke-filled and crowded. $31 = You're in the dining room. $32 = You're in the restroom. $33 = You're in a dark alley. $34 = You dead-end in the alley. $35 = A plane is here ready to cross the channel back to England. $36 = You're in the world famous Strausbahn... $37 = The inn is dark and welcome, but build a little strangely. $38 = The Strausbahn runs north and south here. $39 = The bank is staid, professional, very old Europe. $3A = The Strausbahn has led you to the tourist quarter of the city. $3B = You're in a mountain wilderness. $3C = You're in a mountain wilderness. $3D = You're in a mountain wilderness. $3E = You're in a mountain wilderness. $3F = You're in a mountain wilderness. $40 = You're in a mountain wilderness. $41 = You're in a remote mountain wilderness. $42 = The hotel lobby is as stately and appointed as its exterior. $43 = You are on a beach with a marvellous and intriguing view of the ocean. $44 = You are inside the hotel elevator. $45 = You are inside the hotel elevator. $46 = You're in the hall. $47 = You're in the hall. $48 = You're in the hall. $49 = You're in the hall. $4A = You're in the hall. $4B = You're in room 202. $4C = You burst into room 201, ready for anything. $4D = You're in room 204. $4E = As you enter room 203... $4F = You're in room 206. $50 = You're in room 205. $51 = You're in room 207. $52 = As you barge brazenly into room 208... $53 = You are on the port bow. $54 = You are on the starboard bow. $55 = You are on the port stern. $56 = You are on the starboard stern. $57 = Inside, the cave is cool, damp and rock strewn. $58 = You're in the lobby. $59 = You are on the second floor. $5A = You're in the crew's quarters. $5B = It's a small booth and very dark. $5C = You are in a small booth. $5D = There is a dead man here. $5E = You are on the beach. $5F = You are on the plank. $A0..$A1: 1st item picture slot: $FFFF = Empty $0000 = a shell $0001 = a rock $0002 = a map $0003 = some straw $0004 = a piece of steel $0005 = a vine $0006 = a bottle of rum $0007 = an empty bottle : : $0017 = a pistol? $A2..$A3: 2nd item picture slot $A4..$A5: 3rd item picture slot $A6..$A7: 4th item picture slot $A8..$A9: 5th item picture slot $AA..$AB: 6th item picture slot $AC..$AD: 7th item picture slot $AE..$AF: 8th item picture slot The game shows item slots from right to left (ie. 8th on left..1st on right). SVB = Game 0 SVC = Game 1 : : : SVK = Game 9 Moria--------------------------------------------------------------------- No file formats are described here for this game; you will need to refer to the MCE source code. Neuromancer (Game1..Game4, 1564 bytes)------------------------------------ $4F: Chess club membership status? ($32=none?, $3B=full?) Item slot #1 is money ("chip") $15E..$15F: Item slot #2 $162..$163: Item slot #3 $166..$167: Item slot #4 $16A..$16B: Item slot #5 $16E..$16F: Item slot #6 $172..$173: Item slot #7 $176..$177: Item slot #8 $17A..$17B: Item slot #9 $17E..$17F: Item slot #10 $182..$183: Item slot #11 $186..$187: Item slot #12 $18A..$18B: Item slot #13 $18E..$18F: Item slot #14 $192..$193: Item slot #15 $196..$197: Item slot #16 $19A..$19B: Item slot #17 $19E..$19F: Item slot #18 $1A2..$1A3: Item slot #19 $1A6..$1A7: Item slot #20 $1AA..$1AB: Item slot #21 $1AE..$1AF: Item slot #22 $1B2..$1B3: Item slot #23 $1B6..$1B7: Item slot #24 $1BA..$1BB: Item slot #25 $1BE..$1BF: Item slot #26 $1C2..$1C3: Item slot #27 $1C6..$1C7: Item slot #28 $1CA..$1CB: Item slot #29 $1CE..$1CF: Item slot #30 $1D2..$1D3: Item slot #31 $1D6..$1D7: Item slot #32 $1DA..$1DB: Item slot #33 Item slots are: 1st byte: Software: $00 = 0 = Mimic $01 = 1 = Jammies $02 = 2 = ThunderHead $03 = 3 = Vaccine $04 = 4 = Blammo $05 = 5 = DoorStop $06 = 6 = Decoder $07 = 7 = Sequencer $08 = 8 = ArmorAll $09 = 9 = KGB $0A = 10 = Comlink $0B = 11 = BlowTorch $0C = 12 = Probe $0D = 13 = Drill $0E = 14 = Hammer $0F = 15 = Python $10 = 16 = Acid $11 = 17 = Injector $12 = 18 = DepthCharge $13 = 19 = Concrete $14 = 20 = EasyRider $15 = 21 = LogicBomb $16 = 22 = Cyberspace $17 = 23 = Slow $18 = 24 = BattleChess $19 = 25 = BattleChess $1A = 26 = Scout $1B = 27 = Hemlock Decks: Cyberspace? $1C = 28 = Kuang Eleven ($??,???) Y $1D = 29 = Hiki Gaeru ($ 2,000) ? $1E = 30 = Gaijin ($ 3,600) ? $1F = 31 = Bushido ($ 7,700) ? $20 = 32 = Edokko ($10,000) N $21 = 33 = Katana ($19,200) Y $22 = 34 = Tofu ($23,100) Y $23 = 35 = Shogun ($28,900) Y $24 = 36 = 188BJB ($ 1,400) ? $25 = 37 = 350SL ($ 7,500) ? $28 = 40 = UXB ($ 1,800) N $2A = 42 = ZXB ($ 7,200) ? $2B = 43 = Cyberspace II ($18,000) Y $2C = 44 = Cyberspace III ($22,000) Y $2E = 46 = Cyberspace VII ($56,000) Y $2F = 47 = Ninja 2000 ($ 4,400) N $30 = 48 = Ninja 3000 ($ 8,400) N $31 = 49 = Ninja 4000 ($23,300) Y $32 = 50 = Ninja 5000 ($32,000) Y $33 = 51 = Blue Light Special ($ 1,000) N $34 = 52 = Samurai Seven ($32,500) Y Skills: $43 = 67 = Bargaining $44 = 68 = CopTalk $45 = 69 = Software Analysis $46 = 70 = Debug $47 = 71 = Hardware Repair $48 = 72 = ICE Breaking $49 = 73 = Evasion $4A = 74 = Cryptology $4B = 75 = Japanese $4C = 76 = Logic $4D = 77 = Psychoanalysis $4E = 78 = Phenomenology $4F = 79 = Philosophy $50 = 80 = Sophistry $51 = 81 = Zen $52 = 82 = Musicianship Items: $53 = 83 = CyberEyes $56 = 86 = guest pass (ie. Matrix Restaurant pass) $59 = 89 = joystick $5E = 94 = caviar $5F = 95 = pawn ticket $60 = 96 = Security Pass (ie. SENSE/NET pass) $61 = 97 = Zion ticket $62 = 98 = Freeside ticket $64 = 100 = Chiba ticket $65 = 101 = gas mask $67 = 103 = sake $7F = 127 = Credits $80..$FE = skipped $FF = 255 = none Unused: $26..$27, $29, $2D, $35..$42, $54..$55, $57..$58, $5A..$5D, $63, $66, $68..$7E = nothing/corruption 2nd byte: If 1st byte is $00..$1C: Major version number (eg. $01=1.0) 3rd..4th bytes: ? $1DE..$1ED: Skills (16 slots): Skill = value + 1, wrapping around (so $FF = skill of 0, $00 = skill of 1, $FE = skill of 255, etc.); $1DE: Bargaining $1DF: CopTalk $1E0: Software Analysis $1E1: Debug $1E2: Hardware Repair $1E3: ICE Breaking $1E4: Evasion $1E5: Cryptology $1E6: Japanese $1E7: Logic $1E8: Psychoanalysis $1E9: Phenomenology $1EA: Philosophy $1EB: Sophistry $1EC: Zen $1ED: Musicianship $1FE..$205: Name (8 characters length maximum) If shorter than 8 characters, it is NUL-terminated ($00) and then any remaining characters are spaces ($20) $20A..$20B: Maximum CONstitution (16-bit big-endian) $20E..$20F: Current CONstitution (16-bit big-endian) $216..$218: Body parts status: clear bit means original body part set bit means cheap plastic replacement $216 bit 7: Heart ($6,000) $216 bit 6: Eyes (2) ($5,000) $216 bit 5: Lungs (2) ($3,000) $216 bit 4: Stomach ($1,500) $216 bit 3: Liver ($1,250) $216 bit 2: Kidneys (2) ($1,050) $216 bit 1: Gall Bladder ($1,050) $216 bit 0: Pancreas ($ 500) $217 bit 7: Legs (2) ($ 300) $217 bit 6: Arms (2) ($ 300) $217 bit 5: Tongue ($ 150) $217 bit 4: Larynx ($ 150) $217 bit 3: Nose ($ 150) $217 bit 2: Ears ($ 100) $217 bit 1: Intestine (large) ($ 50) $217 bit 0: Intestine (small) ($ 50) $218 bit 7: Spleen ($ 45) $218 bit 6: Bone Marrow ($ 45) $218 bit 5: Spinal Fluid ($ 30) $218 bit 4: Appendix ($ 3) $21E..$221: "Chip" (ie. wallet) money (32-bit big-endian) $9,999,999 is the maximum that can be displayed 100% properly $99,999,999 ($05F5E0FF) is the maximum that can be displayed 99% properly $222..$225: Bank money (32-bit big-endian) Each transaction record is: 1 type byte ($40=downloaded, $C0=fined, $80=transfer in, $00=uploaded) 4 amount bytes (32-bit big-endian) and some date/time bytes somewhere $237..$23B: 1st transaction record $23F..$243: 2nd transaction record $247..$24B: 3rd transaction record $24F..$253: 4th transaction record $254..$255: Software slot # 1 $258..$259: Software slot # 2 $25C..$25D: Software slot # 3 $260..$261: Software slot # 4 $264..$265: Software slot # 5 $268..$269: Software slot # 6 $26C..$26D: Software slot # 7 $270..$271: Software slot # 8 $274..$275: Software slot # 9 $278..$279: Software slot #10 $27C..$27D: Software slot #11 $280..$281: Software slot #12 $284..$285: Software slot #13 $288..$289: Software slot #14 $28C..$28D: Software slot #15 $290..$291: Software slot #16 $294..$295: Software slot #17 $298..$299: Software slot #18 $29C..$29D: Software slot #19 $2A0..$2A1: Software slot #20 $2A4..$2A5: Software slot #21 $2A8..$2A9: Software slot #22 $2AC..$2AD: Software slot #23 $2B0..$2B1: Software slot #24 $2B4..$2B5: Software slot #25 $2B8..$2B9: Software slot #26 $2BC..$2BD: Software slot #27 $2C0..$2C1: Software slot #28 $2C4..$2C5: Software slot #29 $2C8..$2C9: Software slot #30 $2CC..$2CD: Software slot #31 $2D0..$2D1: Software slot #32 Software slots are: 1st byte: Program (eg. $0A for Comlink) ($FF for none) 2nd byte: Version (eg. $01 for 1.0) ($00 for none) BAMA IDs: $476..$491: "CHAUNCY KERN !235336724" $496..$4B1: "MANDY BUTTERWORK !143263668" $4B6..$4D1: "WOLFGANG WEBER !156474232" $4D6..$4F1: "SERTA MUSHIDA !467345229" $4F6..$511: "RUSTY WEST !346346773" $518..$531: " !056306118" (yourself) $538..$553: "TAKODA MISHIJI !883849931" $558..$573: "AKIRA O'BRIEN !394857291" $578..$593: "SVEN KHARKOV !389455756" $598..$5B3: "MELISSA BORS !102938565" $5B8..$5D3: "P. RYAN WANG !564987271" $5D8..$5F3: "M. C. BEAR !129485636" $5F8..$613: "S. Z. WATERS !053656528" where ! is an ASCII NUL ($00) Unknown locations/encodings: Date (MM/DD/YY) (eg. 11/16/58) Time Location Whether you are full/temporary/none member of the chess club? How "worn out" your various softwarez are Nitro (high, 320 bytes)--------------------------------------------------- $00.. $07: 1st high score $00.. $03: score (big-endian) $04.. $06: initials $07: unknown ($78 for AAA, $28 for IAN, $000 for " ") $08.. $0F: 2nd high score : : : $38.. $3F: 8th high score High scores are 0..999999. $40.. $47: Fastest time for 1st track (city) : : : $138..$13F: Fastest time for 32nd track (apocalypse) Times are stored in hundredths of a second (0..9999, ie. 0..9999 hundredths of a second) Eg. $00001160 = 4488 = 4448 hundredths of a second = 44 seconds + 88 hundredths of a second. Note that the game uses the ":" symbol where the "." symbol would be more appropriate (ie. it uses it as a decimal point). "ss:hh" instead of "ss.hh" (where ss is seconds and hh is hundredths of a second). Tracks are: 1st.. 8th: city 9th..16th: forest 17st..24th: desert 25st..32th: apocalypse Obliterator (FNIAA, 5,632 bytes)------------------------------------------ $D68..$D6A: score (000000..999999) (BCD format) $D6E..$D6F: pistol flag: $0000=not possessed $0001=carried $FFFF=held $D73: pistol ammo ( 00.. 99) (BCD format) $D74..$D77: 4 unknown bytes $D78..$D79: rifle flag $D7A..$D7C: 3 unknown bytes $D7D: rifle ammo ( 00.. 99) (BCD format) $D7E..$D81: 4 unknown bytes $D82..$D83: blaster flag $D84..$D86: 3 unknown bytes $D87: blaster ammo ( 00.. 99) (BCD format) $D88..$D8B: 4 unknown bytes $D8C..$D8D: bazooka flag $D8E..$D90: 3 unknown bytes $D91: bazooka ammo ( 0.. 9) (BCD format) $D97: engine component ($00=not possessed, $01=carried) $D9F: shields component ($00=not possessed, $01=carried) $DA7: weapons component ($00=not possessed, $01=carried) $DAF: shuttle component ($00=not possessed, $01=carried) $DB7: datapack component ($00=not possessed, $01=carried) $DEC..$DED: effects flag ($0000=music, $FFFF=effects) The WHDLoad slave V1.2 of the game is assumed. This file represents one side of one track. There are also 10 other files of the same size, named ???AA, which represent the rest of the saved game; however, no fields of interest have yet been ascertained in those files. Unknown locations/encodings: Your location Locations, statuses, etc. of enemies and objects (guns, ammo, components) Shield strength Oo-Topos (ccgdt?.yyy, 5572 bytes)----------------------------------------- ? in filename is 0..3 for games 1..4, respectively. $3..$4: Turn counter (monotonically incrementing) $128: Location: $01 = in a prison cell $02 = in a north/south hallway that slopes sharply $03 = at a guard post $04 = at an intersection with halls leading north, south, and west $05 = in an east/west passage $06 = in a large hall with passages off in all directions $07 = in the main gravtube room $08 = in what seems to be a chemistry lab $09 = in what appears to be a garbage disposal $0A = in a biology or medical lab $0B = on a wide metallic staircase $0C = in a narrow room $0D = in a vast chamber $0E = in a library $0F = at a corridor intersection $10 = in a musty room with walls covered by empty bookcases $11 = at the top of a medical amphitheatre $12 = near the stage $13 = in a room with mirrored walls $14 = in a lounge area $15 = in a room filled with strange radiation $16 = in a solarium $17 = standing on a strange "floor" $18 = on the roof $19 = in a room with walls shining painfully-bright light $1A = looking down from the top of a long, wide tunnel $1B = in the middle of a tunnel $1C = at the top of the pyramid-shaped steps $1D = inside a pyramid-shaped room $1E = standing on a wide stone step, the base of the pyramid $1F = standing on a strange "floor" $20 = at the bottom of a wide tunnel $21 = in a storage room $22 = in a very cold room $23 = on an east/west catwalk $24 = at a wall of solid steel $25 = in a room filled with food-processing equipment $26 = next to a large viewscreen, with red and blue buttons $27 = in a small clearing leading into the dense, shifting alien jungle $28 = in a lush, shifting jungle $29 = in the jungle $2A = standing on a strange "floor" $2B = in a strange, alien jungle $2C = on an overgrown path in a jungle of shifting vegetation $2D = in a dense jungle $2E = in a jungle clearing $2F = standing on a strange "floor" $30 = on a beach by a pale, green sea $31 = on the beach of a green sea $32 = on the beach of a green sea $33 = on a raised podium in a huge chamber $34 = inside the airlock of your ship $35 = on the bridge of the ship $36 = it's too bright to see in here $37 = it's too dark to see $38 = in a small room where a sentinel scanner sits in the corner $39 = by the computer console near the bridge of your ship $3A = in the cargo hold $3B = in the port engine room $3C = in the starboard engine room $3D = next to the life support station $3E = on a north/south catwalk $3F = floating inside the gravtube $40 = floating inside the gravtube $41 = floating inside the gravtube $42 = floating inside the gravtube $43 = standing on a strange "floor" $44 = standing on a strange "floor" Item locations ($00=carried, $FF=nowhere, otherwise uses location code): $48F: a light-rod $490: a universal activan [sic] data card $491: a Navchip $492: a Tachyon power cylinder $493: a shield unit $494: an oxygen recirculator $495: a Cryon purifier $496: an energy converter $497: a stabilizing gyro $498: a language translator $499: a space suit $49A: a repair manual $49B: a laser $49C: a pair of gloves $49D: a pair of blue goggles $49E: a space helmet $49F: a flask $4A0: a reed $4A1: a plastic bottle $4A2: a hologram crystal $4A3: terran food $4A4: an angry alien guard, raising its blaster with you in its sights! $4A5: a tiny golden ring $4A6: a box $4A7: a snarl $4A8: a ruby seashell $4A9: an emerald $4AA: a plasma sphere $4AB: a block of Vegan silver $4AC: a moon jewel $4AD: a psi cube $4AE: a gravcar $4AF: a vicious-looking crab $4B0: a snarl in a box *$4B1: a collector robot *$4B2: nothing? *$4B3: a huja $4B4: a vial * are uncarryable Unknown locations/encodings: "Game last loaded" and "game last saved" (probably not stored in the saved game files but rather in a "master file") Whether the light-rod is turned on or not, etc. The game expects the saved game file to already exist and will fail silently otherwise. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Pac-Man '87 (Top_Ten, 100 bytes)------------------------------------------ Scores are stored in reverse order (ie. 10th..1st). For each score: $x0..$x6: 7 bytes for score (in ASCII format, with leading spaces) $x7..$x9: 3 bytes for initials where x is 0 for 10th score, 1 for 9th score, 2 for 8th score, etc. Panza Kickboxing 1 (boxer.00?, 36 bytes)---------------------------------- $00: Portrait? $01: Strength aka Force $02: Resist $03: Reflex $04: Trophy? $05..$10: Name (12 characters max.) $11: always NUL? $12..$15: ? $16..$22: 13 blows: $16: Blow "A" (back+up) $17: Blow "B" (up) $18: Blow "C" (forward+up) $19: Blow "D" (back+down) $1A: Blow "E" (forward+down) $1B: Blow "F" (fire+back+up) $1C: Blow "G" (fire+up) $1D: Blow "H" (fire+forward+up) $1E: Blow "I" (fire+back) $1F: Blow "J" (fire+forward) $20: Blow "K" (fire+back+down) $21: Blow "L" (fire+down) $22: Blow "M" (fire+forward+down) $23: ? Unknown locations/encodings: Trophies Value (seems to be calculated from stats) Age? Number of rounds? These are the blow assignments without firebutton (assuming facing right): ABC --- D-E and with firebutton: FGH I-J KLM Panza Kickboxing 2 (boxer.00?, 50 bytes)---------------------------------- $00: Portrait? $01: Strength aka Force $02: Resist $03: Reflex $04: Trophy? $05..$10: Name (12 characters max.) $11: always NUL? $12..$17: ? $18..$31: 13 blows: $19: Blow "A" (back+up) $1B: Blow "B" (up) $1D: Blow "C" (forward+up) $1F: Blow "D" (back+down) $21: Blow "E" (forward+down) $23: Blow "F" (fire+back+up) $25: Blow "G" (fire+up) $27: Blow "H" (fire+forward+up) $29: Blow "I" (fire+back) $2B: Blow "J" (fire+forward) $2D: Blow "K" (fire+back+down) $2F: Blow "L" (fire+down) $31: Blow "M" (fire+forward+down) Phantasie 1 (V1.0) (GUILD.DAT, 7050 bytes, 282 bytes per character)------- 0-1: Strength 2-3: Intelligence 4-5: Dexterity 6-7: Constitution 8-9: Charisma 10-11: Luck 17: Spell points (maximum) 19: Spell points (current) 21: Hit points (maximum) 23: Hit points (current) 25: Status: $00: Dead $01: OK $02: Sleep 30-31: Attack skill 32-33: Parry skill 34-35: Find Item skill 36-37: Spot Trap skill 38-39: Disarm Trap skill 40-41: Listen skill 44-45: Pick Lock skill 48-49: Swim skill 70-71: Score (0..$7FFF are possible but scores >999 don't display correctly in the game) 73: Air runes ($00 = no, $01 = yes) 75: Earth runes ($00 = no, $01 = yes) 77: Fire runes ($00 = no, $01 = yes) 79: Water runes ($00 = no, $01 = yes) 81: God runes ($00 = no, $01 = yes) 83: 3rd Equipment slot: $00 = Nothing $01 = Gloves $02 = Wood Shld $03 = Wood Sh+1 $04 = Sm Shield $05 = Sm Shld+1 $06 = Sm Shld+2 $07 = Sm Shld+3 $08 = Md Shield $09 = Md Shld+1 $0A = Md Shld+2 $0B = Md Shld+3 $0C = Lr Shield $0D = Lr Shld+1 $0E = Lr Shld+2 $0F = Lr Shld+3 $10 = Giant Sh $11 = Gnt Sh +1 $12 = Gnt Sh +2 $13 = Gnt Sh +3 $14 = God Shld $15 = Clothing $16 = Robes $17 = Leather $18 = H Leather $19 = Ring Mail $1A = Scale Ml $1B = Chain Ml $1C = Splint Ml $1D = Banded Ml $1E = Plate Ml $1F = Cloth +1 $20 = Robes +1 $21 = Leather+1 $22 = Leather+2 $23 = Ring Ml+1 $24 = Ring Ml+2 $25 = Chain +1 $26 = Chain +2 $27 = God Robes $28 = God Armour $29 = Stick $2A = Knife $2B = Sm Club $2C = Sm Staff $2D = Sm Mace $2E = Dagger $2F = Sm Flail $30 = Club $31 = Mace $32 = Sm Hammer $33 = Sm Axe $34 = Staff $35 = Sm Sword $36 = Flail $37 = Hammer $38 = Ptch Fork $39 = Spear $3A = Axe $3B = Sword $3C = Hvy Mace $3D = Maul $3E = Trident $3F = Lrg Spear $40 = Lrg Axe $41 = Morn.Star $42 = Pike $43 = Lng Sword $44 = Spetum $45 = Bardiche $46 = Halberd $47 = Sm Mace+1 $48 = Dagger+1 $49 = Sm Mace+2 $4A = Dagger+2 $4B = Dagger+3 $4C = Staff +1 $4D = Dagger+4 $4E = Flail +1 $4F = Spear +1 $50 = Axe +1 $51 = Sword +1 $52 = Sword +2 $53 = Sword +3 $54 = Lrg Axe+1 $55 = Sword +4 $56 = Sword +5 $57 = Sword +6 $58 = Halberd+1 $59 = Sword +7 $5A = Halberd+2 $5B = Halberd+3 $5C = Sword +10 $5D = Halberd+4 $5E = Halberd+5 $5F = Halberd+6 $60 = Halberd+7 $61 = God Knife $62 = God Mace $63 = God Axe $64 = God Sword $65 = Heal Pot1 $66 = Heal Pot2 $67 = Heal Pot3 $68 = Heal Pot4 $69 = Heal Pot5 $6A = Heal Pot6 $6B = Heal Pot7 $6C = Heal Pot8 $6D = Heal Pot9 $6E = Healing10 $6F = Magic 1 $70 = Magic 2 $71 = Magic 3 $72 = Magic 4 $73 = Magic 5 $74 = Magic 6 $75 = Magic 7 $76 = Magic 8 $77 = Magic 9 $78 = Magic 10 $79 = Scroll 1 $7A = Scroll 2 $7B = Scroll 3 $7C = Scroll 4 $7D = Scroll 5 $7E = Scroll 6 $7F = Scroll 7 $80 = Scroll 8 $81 = Scroll 9 $82 = Scroll 10 $83 = Scroll 11 $84 = Scroll 12 $85 = Scroll 13 $86 = Scroll 14 $87 = Scroll 15 $88 = Scroll 16 $89 = Scroll 17 $8A = Scroll 18 $8B = Sroll 19 [sic] $8C = Scroll 20 $8D = Ring A $8E = Ring B $8F = Ring C $90 = Ring D $91 = Ring E $92 = Ring F $93 = Ring G $94 = Ring H $95 = Ring I $96 = Wand $97 = Emerald A $98 = Emerald B $99 = Key $9A = Emerald D $9B = Emerald E $9C = Sapphire A $9D = Sapphire B $9E = Sapphire D [sic] $9F = Sapphire C [sic] $A0 = Sapphire E [sic] $A1 = Ruby A $A2 = Ruby B $A3 = Ruby C $A4 = Ruby D $A5 = Ruby E $A6 = Coin A $A7 = Coin B $A8 = Coin C $A9 = Coin D $AA = Coin E $AB = Gold Stat $AC = Gold Key $AD = Gold Platinum $AE = Gold Coin $AF = Gold Ring $B0 = Diamond A $B1 = Diamond B $B2 = Diamond C $B3 = Diamond D $B4 = Diamond E 85: 2nd Equipment slot 87: 1st Equipment slot 89: Level 91: purged flag ($00 = purged, $01 = normal) Spells ($00 = no, $01 = yes): 97: Healing 1 99: Healing 2 101: Healing 3 103: Healing 4 105: Fireflash 1 107: Fireflash 2 109: Fireflash 3 111: Fireflash 4 113: Quickness 1 115: Quickness 2 117: Quickness 3 119: Quickness 4 121: Strength 1 123: Strength 2 125: Strength 3 127: Strength 4 129: Protection 1 131: Protection 2 133: Protection 3 135: Protection 4 137: Confusion 1 139: Confusion 2 141: Confusion 3 143: Confusion 4 145: Weakness 1 147: Weakness 2 149: Weakness 3 151: Weakness 4 153: Binding 1 155: Binding 2 157: Binding 3 159: Binding 4 161: Mindblast 1 163: Mindblast 2 165: Mindblast 3 167: Mindblast 4 169: Flamebolt 1 171: Flamebolt 2 173: Flamebolt 3 175: Flamebolt 4 177: Charm 179: Sleep 181: Teleportation 183: Resurrection 185: Ninja 2 187: Fear 189: Dissolve 191: Summon Elemental 193: Dispel Undead 195: Ninja 1 197: Awaken 199: Monster Evaluation 201: Vision 203: Transportation 221: Class: $00 = Thief $01 = Monk $02 = Ranger $03 = Fighter $04 = Priest $05 = Wizard 255: Location: $01 = Pelnor $02 = Pineville $03 = Greenville $04 = Halflingor $05 = Appleton $06 = Splitwater $07 = Trollport $08 = Phantasia $09 = Dragonor $0A = Northford $0B = Starville $0C = Olympia 257: Race: $00 = Human $01 = Dwarf $02 = Elf $03 = Halfling $04 = Gnome $05 = Pixie $06 = Sprite $07 = Ogre $08 = Gnoll $09 = Troll $0A = Kobold $0B = Orc $0C = Goblin $0D = Lizard Man $0E = Minotaur $0F = Undead 262-263: GP 264-265: Age ($0000..$7FFF): age is this value divided by 26 (0..1260) 266-269: XP 270-279: Name (up to 10 characters) (all unused bytes are 0) (Only the first 9 characters are shown in-game.) Unknown locations/encodings: For each character: healing potions magic potions scrolls treasures location (ie. which city) party member yes/no flag For entire party: location (ie. which city) For equipment slots, values >$64 are illegal. File is 7050 bytes long. 0.. 7049: 25 character records (the roster); each character record is 282 bytes long. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Additionally, there is a character editor for this game on MA-GA Docs Disk #16. Phantasie 3 (V1.0) (GAMESAVE.DAT, 11,812 bytes, 262 bytes per character)-- 0-6: Name (up to 7 characters) (all unused bytes are 0) Stats have a maximum of 22. 10-11: STR 12-13: INT 14-15: DEX 16-17: CON 18-19: CHA 20-21: LCK 24-25: Ferronrah (Phantasie 2) quest status: 0 = nothing 1..199 = "who could not destroy the orb" 200+ = "who destroyed the orb of Ferronrah" + Divine Aid spell 28-29: maximum SP 30-31: current SP 32-33: maximum HP 34-35: current HP 39: number of items carried (limit of 9) 40-41: Age ($0000..$7FFF): age is this value divided by 26 (0..1260) 45: Status: $00: Dead $01: Okay $02: Asleep $03: Out $04: Down 48-49: Attack skill 52-53: Parry skill 56-57: Find Item skill 60-61: Find Trap skill 64-65: Disarm Trap skill 68-69: Listen skill 72-73: Fire Bow skill 76-77: Pick Lock skill 80-81: Swimming skill 87: number of spells known (not counting Divine Aid) (limit is 32) 89: Origin: $00: Gelnor $01: Ferronrah $02: Netherworld $03: Scandor $04: Light $05: Darkness 92-93: Gelnor (Phantasie 1) quest status: 1..99 = "who could not defeat the Black Lord" 100+ = "who defeated the Black Lord of Gelnor" 95: Location: $01: Pendragon (24,37) $02: Sandy Shores (15,39) $03: Pendleton ( 5,35) $04: Rocky Hills (36,42) $05: Deltor (44,52) $06: Tirith (23,65) $07: Tierrin (11,69) $08: Asmith (25,27) $09: Sierion ( 5,51) $0A: Xanador (45,66) $0B: Flagler (45, 5) $0C: Lansing (21,11) $0D: Scanport ( 9, 9) $0E: Sciattica (15,22) $0F: Light $10: Dark $11: Death 116-117: Level (maximum is 21) 127: must be nonzero or your (individual) score is penalized? 130-131: (Individual) score 138-139: Scandor (Phantasie 3) quest status: If 0, and Phantasie 1 & 2 quest statuses are 0, or if negative, "I chose you because Nikademus would never suspect you." Flags are checked and text is printed in the order listed. bit 0 ($01): 1st quest done. No = "You must begin by rescuing Kilmor..." bit 1 ($02): 2nd quest done. No = "You must go to the dwarven burial grounds..." bit 5 ($20): 5th quest done. Yes = "You must now meet Lord Wood..." bit 6 ($40): 3rd quest done. No = "You should go to the east..." bit 7 ($80): 4th quest done. No = "You should return to the Chambers of Chronus..." Yes = "You must go to the north..." Quests are: 1st: "You must begin by rescuing Kilmor..." 2nd: "You must go to the dwarven burial grounds..." 3rd: "You should go to the east..." 4th: "You should return to the Chambers of Chronus..." 5th: "You must go to the north..." 6th: "You must now meet Lord Wood..." 142-143: Social $0000: Peasant $0001: Labourer $0002: Craftsman $0003: Noble $0004: Darklord $0005: Superhero 149: Class $00: Fighter $01: Thief $02: Priest $03: Ranger $04: Monk $05: Wizard 151: 1st item 153: 2nd item 155: 3rd item 157: 4th item 159: 5th item 161: 6th item 163: 7th item 165: 8th item 167: 9th item Null byte between each item. 169: Race $00: Human $01: Dwarf $02: Elf $03: Gnome $04: Halfling $05: Random $06: Gnoll $07: Goblin $08: Kobold $09: Lizard Man $0A: Minotaur $0B: Ogre $0C: Orc $0D: Pixie $0E: Sprite $0F: Troll $10: Elemental $11: Undead 177: 1st spell ($00=nothing, $01..$38=that spell) 179: 2nd spell 181: 3rd spell 183: 4th spell 185: 5th spell 187: 6th spell 189: 7th spell 191: 8th spell 193: 9th spell 195: 10th spell 197: 11th spell 199: 12th spell 201: 13th spell 203: 14th spell 205: 15th spell 207: 16th spell 209: 17th spell 211: 18th spell 213: 19th spell 215: 20th spell 217: 21st spell 219: 22nd spell 221: 23rd spell 223: 24th spell 225: 25th spell 227: 26th spell 229: 27th spell 231: 28th spell 233: 29th spell 235: 30th spell 237: 31st spell 239: 32nd spell 241: 33rd spell ($00=nothing, $39=Divine Aid) Spells are stored in descending order, starting from byte 177, with a null byte between each spell. Unused slots are $00. Divine Aid, if known, must be stored in byte 241. 243: Head $00: Okay $01: Injured $02: Broken $03: Gone 245: Left Arm 247: Right Arm 249: Torso 251: Left Leg 253: Right Leg 254-257: GP 258-261: XP If all three quest statuses are zero: "I choose you because Nikademus would never suspect you." Party score is unrelated to individual character scores. It is calculated as follows: * If any characters are Superheroes, party score is 250 points. * Otherwise, if any characters are Darklords, party score is 200 points. * Otherwise, party score is combined levels of all characters divided by 6. No particular item ordering seems enforced. Items are: Shields: $01 Glove $02 Wooden Shield +0 $03 Wooden Shield +1 $04 Small Shield +0 $05 Small Shield +1 $06 Small Shield +2 $06 Small Shield +3 $08 Medium Shield +0 $09 Medium Shield +1 $0A Medium Shield +2 $0B Medium Shield +3 $0C Large Shield +0 $0D Large Shield +1 $0E Large Shield +2 $0F Large Shield +3 $10 Giant Shield +0 $11 Giant Shield +1 $12 Giant Shield +2 $13 Giant Shield +3 $14 God Shield Armour: $15 Clothing $16 Robes $17 Leather $18 Hard Leather $19 Ring Mail $1A Scale Mail $1B Chain Mail $1C Splint Mail $1D Banded Mail $1E Plate Mail $1F Cloth +1 $20 Robes +1 $21 Leather +1 $22 Leather +2 $23 Ring Mail +1 $24 Ring Mail +2 $25 Chain Mail +1 $26 Chain Mail +2 $27 God Robes $28 God Armour Bows: $29 Self Bow +0 $2A Self Bow +1 $2B Self Bow +2 $2C Short Bow +0 $2D Short Bow +1 $2E Short Bow +2 $2F Medium Bow +0 $30 Medium Bow +1 $31 Medium Bow +2 $32 Compound Bow +0 $33 Compound Bow +1 $34 Compound Bow +2 $35 Gnome Bow $36 Long Bow +0 $37 Long Bow +1 $38 Long Bow +2 $39 Crossbow +0 $3A Crossbow +2 $3B Old Bow $3C God Bow Weapons: $3D Knife $3E Dagger +0 $3F Club +0 $40 Mace $41 Small Axe $42 Staff $43 Short Sword $44 Flail +0 $45 Hammer $46 Spear +0 $47 Axe $48 Sword +0 $49 Heavy Mace $4A Trident $4B Large Spear $4C Large Axe $4D Pike $4E Long Sword $4F Bardiche $50 Halberd +0 $51 Dagger +1 $52 Dagger +2 $53 Club +1 $54 Club +2 $55 Flail +1 $56 Flail +2 $57 Spear +1 $58 Sword +1 $59 Sword +2 $5A Sword +4 $5B Sword +5 $5C Sword +6 $5D Halberd +1 $5E Halberd +2 $5F Sword +10 $60 Halberd +5 $61 Halberd +6 $62 God Knife $63 God Mace $64 God Sword Potions: $65 Healing Potion 1 $66 Healing Potion 2 $67 Healing Potion 3 $68 Healing Potion 4 $69 Healing Potion 5 $6A Healing Potion 6 $6B Healing Potion 7 $6C Healing Potion 8 $6D Healing Potion 9 $6E Healing Potion 10 $6F Magic Potion 1 $70 Magic Potion 2 $71 Magic Potion 3 $72 Magic Potion 4 $73 Magic Potion 5 $74 Magic Potion 6 $75 Magic Potion 7 $76 Magic Potion 8 $77 Magic Potion 9 $78 Magic Potion 10 Scrolls: $79 Scroll 1 $7A Scroll 2 $7B Scroll 3 $7C Scroll 3 $7D Scroll 3 $7E Scroll 4 $7F Scroll 5 $80 Scroll 6 $81 Scroll 7 $82 Scroll 7 $83 Scroll 7 $84 Scroll 8 $85 Scroll 9 $86 Scroll 10 $87 Scroll 11 $88 Scroll 12 $89 Scroll 13 $8A Scroll 14 $8B Scroll 15 $8C Scroll 16 Treasures: $8D Quartz $8E a Pearl $8F Crystal $90 Gold Ore $91 a Statuette $92 Jade $93 Onyx $94 a Statue $95 a Sapphire $96 Azurite $97 Coral $98 Turquoise $99 Topaz $9A Jacinth $9B a Burnt Gem $9C a Sweet Bottle $9D a Foul Bottle $9E a Black Jar $9F a Ruby $A0 a Nice Gem $A1 an Opal $A2 a Star Ruby $A3 an Emerald $A4 a Blue Opal $A5 a Diamond $A6 Amethyst $A7 a Fire Opal $A8 a Gem of Light $A9 a Black Urn $AA a Dark Key $AB a Black Vase $AC a Light Key $AD a Golden Chalice $AE a Silk Tapestry $AF a Painting $B0 a Golden Belt $B1 an Old Crown $B2 an Old Coin $B3 Old Wine $B4 Wand of Nikademus File is 11812 bytes long. 0.. 6549: 25 character records (the roster); each character record is 262 bytes long. 6550.. 8383: 7 character records (the party); each character record is 262 bytes long. 8384..11811: non-character-specific data 8384.. 8509: distribution of items/XP? 8510.. 8513: gold carried by party $2145: time? (starts at 0) $2167: time? $2147 (8519), $214F (8527): party X-location (4-46) $2149 (8521), $2151 (8529): party Y-location (4-70) 8547: party location (ie. which city) Unknown locations/encoding: Quest status (including status of Phantasie 1 & Phantasie 2 quests, ie. "Gelnor" and "Ferronrah" statuses) Time There is a character editor available for this game. See . Additionally, there is a character editor for this game, or Phantasie 1, or perhaps both, on the MA-GA Docs Disks. Spells: $01 Healing 1 $02 Healing 2 $03 Healing 3 $04 Healing 4 $05 Fireflash 1 $06 Fireflash 2 $07 Fireflash 3 $08 Fireflash 4 $09 Quickness 1 $0A Quickness 2 $0B Quickness 3 $0C Quickness 4 $0D Flame Arrow 1 $0E P.Flame Arrow 1 $0F Flame Arrow 2 $10 P.Flame Arrow 2 $11 Protection 1 $12 Protection 2 $13 Protection 3 $14 Protection 4 $15 Confusion 1 $16 Confusion 2 $17 Confusion 3 $18 Confusion 4 $19 Weakness 1 $1A Weakness 2 $1B Weakness 3 $1C Weakness 4 $1D Binding 1 $1E Binding 2 $1F Binding 3 $20 Binding 4 $21 Mindblast 1 $22 Mindblast 2 $23 Mindblast 3 $24 Mindblast 4 $25 Flamebolt 1 $26 Flamebolt 2 $27 Flamebolt 3 $28 Flamebolt 4 $29 Charm $2A Sleep $2B Teleportation $2C Resurrection $2D Ninja 2 $2E Fear $2F Dissolve $30 Summon Elemental $31 Dispell Undead $32 Ninja 1 $33 Awaken $34 Monster Evaluate $35 Vision $36 Transportation $37 Accuracy $38 Party Accuracy $39 Divine Aid Pinball Dreams (HIGH, 208 bytes)------------------------------------------ $A..$15: 1st entry for Ignition (12 bytes): $A.. $C: 1st initials for Ignition ( 3 bytes) $D: $20 (space) ( 1 byte ) $E..$10: must be $00 ( 3 bytes) $11..$15: 1st score for Ignition ( 5 bytes) (packed BCD) $16..$21: 2nd entry for Ignition (12 bytes) $22..$2D: 3rd entry for Ignition (12 bytes) $2E..$39: 4th entry for Ignition (12 bytes) $3A..$69: 1st..4th entries for Steel Wheel (48 bytes) $6A..$99: 1st..4th entries for Beat Box (48 bytes) $9A..$C9: 1st..4th entries for Nightmare (48 bytes) $CA The top 4 scores per table are saved. Scores can go up to 9,999,999,999 (almost 10 billion) without looking bad. Pinball Fantasies AGA (Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/Nonvolatile/Pinball/ Highscore (260 bytes)----------------------------------------------------- $00.. $2F: 1st..4th entries for Partyland Each entry is 12 bytes, as follows: $0.. $2: initials (3 bytes) $3 : $20 (space) (1 byte ) $4.. $6: must be $00 (3 bytes) $7.. $B: score (packed BCD) (5 bytes) $30.. $5F: 1st..4th entries for Speed Devils $60.. $6F: " PARTY LAND " $70.. $7F: " SPEED DEVILS " $80.. $AF: 1st..4th entries for Billion Dollar Gameshow $B0.. $DF: 1st..4th entries for Stones 'n' Bones $E0.. $EF: " BILLION DOLLAR " $F0.. $FF: " STONES N BONES " $100..$103: all $00 The top 4 scores per table are saved. Scores can go up to 9,999,999,999 (almost 10 billion). Pinball Illusions AGA (Scores/PinballIllusions/Table00?, 50 bytes)-------- Table001 is Law 'n' Justice Table002 is Babewatch Table003 is Extreme Sports For Law 'n' Justice and Extreme Sports: Each entry is 10 bytes, as follows: $0.. $2: initials (3 bytes) $3.. $9: score (7 bytes) (packed BCD) $0.. $9: 1st entry $A..$13: 2nd entry $14..$1D: 3rd entry $1E..$27: 4th entry $28..$31: 5th entry For Babewatch: Each entry is 9 bytes, as follows: $0.. $2: initials (3 bytes) $3.. $8: score (6 bytes) (packed BCD) $0.. $8: 1st entry $9..$11: 2nd entry $12..$1A: 3rd entry $1B..$23: 4th entry $24..$27: all $00s $28..$30: 5th entry $31 : $00 The top 5 scores per table are saved. Scores can go up to 99,999,999,999 (almost 100 billion) without looking bad. Pirates! (#?.pir, 1,986 + length of description bytes)-------------------- $05: Length of description (eg. $3A) $06+: Description You must add the length of the description (stored at byte $05) to all the following offsets: $7: Difficulty: $00 = apprentice $01 = journeyman $02 = adventurer $03 = swashbuckler $10: Number of rescued family members $17: Spanish title: $00 = No title? $01 = Ensign $02 = Captain $03 = Major $04 = Colonel $05 = Admiral $06 = Baron $07 = Count $08 = Marquis $09 = Duke $18: English title $19: French title $1A: Dutch title $23: Your location (stored as a city number): $00 = 1st city (eg. Antigua) $01 = 2nd city (eg. Barbados) : : : $26 = 39th city (eg. Vera Cruz) $24: Era (starting year is 1560 + (this * 20)) $5A.. $65: Name (up to 11 characters), padded with NULs $7A.. $7D: Personal gold (stored as gold / 10) (eg. $000A means 100 gold) (limit is 99,999 (means 999,990 gold)) $7E.. $7F: Land (stores as acres / 50) (eg. $000A means 500 acres) (limit is 1,310 (means 65,500 acres)) $10A: Land party X-coordinate? $10B: Land party Y-coordinate? $10C..$10D: Number of crewmen $110..$111: Cannon $112..$113: Food $114..$115: Hides/sugar/tobacco $118: Number of ships (1..8) $11D: Kind of 1st ship: $00 = pinnace ( $500) $01 = sloop ($1000) $02 = barque ($1500) $03 = cargo fluyt ($2000) $04 = merchantman ($2500) $05 = frigate ($3000) $06 = war galleon ($3500) $07 = galleon ($4000) $08 = fast galleon ($4500) $09 = fort ($5000) $11E: Kind of 2nd ship $11F: Kind of 3rd ship $120: Kind of 4th ship $121: Kind of 5th ship $122: Kind of 6th ship $123: Kind of 7th ship $124: Kind of 8th ship $126..$129: Party gold (stored as gold / 10) (eg. $000A means 100 gold) (limit is 99999 (means 999,990 gold)) $12A..$12B: Goods $192..$194: Map to pirate treasure: $192: Which parts of the map you have ($00..$0F) (yes=%1, no=%0): bit 3: lower right quarter bit 2: lower left corner bit 1: upper right corner bit 0: upper left corner $193: X-coordinate $194: Y-coordinate $19A..$19C: Map to family member $1A2..$1A4: Map to Inca treasure $272..$27D: 1st city (eg. Antigua): $272: unknown $273: X-coordinate $274: Y-coordinate $275: Governor's nationality: $00 = Spanish $01 = English $02 = French $03 = Dutch $04 = Pirate $05 = Unknown $276..$28D: unknown $28C..$29B: name (up to 15 characters) (padded with NULs) $29C..$2B7: 2nd city (eg. Barbados) : : : $???..$???: 39th city (eg. Vera Cruz) If you place a city in the ocean, a little island will be created there. This doesn't happen for treasures, so be careful where you place them. Unknown locations/encodings: Logbook contents What the 3rd commodity is (eg. sugar, hides, tobacco, etc.) (perhaps calculated according to era) For each city: Prices for each commodity Whether you have current information about that city Wealth of merchant Alarm level Status (struggling/surviving/prospering/wealthy) How much that governor (and his daughter, and merchant's daughter?) like you? Location, nationality, rank, name, etc. of villain Quest stuatus (eg. whether you have rescued your sister) Damage level for each ship (OK, sail damage, lost a mast, hull leaking) Personal: Wife/marital status (incl. courtship statuses) (and locations of wives?) Relations with each country (eg. Letter of Marque or hostile/wary/etc.): Missions Prisoners Your nationality Wounds (0..20?) Politics grid (which countries are at war or allied) Skill (fencing, nativation, gunnery, wit & charm, medicine) Party: Happiness of crew Sails (full/battle) Definitely calculated rather than stored: Age Probably calculated rather than stored: Locations of Silver Train and Treasure Fleet Ships can hold these tonnages (in Pirates! Gold, at least): Pinnace 20? Sloop 40? Barque 60? Cargo fluyt 80? Merchantman 100? Frigate ? Fast galleon 120? War galleon 140? Galleon 160? See the MCE source code for further details. Pirates! Gold (PG32, 780 bytes)------------------------------------------- $00: Difficulty: $00 = apprentice $01 = journeyman $02 = adventurer $03 = swashbuckler $03,$04 or $05 is probably the number of rescued family members $06: Spanish Letter of Marque $07: English Letter of Marque $08: French Letter of Marque $09: Dutch Letter of Marque $0A: Spanish title: $00 = No title? $01 = Ensign $02 = Captain $03 = Major $04 = Colonel $05 = Admiral $06 = Baron $07 = Count $08 = Marquis $09 = Duke $0B: English title $0C: French title $0D: Dutch title $15: Location $16: Era: $00 = 1560 $01 = 1580 $02 = 1600 $03 = 1620 $04 = 1640 $05 = 1660 $06 = 1680 $2E..$39: Name (maximum length is 12) (NUL-terminated if length is less than 12) $3A..$3D: Personal gold (in $10 units) $3E..$3F: Personal land (*50 acres) $4C..$4D: Number of crewmen $4F..$50: Cannons (this is rounded down to be always even) $51..$52: Food $53..$54: Hides/sugar/tobacco $57: number of ships $59: 1st ship $00 = pinnace $01 = sloop $02 = barque $03 = cargo fluyt $04 = merchantman $05 = frigate $06 = war galleon $07 = galleon $08 = fast galleon $10 = pinnace (damaged) $11 = sloop (damaged) $12 = barque (damaged) $13 = cargo fluyt (damaged) $14 = merchantman (damaged) $15 = frigate (damaged) $16 = war galleon (damaged) $17 = galleon (damaged) $18 = fast galleon (damaged) $60: 8th ship $61..$64: Party gold (in $10 units) $65..$66: Goods $68: Pirate treasure map: bit 3: bottom right corner bit 2: bottom left corner bit 1: top right corner bit 0: top left corner $6C: Map to lost sister $70: Map to lost Inca treasure $AF: prisoner(s)? $C7: Antigua nationality: $00 = Spanish $01 = English $02 = French $03 = Dutch $C8: Antigua number of forts $C9: Antigua number of soldiers (*10) $CA: Antigua number of citizens (*100) $CB: Antigua wealth (*1000) $D1: Barbados nationality etc. All quantities are big-endian. Pool of Radiance (????????.cha, 288 bytes?)------------------------------- Curse of the Azure Bonds (????????.guy, 428+ bytes?)---------------------- Secret of the Silver Blades (????????.who, 340 bytes?)-------------------- Pools of Darkness (????????.pc, 484+ bytes?)------------------------------ The sizes of these files can vary. Looking at the filename extension rather than the file size is a more reliable way of determining which game a character belongs to. POR CAB SSB POD --------- ---------- -------- ---------- $0.. $E/$ 0..$ E/$ 0..$ E/$ 60..$ 6E: Name (15 characters maximum) (NUL-terminated) (blanks are NULs) $10 /$ 10 /$10 /$ 70 : Original STRength ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) --- /$ 11 /$11 /$ 71 : Modified STRength ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) (ie. STRength modified by spells and items) $11 /$ 13 /$13 /$ 73 : INTelligence ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) $12 /$ 15 /$15 /$ 75 : WISdom ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) $13 /$ 17 /$17 /$ 77 : DEXterity ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) $14 /$ 19 /$19 /$ 79 : CONstitution ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) $15 /$ 1B /$1B /$ 7B : CHArisma ($0.. $19) (0.. 25) $16 /$ 1C /$1C /$ 7C : Exceptional STRength ($0.. $64) (0.. 100) $17..$2B/$ 1E..$71 /$1E..$68/$ CC..$13F: Spell memorization slots (21/84/75/116 of these): $2E /$ 74 /$6B /$ 58 : Race: $00 = monster (POR/CAB) /tribble (SSB)/elf (POD) $01 = dwarf (POR/CAB) /elf (SSB)/half-elf (POD) $02 = elf (POR/CAB) /half-elf (SSB)/dwarf (POD) $03 = gnome (POR/CAB/POD)/dwarf (SSB) $04 = half-elf (POR/CAB) /gnome (SSB)/halfling (POD) $05 = halfling (POR/CAB/SSB)/human (POD) $06 = half-orc (POR/CAB) /human (SSB)/monster (POD) $07 = human (POR/CAB) /monster (SSB)/invalid (POD) $2F / $75 /$6C /$ 59 : Class: $00 = Cleric $01 = Druid $02 = Fighter $03 = Paladin $04 = Ranger $05 = Magic-User $06 = Thief $07 = Monk $08 = Cleric/Fighter $09 = Cleric/Fighter/Magic-User $0A = Cleric/Ranger $0B = Cleric/Magic-User $0C = Cleric/Thief $0D = Fighter/Magic-User $0E = Fighter/Thief $0F = Fighter/Magic-User/Thief $10 = Magic-User/Thief $30..$31/$ 76..$ 77/$6E..$6F/$ 52..$ 53: Age ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $32 /$ 78 /$70 /$ 81 : Maximum hit points ($0.. $FF) (0.. 255) $33..$66/$ 79..$ D6/$71..$E5/$159..$168: Spellbook (see MCE source code for specifics) POR/CAB/SSB use a byte per slot. POD uses a bit per slot. $72 /$ E4 /$87 /$ 88 : Movement rate ($0.. $FF) (0.. 255) $8A..$8B/$ FC..$ FD/$9E..$9F/---- : Copper pieces ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $8C..$8D/$ FE..$ FF/$A0..$A1/---- : Silver pieces ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $8E..$8F/$100..$101/$A2..$A3/---- : Electrum pieces ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $90..$91/$102..$103/$A4..$A5/---- : Gold pieces ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $92..$93/$104..$105/$A6..$A7/$ 4C..$ 4D: Platinum pieces ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $94..$95/$106..$107/$A8..$A9/$ 4E..$ 4F: Gems ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $96..$97/$108..$109/$AA..$AB/$ 50..$ 51: Jewellery ($0..$FFFF) (0..65535) $98 /$10A /$AC /$ 9D : Cleric level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $99 /$10B /$AD /$ 9E : Druid level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9A /$10C /$AE /$ 9F : Fighter level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9B /$10D /$AF /$ A0 : Paladin level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9C /$10E /$B0 /$ A1 : Ranger level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9D /$10F /$B1 /$ A2 : Magic-User level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9E /$110 /$B2 /$ A3 : Thief level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) $9F /$111 /--- /---- : Monk level ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) --- /$112..$119/$B3..$B9/$ A4..$ AA: Former levels (same order as above) ($0.. $7F) (0.. 127) Add current and former levels together for the displayed value. $A0 /$11A /$BA /$ 5C : Sex: $00 = male $01 = female $A2 /$11C /$BB /$ 5D : Alignment: $00 = lawful good $01 = lawful neutral $02 = lawful evil $03 = neutral good $04 = true neutral $05 = neutral evil $06 = chaotic good $07 = chaotic neutral $08 = chaotic evil $A5 /$11F /$BE /$ AD : Damage per attack (number of dice) ($0.. $FF) (0..255) $A7 /$121 /$C0 /$ AF : Damage per attack (kind of dice) ($0.. $FF) (0..255) $AE..$B1/$128..$12B/$C8..$CB/$ 44..$ 47: Experience points ($0..$7FFFFFFF) $BD /? /? /? : Portrait head ($0.. $D) (0.. 13) $BE /? /? /? : Portrait body ($0.. $B) (0.. 11) $BF /? /? /? : Icon head ($0.. $D) (0.. 13) $C0 /? /? /? : Icon weapon ($0.. $1F) (0.. 31) $C2 /? /? /? : Icon size: $01 = small $02 = large $C3 /? /? /? : Icon body colours: High nybble: 2nd body colour Low nybble: 1st body colour $C4 /? /? /? : Icon arm colours High nybble: 2nd arm colour Low nybble: 1st arm colour $C5 /? /? /? : Icon leg colours High nybble: 2nd leg colour Low nybble: 1st leg colour $C6 /? /? /? : Icon hair/face colours High nybble: face colour, as follows ($0 is not used): $1 = dark blue $2 = dark green $3 = dark cyan $4 = black $5 = brown $6 = red $7 = pink $8 = yellow $9 = blue $A = green $B = cyan $C = dark grey $D = medium grey $E = light grey $F = white Low nybble: hair colour $C7 /? /? /? : Icon shield colours High nybble: 2nd shield colour Low nybble: 1st shield colour $C8 /? /? /? : Icon weapon colour High nybble: 2nd weapon colour Low nybble: 1st weapon colour $10E /$19A /$143 /$ 5E : Status: $00 = OK $01 = Animated $02 = TempGone $03 = Running $04 = Unconscious $05 = Dying $06 = Dead $07 = Stoned $08 = Gone $11D /$1A9 /$152 /$191 : Current hit points Probably or definitely calculated in-game: Armour class Encumbrance THAC0 Unknown locations/encoding: Spell effects that are currently active Items Probably stored in saved games but not in character files: Game speed Party order (probably determined by ordering of character records) "Monsters on/off" flag "Portraits on/off" flag Location and facing direction Quest status Time of day There is a character editor available for these games. See . Populous 1 (#?.GAM, 29,646 bytes)----------------------------------------- 24852: mana (0..255) 29630..29632: set these 3 bytes to $00 for custom -> conquest Quadralien (?????????, 12,530 bytes)-------------------------------------- $0.. $A: header ("QUADRALIENE" (sic)) $C..$40B: 1K of map data for room 0: each room is 32*32 tiles (=1K), one byte per tile $40C.. $80B: 1K of radiation data for room 0 $80C.. $C0B: 1K of map data for room 1 $C0C..$100B: 1K of radiation data for room 1 $100C..$140B: 1K of map data for room 2 $140C..$180B: 1K of radiation data for room 2 $180C..$1C0B: 1K of map data for room 3 $1C0C..$200B: 1K of radiation data for room 3 $200C..$240B: 1K of map data for room 4 $240C..$280B: 1K of radiation data for room 4 $280C..$2C0B: 1K of map data for room 5 $2C0C..$300B: 1K of radiation data for room 5 $300D: current level (0..3): 0 = level 1 1 = level 2 2 = level 3 $300F: selected chamber (0..5): For level 1: 0 = INSTRuMeNT MONiToRING ROOM 1 = ELECTRical ENERGY STORE 2 = MACHINE ROOM 3 = FUEL STORE 4 = PRESSURE CONTROL 5 = EMERGeNCY ESCAPE SUPPLIES For level 2: 0 = MAIN COMPUTER ROOM 1 = MECHanical ENERGY STORE 2 = WORKSHOP 3 = ARSENAL 4 = TURBINE ROOM 5 = PRESSURISED CABIN For level 3: 0 = CONTROL CENTRE 1 = CHEMical ENERGY STORE 2 = WAREHOUSE 3 = EXPLOSIVES STORE 4 = CONDENSeR INSTaLlATioN 5 = DECONTAMINATION CHAMBER $3012..$3013: temperature $3014..$3015: entropy? $3016..$3017: energy (starts at 20,000) $3018..$3019: current score (big-endian unsigned word) (0..65535) $301A..$301B: target score $301F: selected pair of droids: The available droids and their values are: $01 = JACK $02 = SCOOTER $04 = MARTINA $08 = RAMBOT $10 = SPUD $20 = BARNEY Add the values of the two robots you want. Allowable combinations are: $03 = JACK + SCOOTER $05 = JACK + MARTINA $09 = JACK + RAMBOT $11 = JACK + SPUD $21 = JACK + BARNEY $06 = SCOOTER + MARTINA $0A = SCOOTER + RAMBOT $12 = SCOOTER + SPUD $22 = SCOOTER + BARNEY $0C = MARTINA + RAMBOT $14 = MARTINA + SPUD $24 = MARTINA + BARNEY $18 = RAMBOT + SPUD $28 = RAMBOT + BARNEY $30 = SPUD + BARNEY $3042..$3043: current energy of JACK (BCD format) (eg. $3400 = 3400) $3044..$3045: maximum energy of JACK $3062..$3065: energy of SCOOTER (current then maximum) $3082..$3085: energy of MARTINA (current then maximum) $30A2..$30A5: energy of RAMBOT (current then maximum) $30C2..$30C5: energy of SPUD (current then maximum) $30E2..$30E5: energy of BARNEY (current then maximum) Unknown locations/encodings: ENTropy? Radioactivity levels of each droid? Not stored in file: Language (English/French/German) Questron 2 (V1.0)--------------------------------------------------------- NAMES (144 bytes)--------------------------------------------------------- 0 flag for character #1 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 1- 2 $00 3- 16 name of character #1 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 17 $00 18 flag for character #2 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 19- 20 $00 21- 34 name of character #2 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 35 $00 36 flag for character #3 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 37- 38 $00 39- 52 name of character #3 (14 chars max, purged bytes are $00) 53 $00 54 flag for character #4 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 55- 56 $00 57- 70 name of character #4 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 71 $00 72 flag for character #5 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 73- 74 $00 75- 88 name of character #5 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 89 $00 90 flag for character #6 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 91- 92 $00 93-106 name of character #6 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 107 $00 108 flag for character #7 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 109-110 $00 111-124 name of character #7 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 125 $00 126 flag for character #8 ($80 = used, $00 = purged) 127-128 $00 129-142 name of character #8 (14 chars max, unused bytes are $00) 144 $00 Gn (ie. G0, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7) (255 bytes each)------------------ 0- 1 Hit points 2- 3 Food 4- 5 Gold pieces 6 ? 7 Charisma 8 Strength 9 Agility 10 Stamina 11 Intelligence 12 Armed (wielded) weapon: $6B ( 0) = Dagger $6C ( 1) = Hammer $69 ( 2) = Hatchet $6A ( 3) = Staff $6F ( 4) = Cudgel $70 ( 5) = Rapier $6D ( 6) = Axe $6E ( 7) = Fauchard $63 ( 8) = Sabre $64 ( 9) = Weighted Spear $61 (10) = Pike $62 (11) = Shortbow $67 (12) = Broadsword $68 (13) = Crossbow anything else = no wielded weapon 13 Worn armour: $6B ( 0) = Rawhide $6C ( 1) = Studded Leather $69 ( 2) = Ring Mail $6A ( 3) = Bar Mail $6F ( 4) = Chain Mail $70 ( 5) = Plate Mail $6D ( 6) = Ribbed Plate anything else = no worn armour 14 Mount: $6B ( 0) = none $6C ( 1) = bird $69 ( 2) = ship $6A ( 3) = donkey? $6F ( 4) = horse? $70 ( 5) = camel 15 Realm: $6B ( 0) = Landor $6C ( 1) = Realm of Sorcerers 16 X-location 17 Y-location 18 ? 19 Magic Missile 20 Fireball 21 Sonic Whine 22 Time Sap 23 ? 24 Dagger (weapon # 0) 25 Hammer (weapon # 1) 26 Hatchet (weapon # 2) 27 Staff (weapon # 3) 28 Cudgel (weapon # 4) 29 Rapier (weapon # 5) 30 Axe (weapon # 6) 31 Fauchard (weapon # 7) 32 Sabre (weapon # 8) 33 Weighted Spear (weapon # 9) 34 Pike (weapon #10) 35 Shortbow (weapon #11) 36 Broadsword (weapon #12) 37 Crossbow (weapon #13) 38 ? 39 Rawhide (armour # 0) 40 Studded Leather (armour # 1) 41 Ring Mail (armour # 2) 42 Bar Mail (armour # 3) 43 Chain Mail (armour # 4) 44 Plate Mail (armour # 5) 45 Ribbed Plate (armour # 6) 46 ? 47 Gold Key (item # 0) 48 Opal Key (item # 1) 49 Iron Key (item # 2) 50 Brass Key (item # 3) 51 Copper Key (item # 4) 52 Silver Key (item # 5) 53 Emerald Key (item # 6) 54 Onyx Key (item # 7) 55 Ruby Key (item # 8) 56 Agate Key (item # 9) 57 Sapphire Key (item #10) 58 Black Key (item #11) 59 Diamond (item #12) 60 Unicorn Horn (item #13) 61 Wand of Power (item #14) 62 Eternal Flame (item #15) 63 Book of Magic (item #16) 64 Crystal Goblet (item #17) 65 Chalice of Arvyl (item #18) 66 Moonstone Amulet (item #19) 67 Orb of Enchantment (item #20) 68 Scroll of Scalna (item #21) 69 Rope & Hooks (item #22) 70 Bread of Life (quantity) 71- 75 ? 76 Rank: $6B ( 0) = Plebe $6C ( 1) = Adventurer $69 ( 2) = Scout $6A ( 3) = Apprentice $6F ( 4) = Knight 77- 79 ? 80- 94 name (encrypted; unused bytes are $6B (0)) 95- 98 ? 99-100 time 101 Item in use: $6B ( 0) = Gold Key $6C ( 1) = Opal Key $69 ( 2) = Iron Key $6A ( 3) = Brass Key $6F ( 4) = Copper Key $70 ( 5) = Silver Key $6D ( 6) = Emerald Key $6E ( 7) = Onyx Key $63 ( 8) = Ruby Key $64 ( 9) = Agate Key $61 (10) = Sapphire Key $62 (11) = Black Key $67 (12) = Diamond $68 (13) = Unicorn Horn $65 (14) = Wand of Power $66 (15) = Eternal Flame $5B (16) = Book of Magic $5C (17) = Crystal Goblet $57 (18) = Chalice of Arvyl $56 (19) = Moonstone Amulet $5F (20) = Orb of Enchantment $60 (21) = Scroll of Scalna $5D (22) = Rope & Hooks anything else = no item in use 102-143 ? G0..G7 correspond to characters #1..#8 respectively. Purging is done by the game as follows: the relevant 'used' flag in NAMES is cleared (to $00). all bytes in the appropriate Gn file are cleared (to $6B). Notes: Carrying all/nearly all weapons + armour + items can cause rendering problems in the game. Saving in towns and dungeons is not possible. "Realm" seems not to be stored explicitly, but rather is determined by the X/Y location variables. Inventory slots are: $6B (0) = don't have it. $6C (1) = do have it. 1-byte quantities (attributes, locations, quantities of spells, bread of life) are stored in this 'encrypted' format: $00 = 181 $01 = 170 $02 = 171 $03 = 168 $04 = 169 $05 = 174 $06 = 175 $07 = 172 $08 = 173 $09 = 162 $0A = 163 $0B = 160 $0C = 161 $0D = 166 $0E = 167 $0F = 164 $10 = 165 $11 = 90 $12 = 91 $13 = 88 $14 = 89 $15 = 94 $16 = 95 $17 = 92 $18 = 93 $19 = 82 $1A = 83 $1B = 80 $1C = 81 $1D = 86 $1E = 87 $1F = 84 $20 = 85 $21 = 74 $22 = 75 $23 = 72 $24 = 73 $25 = 78 $26 = 79 $27 = 76 $28 = 77 $29 = 66 $2A = 67 $2B = 64 $2C = 65 $2D = 70 $2E = 71 $2F = 68 $30 = 69 $31 = 122 $32 = 123 $33 = 120 $34 = 121 $35 = 126 $36 = 127 $37 = 124 $38 = 125 $39 = 114 $3A = 115 $3B = 112 $3C = 113 $3D = 118 $3E = 119 $3F = 116 $40 = 117 $41 = 106 $42 = 107 $43 = 104 $44 = 105 $45 = 110 $46 = 111 $47 = 108 $48 = 109 $49 = 98 $4A = 99 $4B = 96 $4C = 97 $4D = 102 $4E = 103 $4F = 100 $50 = 101 $51 = 26 $52 = 27 $53 = 24 $54 = 25 $55 = 30 $56 = 19 $57 = 18 $58 = 29 $59 = 28 $5A = 31 $5B = 16 $5C = 17 $5D = 22 $5E = 23 $5F = 20 $60 = 21 $61 = 10 $62 = 11 $63 = 8 $64 = 9 $65 = 14 $66 = 15 $67 = 12 $68 = 13 $69 = 2 $6A = 3 $6B = 0 $6C = 1 $6D = 6 $6E = 7 $6F = 4 $70 = 5 $71 = 58 $72 = 59 $73 = 56 $74 = 57 $75 = 62 $76 = 63 $77 = 60 $78 = 61 $79 = 50 $7A = 51 $7B = 48 $7C = 49 $7D = 54 $7E = 55 $7F = 52 $80 = 53 $81 = 42 $82 = 43 $83 = 40 $84 = 41 $85 = 46 $86 = 47 $87 = 44 $88 = 45 $89 = 34 $8A = 35 $8B = 32 $8C = 33 $8D = 38 $8E = 39 $8F = 36 $90 = 37 $91 = 218 $92 = 219 $93 = 216 $94 = 217 $95 = 222 $96 = 223 $97 = 220 $98 = 221 $99 = 210 $9A = 211 $9B = 208 $9C = 209 $9D = 214 $9E = 215 $9F = 212 $A0 = 213 $A1 = 202 $A2 = 203 $A3 = 200 $A4 = 201 $A5 = 206 $A6 = 207 $A7 = 204 $A8 = 209 $A9 = 194 $AA = 195 $AB = 192 $AC = 193 $AD = 198 $AE = 199 $AF = 196 $B0 = 197 $B1 = 250 $B2 = 251 $B3 = 248 $B4 = 249 $B5 = 254 $B6 = 255 $B7 = 252 $B8 = 253 $B9 = 242 $BA = 243 $BB = 240 $BC = 241 $BD = 246 $BE = 247 $BF = 244 $C0 = 245 $C1 = 234 $C2 = 235 $C3 = 232 $C4 = 233 $C5 = 238 $C6 = 239 $C7 = 236 $C8 = 237 $C9 = 226 $CA = 227 $CB = 224 $CC = 225 $CD = 230 $CE = 231 $CF = 228 $D0 = 229 $D1 = 154 $D2 = 155 $D3 = 152 $D4 = 153 $D5 = 158 $D6 = 159 $D7 = 156 $D8 = 157 $D9 = 146 $DA = 147 $DB = 144 $DC = 145 $DD = 150 $DE = 151 $DF = 148 $E0 = 149 $E1 = 138 $E2 = 139 $E3 = 136 $E4 = 137 $E5 = 142 $E6 = 143 $E7 = 140 $E8 = 141 $E9 = 130 $EA = 131 $EB = 128 $EC = 129 $ED = 134 $EE = 135 $EF = 132 $F0 = 133 $F1 = 186 $F2 = 187 $F3 = 184 $F4 = 185 $F5 = 190 $F6 = 191 $F7 = 188 $F8 = 189 $F9 = 178 $FA = 179 $FB = 176 $FC = 177 $FD = 182 $FE = 183 $FF = 180 2-byte numbers are 'encrypted' as follows (these are just two encypted 1- byte numbers, big-endian; ie. the high and low bytes are encrypted separately): $1000 = 42421 $2000 = 21941 $3000 = 17845 $4000 = 30133 $5000 = 26037 $6B6B = 0 (ie. ($6B ( 0) * 256 = 0) + ($6B ( 0) * 1 = 0) = 0) $6BA3 = 200 (ie. ($6B ( 0) * 256 = 0) + ($A3 (200) * 1 = 200) = 200) $AAAA = 50115 $B6B6 = 65535 (ie. ($B6 (255) * 256 = 65280) + ($B6 (255) * 1 = 255) = 65535) There is a character editor available for this game. See . Robin Hood (Disk.2, 31,360 bytes)----------------------------------------- $ 0..$3FFF: 16K of map data Stored Y-major, 64 rows by 64 columns 64 rows * 64 columns * 4 bytes = 16K of map data Each square is 4 consecutive bytes, as follows: 1st byte: lower level 2nd byte: middle level 3rd byte: upper level Lower/middle/upper level contents are $00..$3B, with some illegal values. See the MCE source code for more information. 4th byte: barriers: Truth table for whether you can go NS (north-south) or EW (east-west) with various values of the low nybble: NS WE --- --- %0000 No No %0001 No No %0010 No No %0011 No No %0100 No No %0101 No No %0110 Yes No %0111 Yes No %1000 No No %1001 No Yes %1010 No No %1011 No Yes %1100 No No %1101 No Yes %1110 Yes No %1111 Yes Yes Bit 7 is also used for some purpose. $5986: heroism ($FF = full) $59BF: gold (in tenths of a gp) ($FF = 25 gp) (20 gp is maximum cleanly displayable in game) $59C0: love ($FF = full) $59C2: optimism ($FF = full) $59C6: bravery ($FF = full) $59C7: strength ($28 = full) Items: $6471: hood: $00 = missing $01 = charging $02 = ready $03 = in use? $6472: lightning $6473: ring $6474: horn $6475: mushroom $6476: quill $6477: orb Unknown locations/encodings: camera location locations of people (Robin is at $4Bxx?) quest status? time? Rogue--------------------------------------------------------------------- #?.save (10,000 bytes): $00.. $16: Name (23 chars maximum) $17: always $00? (NUL terminator?) $18.. ?: Fruit ("Mango") $73.. $89: Name (23 chars maximum) $8A: always $00? (NUL terminator?) $8B.. ?: Fruit ("Mango") $F8.. $232: 1st table of computer's scroll names (21 bytes each): $F8.. $10C: 1st (eg. "libkoy buf yifyax 000") $10D.. $121: 2nd (eg. "nosmoj cahket dal0000") $122.. $136: 3rd (eg. "kimnif paz kec kow000") : : : $21E.. $232: 15th (eg. "hutdeb jas tas0000000") (where 0 is $00 (NUL)) $234.. $36D: 1st table of user's scroll names (21 bytes each): $234.. $248: 1st $249.. $25D: 2nd $25E.. $272: 3rd $273.. $287: 4th $288.. $29C: 5th (enchant armour) $29D.. $2B1: 6th (identify) $2B2.. $2C6: 7th $2C7.. $2DB: 8th $2DC.. $2F0: 9th $2F1.. $305: 10th (enchant weapon) $306.. $31A: 11th $31B.. $32F: 12th $330.. $344: 13th (humming - aggravate monster?) $345.. $359: 14th $35A.. $36D: 15th $36E.. $39B: ? $39A.. ?: 1st table of user's potion names (21 bytes each)? See MCE source code for hit points, X/Y positions, etc. $CC3.. ?: 2nd table of computer's scroll names (varying lengths!): $CC3.. n/a: 1st (eg. "!libkoy buf yifyax 0") n/a.. n/a: 2nd (eg. "!nosmoj cahket dal0") n/a.. n/a: 3rd (eg. "!kimnif paz kec kow0") : : : n/a.. n/a: 15th (eg. "!hutdeb jas tas0") (where ! is length (not including NUL) and 0 is $00 (NUL)) Now the 2nd table of user's scroll names: Empty entries are $0000. n/a.. n/a: "!abcdefghijklmnopqrst0" (where ! is length (not including NUL) and 0 is $00 (NUL)) Now the 2nd table of user's potion names (15 entries?). Now another table of 15 entries? Maps are stored like this, but offsets may vary: $120D..$16F8 (1260 bytes): internal map 1st column stored first (as 1st..21st rows), then 2nd column, etc. There are 60 columns, each consisting of 21 rows. $16F9..$1BE4 (1260 bytes): corridor map 1st column stored first (as 1st..21st rows), then 2nd column, etc. There are 60 columns, each consisting of 21 rows. $1BE5..$1BE6 (2 bytes): ? $1BE7..$2276 (1680 bytes): player's map 1st row stored first (as 1st..80th columns), then 2nd row, etc. There are 21 rows, each consisting of 80 columns. The player's map uses the ASCII equivalents of the graphic symbols. Here are some player's map encoding samples: . = empty < = NW corner <-----> > = NE corner |..@p.| { = SW corner |.....+##### } = SE corner {+----} - = N/S edge | = E/W edge + = door @ = you p = arrow # = corridor Only the current level is ever mapped. When you change levels the old map is discarded. Weapons are stored like this: how many of them (0..32767) (16-bit signed big-endian) then the weapon codes: $0000 = maces $0001 = broad swords $0002 = short bows $0003 = arrows $0004 = daggers $0005 = two-handed swords $0006 = darts then first plus/minus (to hit?) (16-bit signed big-endian) then second plus/minus (damage?) (16-bit signed big-endian) Types of armour are: $00 = leather armour $01 = ring mail $02 = studded leather armour $03 = scale mail $04 = chain mail $05 = splint mail $06 = banded mail $07 = plate mail Unknown locations/encoding: maximum strength armour class inventory hunger blindness, etc. deepest dungeon level reached eXperience Points rank (probably just gets calculated based on XP) monster stats See also the MCE source code. Rogue.score (460 bytes): Each entry is 46 bytes: $00.. $2D: 1st entry $2E.. $5B: 2nd entry : : : $19E..$1CB: 10th entry Each entry is as follows: $00.. $16: name (23 chars maximum) $27: rank: $00, $01, $18+ = "" $02 = "Guild Novice" $03 = "Apprentice" $04 = "Journeyman" $05 = "Adventurer" $06 = "Fighter" $07 = "Warrior" $08 = "Rogue" $09 = "Champion" $0A = "Master Rogue" $0B = "Warlord" $0C = "Hero" $0D = "Guild Master" $0E = "Dragonlord" $0F = "Wizard" $10 = "Rogue Geek" $11 = "Rogue Addict" $12 = "Schmendrick" $13 = "Gunfighter" $14 = "Time Waster" $15 = "Bug Chaser" $16 = "Penultimate Rogue" $17 = "Ultimate Rogue" $28.. $29: gold pieces (signed 16-bit big-endian) ($0000..$7FFF) $2B: what killed you: $00..$01 = quit $02 = a total winner! $03..$40 = quit $41 ('A') = aquator $42 ('B') = bat $43 ('C') = centaur $44 ('D') = dragon $45 ('E') = emu $46 ('F') = venus flytrap $47 ('G') = griffin $48 ('H') = hobgoblin $49 ('I') = ice monster $4A ('J') = jabberwock $4B ('K') = kestrel $4C ('L') = leprechaun $4D ('M') = medusa $4E ('N') = nymph $4F ('O') = orc $50 ('P') = phantom $51 ('Q') = quagga $52 ('R') = rattlesnake $53 ('S') = slime $54 ('T') = troll $55 ('U') = ur-vile $56 ('V') = vampire $57 ('W') = wraith $58 ('X') = xeroc $59 ('Y') = yeti $5A ('Z') = zombie $2D: level died/quit on (1..26. 26+ is "Honoured by the Guild") There is a saved game and high score table editor available for this game. See . Return of the Jedi (hiscores, 290 bytes)---------------------------------- $0.. $2: $088864 $1E.. $37: " 88864 - 123456789012345**" $3.. $5: $075681 $38.. $51: " 75681 - 123456789012345**" $6.. $8: $073759 $52.. $6B: " 73759 - 123456789012345**" $9.. $B: $073753 $6C.. $85: " 73753 - 123456789012345**" $C.. $E: $050729 $86.. $9F: " 50729 - 123456789012345**" $F..$11: $041772 $A0.. $B9: " 41772 - 123456789012345**" $12..$14: $026289 $BA.. $D3: " 26289 - MOZZY **" $15..$17: $023655 $D4.. $ED: " 23655 - HAN SOLO **" $18..$1A: $023442 $EE..$107: " 23442 - CHEWBACCA **" $1B..$1D: $023003 $108..$121: " 23003 - DAVE **" where * represents NUL (EOS) ($00) Ie. UBYTE scores[10][3]; // scores in packed BCD format TEXT displayed[10][26]; // displayed text Rockford high scores (Rockford.hi, 180 bytes)----------------------------- $00..$11: data pertaining to 1st high scorer, as follows: $00..$09: name of 1st high scorer (ASCII, padded at end with '-'s) $0A: space ($20) $0B..$10: score of 1st high scorer (ASCII, padded at front with '0's) $11: NUL ($00) $12..$23: as above, but for 2nd high scorer $24..$35: as above, but for 3rd high scorer $36..$47: as above, but for 4th high scorer $48..$59: as above, but for 5th high scorer $5A..$6B: as above, but for 6th high scorer $6C..$7D: as above, but for 7th high scorer $7E..$8F: as above, but for 8th high scorer $90..$A1: as above, but for 9th high scorer $A2..$B3: as above, but for 10th high scorer Rockford levels (maps, 35,200 bytes)-------------------------------------- Each of the 5 worlds is 7040 bytes: Each of the 8 levels is 880 bytes: Each of the 22 rows is 40 bytes: Each of the 40 columns is 1 byte. Each tile is 16*16 pixels in 32 colours. See the MCE source code for more details. Rome: AD92 (, 37,632 bytes)---------------------------------- $1880..$587F: 16K of map data Stored Y-major, 64 rows by 64 columns 64 rows * 64 columns * 4 bytes = 16K of map data Each square is 4 consecutive bytes, as follows: 1st byte: lower level 2nd byte: middle level 3rd byte: upper level Lower/middle/upper level contents are $00..$3B, with some illegal values. See the MCE source code for more information. 4th byte: barriers: Truth table for whether you can go NS (north-south) or EW (east-west) with various values of the low nybble: NS WE --- --- %0000 No No %0001 No No %0010 No No %0011 No No %0100 No No %0101 No No %0110 Yes No %0111 Yes No %1000 No No %1001 No Yes %1010 No No %1011 No Yes %1100 No No %1101 No Yes %1110 Yes No %1111 Yes Yes Bit 7 is also used for some purpose. Only the map for the current level is saved as part of the saved game, not the maps for the other levels. Unknown locations/encodings: camera location locations of people level quest status? time? Rorke's Drift (RD?.DAT, 49,202 bytes)------------------------------------- See also the MCE source code. $22..$23: 137 living humans (healthy + wounded) If you lower this it reduces the wounded and increases the dead $30..$31: dead enemies? $35/ $45: minute? $37/ $47: hour? $49: day? ($00=22nd, $64=23rd) Unknown locations/encodings: For each man in army: Alive/dead flag (but perhaps the game just checks for 0 health) Facing direction Orders Enemy (ie. Zulu) stats Time Shadowgate (10,158 bytes)------------------------------------------------- $0002..$0003: Your location: $0000 = nowhere $0001 = you $0002 = dummy $0003 = entrance $0004 = hallway $0005 = closet $0006 = hallway $0007 = chamber $0008 = hallway $0009 = lake $000A = waterfall $000B = alcove $000C = pedestal room $000D = lair $000E = tomb $000F = mirror room $0010 = bridge $0011 = crevice $0012 = bridge room $0013 = alcove $0014 = cave $0015 = chamber $0016 = cave $0017 = courtyard $0018 = hallway $0019 = library $001A = study $001B = laboratory $001C = garden $001D = armory $001E = banquet hall $001F = chamber $0020 = turret $0021 = chamber $0022 = observatory $0023 = turret $0024 = hallway $0025 = balcony $0026 = lookout $0027 = throne room $0028 = hallway $0029 = cave $002A = cavern $002B = cave $002C = wellroom $002D = river $002E = vault $002F = cavern $0030 = Thou Art Dead! $0031 = Congratulations! Container code: Exits?: $064..$065: door $0032 $066..$067: nothing $0033 $068..$069: door $0034 $06A..$06B: nothing $0035 $06C..$06D: set of double doors $0036 $06E..$06F: nothing $0037 : : : $110..$111: nothing $0088 $112..$113: nothing $0089 $114..$115: nothing $008A $116..$117: nothing $008B $118..$119: nothing $008C $11A..$11B: nothing $008D $11C..$11D: nothing $008E $11E..$11F: nothing $008F : : : $140..$141: nothing $00A0 $142..$143: nothing $00A1 $144..$145: shelf $00A2 $146..$147: stone tablet $00A3 $148..$149: nothing $00A4 $14A..$14B: nothing $00A5 $14C..$14D: nothing $00A6 $14E..$14F: blue gem $00A7 : : : $180..$181: nothing $00C0 Items/props?: $182..$183: slab $00C1 $184..$185: slab $00C2 $186..$187: slab $00C3 $188..$189: thing (unsel.) $00C4 $18A..$18B: nothing $00C5 $18C..$18D: nothing $00C6 $18E..$18F: nothing $00C7 $190..$191: stone $00C8 $192..$193: stone $00C9 $194..$195: floor $00CA $196..$197: thing $00CB $198..$199: stone $00CC $19A..$19B: stone $00CD $19C..$19D: bottle $00CE $19E..$19F: thing (unsel.) $00CF $1A0..$1A1: lever $00D0 $1A2..$1A3: lever $00D1 $1A4..$1A5: lever $00D2 $1A6..$1A7: lever $00D3 $1A8..$1A9: lever $00D4 $1AA..$1AB: lever $00D5 $1AC..$1AD: cylinder $00D6 $1AE..$1AF: silver orb $00D7 $1B0..$1B1: cylinder $00D8 $1B2..$1B3: cylinder $00D9 $1B4..$1B5: thing (unsel.) $00DA $1B6..$1B7: lake $00DB $1B8..$1B9: nothing $00DC $1BA..$1BB: frozen lake $00DD $1BC..$1BD: thing (unsel.) $00DE $1BE..$1BF: skeleton $00DF $1C0..$1C1: skeleton $00E0 $1C2..$1C3: shark $00E1 $1C4..$1C5: tomb $00E2 $1C6..$1C7: tomb $00E3 $1C8..$1C9: tomb $00E4 $1CA..$1CB: tomb $00E5 $1CC..$1CD: tomb $00E6 $1CE..$1CF: fire $00E7 $1D0..$1D1: bridge $00E8 $1D2..$1D3: bridge $00E9 $1D4..$1D5: rug $00EA $1D6..$1D7: rug $00EB $1D8..$1D9: rubble $00EC $1DA..$1DB: ledge $00ED $1DC..$1DD: broken ledge $00EE $1DE..$1DF: rock $00EF $1E0..$1E1: thing (unsel.) $00F0 $1E2..$1E3: brazier $00F1 $1E4..$1E5: brazier $00F2 $1E6..$1E7: mirror $00F3 $1E8..$1E9: broken mirror $00F4 $1EA..$1EB: mirror $00F5 $1EC..$1ED: broken mirror $00F6 $1EE..$1EF: mirror $00F7 $1F0..$1F1: broken mirror $00F8 $1F2..$1F3: rope $00F9 $1F4..$1F5: sign $00FA $1F6..$1F7: nothing $00FB $1F8..$1F9: nothing $00FC $1FA..$1FB: nothing $00FD $1FC..$1FD: cage door $00FE $1FE..$1FF: mummy $00FF $200..$201: slime $0100 $202..$203: thing (unsel.) $0101 $204..$205: thing (unsel.) $0102 $206..$207: cyclops $0103 $208..$209: cyclops $0104 $20A..$20B: well $0105 $20C..$20D: bucket $0106 $20E..$20F: rope $0107 $210..$211: rope $0108 $212..$213: troll $0109 $214..$215: troll $010A $216..$217: thing (unsel.) $010B $218..$219: wall $010C $21A..$21B: thing (unsel.) $010D $21C..$21D: rock $010E $21E..$21F: nothing $010F $220..$221: nothing $0110 $222..$223: thing (unsel.) $0111 $224..$225: rug $0112 $226..$227: globe $0113 $228..$229: globe $0114 $22A..$22B: fire $0115 $22C..$22D: firewood $0116 $22E..$22F: goblet $0117 $230..$231: shelf $0118 $232..$233: thing $0119 $234..$235: thing $011A $236..$237: thing $011B $238..$239: thing $011C $23A..$23B: thing (unsel.) $011D $23C..$23D: tree $011E $23E..$23F: tree $011F $240..$241: tree $0120 $242..$243: hole $0121 $244..$245: thing (unsel.) $0122 $246..$247: fountain $0123 $248..$249: nothing $0124 $24A..$24B: nothing $0125 $24C..$24D: wyvern $0126 $24E..$24F: wyvern $0127 $250..$251: nothing $0128 $252..$253: pole stand $0129 $254..$255: nothing $012A $256..$257: star map $012B $258..$259: shooting star $012C $25A..$25B: table $012D $25C..$25D: telescope $012E $25E..$25F: rug $012F $260..$261: Doogan $0130 $262..$263: Doogan $0131 $264..$265: nothing $0132 $266..$267: ring $0133 $268..$269: panel $0134 $26A..$26B: shield $0135 $26C..$26D: spear $0136 $26E..$26F: bow $0137 $270..$271: shield $0138 $272..$273: quiver $0139 $274..$275: table $013A $276..$277: Trogg $013B $278..$279: Crag $013C $27A..$27B: Grot $013D $27C..$27D: Gort $013E $27E..$27F: Trogg $013F $280..$281: Crag $0140 $282..$283: Grot $0141 $284..$285: Gort $0142 $286..$287: lit torch (item) $0143 $288..$289: burned out torch (item) $0144 $28A..$28B: rug $0145 $28C..$28D: mirror $0146 $28E..$28F: broken mirror $0147 $290..$291: tapestry $0148 $292..$293: gargoyle $0149 $294..$295: gargoyle $014A $296..$297: gargoyle $014B $298..$299: gargoyle $014C $29A..$29B: brick $014D $29C..$29D: brick $014E $29E..$29F: well $014F $2A0..$2A1: crank $0150 $2A2..$2A3: crank $0151 $2A4..$2A5: nothing $0152 $2A6..$2A7: cover $0153 $2A8..$2A9: cover $0154 $2AA..$2AB: cover $0155 $2AC..$2AD: ferryman $0156 $2AE..$2AF: gong $0157 $2B0..$2B1: stand $0158 $2B2..$2B3: Behemoth $0159 $2B4..$2B5: Behemoth $015A $2B6..$2B7: Behemoth $015B $2B8..$2B9: Behemoth $015C $2BA..$2BB: ground $015D $2BC..$2BD: platform $015E $2BE..$2BF: Warlock Lord $015F $2C0..$2C1: Warlock Lord $0160 $2C2..$2C3: brazier $0161 $2C4..$2C5: brazier $0162 $2C6..$2C7: brazier $0163 $2C8..$2C9: brazier $0164 $2CA..$2CB: brazier $0165 $2CC..$2CD: brazier $0166 $2CE..$2CF: beam $0167 $2D0..$2D1: beam $0168 $2D2..$2D3: werewolf $0169 $2D4..$2D5: pretty lady $016A $2D6..$2D7: dead werewolf $016B $2D8..$2D9: chain $016C $2DA..$2DB: kettle $016D $2DC..$2DD: lit torch (immov.) $016E $2DE..$2DF: burned out torch (immov.) $016F $2E0..$2E1: lit torch (immov.) $0170 $2E2..$2E3: burned out torch (immov.) $0171 $2E4..$2E5: lit torch (immov.) $0172 $2E6..$2E7: burned out torch (immov.) $0173 $2E8..$2E9: sphinx $0174 $2EA..$2EB: book $0175 $2EC..$2ED: book $0176 $2EE..$2EF: book $0177 $2F0..$2F1: book $0178 $2F2..$2F3: book $0179 $2F4..$2F5: book $017A $2F6..$2F7: book $017B $2F8..$2F9: book $017C $2FA..$2FB: book $017D $2FC..$2FD: book $017E $2FE..$2FF: book $017F $300..$301: book $0180 $302..$303: book $0181 $304..$305: book $0182 $306..$307: book $0183 $308..$309: book $0184 $30A..$30B: book $0185 $30C..$30D: book $0186 $30E..$30F: book $0187 $310..$311: book $0188 $312..$313: book $0189 $314..$315: book $018A $316..$317: book $018B $318..$319: book $018C $31A..$31B: book $018D $31C..$31D: book $018E $31E..$31F: book $018F $320..$321: book $0190 $322..$323: skull (item) $0191 $324..$325: encyclopedia set $0192 $326..$327: book holder $0193 $328..$329: bookcase $0194 $32A..$32B: desk $0195 $32C..$32D: map $0196 $32E..$32F: book $0197 $330..$331: book $0198 $332..$333: book $0199 $334..$335: thing (unsel.) $019A $336..$337: thing (unsel.) $019B $338..$339: thing $019C $33A..$33B: thing $019D $33C..$33D: thing $019E $33E..$33F: thing $019F $340..$341: thing (unsel.) $01A0 $342..$343: wand $01A1 $344..$345: hand $01A2 $346..$347: thing (unsel.) $01A3 $348..$349: thing (unsel.) $01A4 $34A..$34B: thing (unsel.) $01A5 $34C..$34D: thing (unsel.) $01A6 $34E..$34F: thing (unsel.) $01A7 $350..$351: horn $01A8 $352..$353: hellhound $01A9 $354..$355: fire $01AA $356..$357: firedrake $01AB $358..$359: key $01AC $35A..$35B: skull (prop) $01AD $35C..$35D: lit torch $01AE $35E..$35F: unlit torch $01AF $360..$361: burned out torch $01B0 $362..$363: lit torch $01B1 $364..$365: unlit torch $01B2 $366..$367: burned out torch $01B3 $368..$369: lit torch $01B4 $36A..$36B: unlit torch $01B5 $36C..$36D: burned out torch $01B6 $36E..$36F: lit torch $01B7 $370..$371: unlit torch $01B8 $372..$373: burned out torch $01B9 $374..$375: lit torch $01BA $376..$377: unlit torch $01BB $378..$379: burned out torch $01BC $37A..$37B: lit torch $01BD $37C..$37D: unlit torch $01BE $37E..$37F: burned out torch $01BF $380..$381: lit torch $01C0 $382..$383: unlit torch $01C1 $384..$385: burned out torch $01C2 $386..$387: lit torch (unmovable) $01C3 $388..$389: unlit torch (unmovable) $01C4 $38A..$38B: burned out torch (unmov.) $01C5 $38C..$38D: lit torch (unmov.) $01C6 $38E..$38F: unlit torch (unmov.) $01C7 $390..$391: burned out torch (unmov.) $01C8 $392..$393: lit torch (unmov.) $01C9 $394..$395: unlit torch (unmov.) $01CA $396..$397: burned out torch (unmov.) $01CB $398..$399: snake $01CC $39A..$39B: snake $01CD $39C..$39D: snake $01CE $39E..$39F: snake $01CF $3A0..$3A1: snake $01D0 $3A2..$3A3: snake $01D1 $3A4..$3A5: snake $01D2 $3A6..$3A7: snake $01D3 $3A8..$3A9: statue $01D4 $3AA..$3AB: staff $01D5 $3AC..$3AD: staff $01D6 $3AE..$3AF: staff $01D7 $3B0..$3B1: shield $01D8 $3B2..$3B3: spear $01D9 $3B4..$3B5: pedestal $01DA $3B6..$3B7: chest $01DB $3B8..$3B9: cloak $01DC $3BA..$3BB: lit torch $01DD $3BC..$3BD: unlit torch $01DE $3BE..$3BF: burned out torch $01DF $3C0..$3C1: lit torch $01E0 $3C2..$3C3: unlit torch $01E1 $3C4..$3C5: burned out torch $01E2 $3C6..$3C7: lit torch $01E3 $3C8..$3C9: burned out torch $01E4 $3CA..$3CB: lit torch $01E5 $3CC..$3CD: unlit torch $01E6 $3CE..$3CF: burned out torch $01E7 $3D0..$3D1: lit torch $01E8 $3D2..$3D3: unlit torch $01E9 $3D4..$3D5: burned out torch $01EA $3D6..$3D7: lit torch $01EB $3D8..$3D9: unlit torch $01EC $3DA..$3DB: burned out torch $01ED $3DC..$3DD: lit torch $01EE $3DE..$3DF: unlit torch $01EF $3E0..$3E1: burned out torch $01F0 $3E2..$3E3: lit torch $01F1 $3E4..$3E5: unlit torch $01F2 $3E6..$3E7: burned out torch $01F3 $3E8..$3E9: lit torch $01F4 $3EA..$3EB: unlit torch $01F5 $3EC..$3ED: burned out torch $01F6 $3EE..$3EF: lit torch $01F7 $3F0..$3F1: unlit torch $01F8 $3F2..$3F3: burned out torch $01F9 $3F4..$3F5: lit torch $01FA $3F6..$3F7: unlit torch $01FB $3F8..$3F9: burned out torch $01FC $3FA..$3FB: lit torch $01FD $3FC..$3FD: unlit torch $01FE $3FE..$3FF: burned out torch $01FF $400..$401: lit torch $0200 $402..$403: unlit torch $0201 $404..$405: burned out torch $0202 $406..$407: scepter $0203 $408..$409: rod $0204 $40A..$40B: helmet $0205 $40C..$40D: bone $0206 $40E..$40F: skull (item) $0207 $410..$411: skull (item) $0208 $412..$413: jar $0209 $414..$415: jar $020A $416..$417: jar $020B $418..$419: jar $020C $41A..$41B: jar $020D $41C..$41D: jar $020E $41E..$41F: jar $020F $420..$421: jar $0210 $422..$423: test tube holder $0211 $424..$425: jar $0212 $426..$427: jar $0213 $428..$429: jar $0214 $42A..$42B: jar $0215 $42C..$42D: jar $0216 $42E..$42F: jar $0217 $430..$431: jar $0218 $432..$433: jar $0219 $434..$435: sword $021A $436..$437: arrow $021B $438..$439: pouch $021C $43A..$43B: hammer $021D $43C..$43D: bellows $021E $43E..$43F: poker $021F $440..$441: flute $0220 $442..$443: gauntlet $0221 $444..$445: broom $0222 $446..$447: scroll $0223 $448..$449: scroll $0224 $44A..$44B: scroll $0225 $44C..$43D: scroll $0226 $44E..$44F: scroll $0227 $450..$451: scroll $0228 $452..$453: scroll $0229 $454..$455: scroll $022A $456..$457: scroll $022B $458..$459: scroll $022C $45A..$45B: rope $022D $45C..$45D: horseshoe $022E $45E..$45F: bowl $022F $460..$461: bag $0230 $462..$463: shield $0231 $464..$465: mallet $0232 $466..$467: skull (item) $0233 $468..$469: vial $0234 $46A..$46B: vial $0235 $46C..$46D: vial $0236 $46E..$46F: vial $0237 $470..$471: vial $0238 $472..$473: vial $0239 $474..$475: vial $023A $476..$477: vial $023B $478..$479: coin $023C $47A..$47B: shield $023D $47C..$47D: club $023E $47E..$47F: talisman $023F $480..$481: shooting star $0240 $482..$483: shooting star $0241 $484..$485: shooting star $0242 $486..$487: spike $0243 $488..$489: bottle $0244 $48A..$48B: bottle $0245 $48C..$48D: bottle $0246 $48E..$48F: bottle $0247 $490..$491: silver orb $0248 $492..$493: sphere $0249 $494..$495: sling $024A $496..$497: bag $024B $498..$499: pair of glasses $024C $49A..$49B: blue gem $024D $49C..$49D: red gem $024E $49E..$49F: white gem $024F $4A0..$4A1: key $0250 $4A2..$4A3: key $0251 $4A4..$4A5: key $0252 $4A6..$4A7: key $0253 $4A8..$4A9: wand $0254 $4AA..$4AB: bottle $0255 $4AC..$4AD: bottle $0256 $4AE..$4AF: bottle $0257 $4B0..$4B1: bottle $0258 $4B2..$4B3: key $0259 $4B4..$4B5: stone $025A $4B6..$4B7: stone $025B $4B8..$4B9: stone $025C $4BA..$4BB: stone $025D $4BC..$4BD: stone $025E $4BE..$4BF: stone $025F $4C0..$4C1: stone $0260 $4C2..$4C3: stone $0261 $4C4..$4C5: stone $0262 $4C6..$4C7: stone $0263 $4C8..$4C9: key $0264 $4CA..$4CB: coin $0265 $4CC..$4CD: coin $0266 $4CE..$4CF: coin $0267 $4D0..$4D1: coin $0268 $4D2..$4D3: coin $0269 $4D4..$4D5: coin $026A $4D6..$4D7: coin $026B $4D8..$4D9: coin $026C $4DA..$4DB: coin $026D $4DC..$4DD: coin $026E $4DE..$4DF: coin $026F $4E0..$4E1: coin $0270 $4E2..$4E3: coin $0271 $4E4..$4E5: ring $0272 $4E6..$4E7: fire $0273 $4E8..$4E9: fire $0274 $4EA..$4EB: creature $0275 $4EC..$4ED: guardian $0276 $4EE..$4EF: banshee $0277 $4F0..$4F1: banshee $0278 $4F2..$4F3: gargoyles $0279 $4F4..$4F5: Grot $027A $4F6..$4F7: werewolf $027B $4F8..$4F9: wyvern $027C $4FA..$4FB: troll $027D $4FC..$4FD: firedrake $027E $4FE..$4FF: wraith $027F $500..$501: wraith $0280 $502..$503: rat $0281 $504..$505: rat $0282 $506..$507: cat $0283 $508..$509: cat $0284 $50A..$50B: rat $0285 $50C..$50D: rat $0286 Item location codes work as follows: $0001 = carried. Eg. to carry the pencil, put $0001 in $3C2..$3C3. To put an item in a room, put the room number in the item's inventory slot. Eg. to put the pencil in the estate, put $0020 in $3C2..$3C3. To put an item inside another item (or prop), put the "container code" of the container in the containee's inventory slot. Eg. to put the pair of glasses in the bag, put $024B in $498..$499. Shadowlands (Disk.3, 63882 bytes)----------------------------------------- $C04..$C23: marching order #1 $C04, $C05, $C06, $C07 $C14, $C15, $C16, $C17 $C08, $C09, $C0A, $C0B $C18, $C19, $C1A, $C1B $C0C, $C0D, $C0E, $C0F $C1C, $C1D, $C1E, $C1F $C10, $C11, $C12, $C13 $C20, $C21, $C22, $C23 Square contents are: $00 = empty $01..$04 = that character $C24..$C43: marching order #2 $C44..$C63: marching order #3 $C64..$C83: marching order #4 $C84..$CA3: marching order #5 $EF2: 1st character location? $F0A..$F0B: 1st character current health $F0E: 1st character combat level $F18: 1st character location? $F3A..$F3B: 2nd character current health $F3E: 2nd character combat level $F6A..$F6B: 3rd character current health $F6C: 3rd character current armour $F6E: 3rd character combat level $F9A..$F9B: 4th character current health $F9E: 4th character combat level $FB2..$FD3: 1st character F-field $FE5: 1st character magik level $FE6: 1st character current strength $FEA: 1st character water $FEB: 1st character food $FF6: 1st character maximum strength $FFA..$FFB: 1st character maximum health $FFC: 1st character force $1026..$102D: 1st character name (maximum of 8 letters) (unused bytes are $20) $1054..$1075: 2nd character F-field $1087: 2nd character magik level $1088: 2nd character current strength $1098: 2nd character maximum strength $109C..$109D: 2nd character maximum health $10C8..$10CF: 2nd character name $10F6..$1117: 3rd character F-field $10F6..$10F7: Slot #1 (action hand): $00C0 = full $FFFF = empty $10F8..$10F9: Slot #2 ($00F0 = full, $FFFF = empty) $10FA..$10FB: Slot #3 ($0120 = full, $FFFF = empty) $10FC..$10FD: Slot #4 ($0150 = full, $FFFF = empty) $10FE..$10FF: Slot #5 ($0180 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1100..$1101: Slot #6 ($01B0 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1102..$1103: Slot #7 ($01E0 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1104..$1105: Slot #8 ($0210 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1106..$1107: Slot #9 ($0240 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1108..$1109: Slot #10 ($0270 = full, $FFFF = empty) $110A..$110B: Slot #11 ($02A0 = full, $FFFF = empty) $110C..$110D: Slot #12 ($02D0 = full, $FFFF = empty) $110E..$110F: Slot #13 ($0300 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1110..$1111: Slot #14 ($0330 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1112..$1113: Slot #15 ($0360 = full, $FFFF = empty) $1114..$1115: Slot #16 ($0390 = full, $FFFF = empty) Slots are numbered as follows: 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 13 14 15 16 $116A..$1171: 3rd character name $1198..$11B9: 4th character F-field $120C..$1213: 4th character name See also the MCE source code. Unknown locations/encodings: For each character: Face (hair, eyes, nose, chin) Destination (ie. where they are walking to) Facing direction Status (eg. dead)? Current Armour Maximum Armour Gauges for food, water and Force Items (15 slots) Extra (held-in-hand?) item slot General: Chosen formation Time of day? Stats of nearby monsters? Quest status? Items in world (eg. which torches have been taken) Shadoworlds (Disk.3, 901,120 bytes)--------------------------------------- The format is the same as for Shadowlands except that the offsets between characters are different (ie. the first character is at the same offset but other characters are not). See the MCE source code for further details. Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (#?, 1,248 bytes)--------------------- $39D: ? $39E: ship location $39F: Sinbad location $3A0: Princess Sylphani's location $3A1: Prince Harun's location $3A2: Libitina's location $3A3: ? $3A4: ? $3A5: The Black Prince Camaral's location $3A6: Gypsy's location $3A7: Shaman's location $3A8: Genie's location $3A9: ? $3AA: Roc Ghaax's location $3AB: ? $3AC: Cyclops Ghent's location $3AD: Cyclops Tor-Ghar's location $3AE: Cyclops Darpa's location $3AF: ? $3B0: Demon Lynx's location $3B1: Black Panther's location $3B2: Great Lion's location $3B3: ? $3B4: ? $42E: how many men you have on your ship $42F: how many men you have on the land $454..$45D: strengths of the ten armies (called 'A'..'J') $47B: how many idol eyes you have $490..$4DF: Footer (ASCII text) Location codes are: "Abe Sound", // $00 "Agnis Island", // $01 "Agor", // $02 "Akha's Sea", // $03 "Ajis", // $04 "Akisis", // $05 "Alkrais", // $06 "Allapogos Forest, The", // $07 "Allosa", // $08 "Ardalus Bay", // $09 "Arghalius Landing", // $0A "Arnath", // $0B "Atic Island", // $0C "Aughyd", // $0D "Bay of Conat", // $0E "Bocca", // $0F "Cape of Tears, The", // $10 "Caul", // $11 "Chaloka", // $12 "Chanasta", // $13 "Chustakis", // $14 "Conat", // $15 "Corlis Shoal", // $16 "Cray's Channel", // $17 "Cryr", // $18 "Damaron", // $19 "Dendri Bay", // $1A "Donis Bay", // $1B "Dragon's Mouth, The", // $1C "Eka Isle", // $1D "El Shad", // $1E "Etich Island", // $1F "Fanis Shore", // $20 "Ghoti", // $21 "Ghotin Channel", // $22 "Isk Bay", // $23 "Ivich Isle", // $24 "Kaerngaard", // $25 "Kail", // $26 "Kananuk", // $27 "Khax Bay", // $28 "Konis Isle", // $29 "Korlish", // $2A "Lismit Bay", // $2B "Llortl", // $2C "Nissi", // $2D "Nonestic Ocean, The", // $2E "Norgor", // $2F "Oknos Landing", // $30 "Okyros Sea", // $31 "Ono", // $32 "Ootsinian Peninsula, The", // $33 "Orgy Island", // $34 "Orphania", // $35 "Parmalus Bay", // $36 "Pele Shoals", // $37 "Pele", // $38 "Pert Sea, The", // $39 "Pofi Bay", // $3A "Pona", // $3B "Ritchie Reef", // $3C "Sea of Kernighan", // $3D "Sea of Mists, The", // $3E "Sea of Trents, The", // $3F "Sikhimit's Sea", // $40 "Simit", // $41 "Skisen", // $42 "Stem's Sound", // $43 "Straits of Damaron, The", // $44 "Tanastic Currents", // $45 "Tanis", // $46 "Tapasta", // $47 "Tarkis Bay", // $48 "Thaktarkis", // $49 "The Moquis", // $4A "Thyka", // $4B "Tim Bay", // $4C "Timon", // $4D "Tiw Island", // $4E "Tojo Isle", // $4F "Torquari Moors, The", // $50 "Tor's Break", // $51 "Towu Point", // $52 "Vies Sound", // $53 "Voli Island", // $54 "Wan", // $55 "Xoltan Shore", // $56 "Yolovos Bay", // $57 "Zaftia" // $58 Unknown locations/encodings: Which NPCs are members of the party. Whether you can talk to anyone or not. # of genie wishes remaining. Time. Positions and movement directions of good and evil armies. Who you have talked to, and concerning what. Goal (ie. what the 4th treasure is). One of: skeleton, sasquatch, demon lynx, great lion, black panther. Men on ship. Men in expedition. Hit points remaining (eg. for swordfights). Music on/off. What beasts you have killed (ie. whether you have ear of lion, wing of demon, etc.). For the Black Panther, this might be $48, $3CD or $48F? Which NPCs (eg. gypsy) have been killed. Locations of Prince Jamoul, idols, Skeleton, Sasquatch, pteranoxi, pirates? Whether you're a better swordsman (as a result of a genie wish). (Possibly $45, $48 or $489?) Whether you're smarter (as a result of a genie wish). What you are currently looking at (world, time or city). Slaygon (, 64,684 bytes)-------------------------------------- $7D27: X-location (start is $0F for novice, $37 for expert) $7D29: Y-location (start is $1B for novice, $3B for expert) $7D2B: Facing direction: $01=north $02=east $03=south $04=west $7D3C..$7D3F: 1st item slot $3716FEB5 = empty $3C139A7C = logic probe? $3E9DB35B = energy syphon [sic]? $3E9FBFA5 = teleport activator? $3ED375EA = locked box? $3ED47C0F = repair module? $3ED4FF22 = field neutralizer? $3ED58234 = de-ionizer rod? $3F1F3BFB = blue key card? $3F200097 = red key card? $3F204220 = white key card? $3F20C533 = green lazer [sic] pistol? $3F2189CE = green shield belt? $3F21CB58 = red shield belt? $3F224E6A = green energy pod? $7D40..$7D43: 2nd item slot $7D44..$7D47: 3rd item slot $7D48..$7D4B: 4th item slot $7D4C..$7D4F: 5th item slot $7D50..$7D53: 6th item slot $7D54..$7D57: 7th item slot $7D58..$7D5B: 8th item slot See the MCE source code for information about the map encoding. Unknown locations/encodings: energy level novice/expert flag which item slot is currently selected locations and stats of each enemy what kind of lazer is installed (blue/green/red) what kind of shield is installed (blue/green/red) whether cloaker, scanner, plotter are damaged which of cloaker, sensors, shields, plotter are in use (lazer and scanner turn off after a second or two) what area has been mapped by player (ie. the map as displayed to the player) Speedball 1 (knockout|league|twoplay.sav, 5952 bytes)--------------------- $BC: $00 = 2 player $01+ = Knockout $BF: Player 1's tokens $C0: Player 2's tokens $C1: Player 1's power (power is 100*this) $C2: Player 2's power (power is 100*this) $D6: Player 2's skill (skill is 256-this) (yes, player 2's skill is stored before player 1's!) $E1: Player 1's skill (skill is 256-this) $E3: Player 1's stamina $E4: Player 2's stamina $E5: Round/week (1..100) $EA: Player 1's team: $00=Verna/Evoski $01=Lacerta/Cheobi $02=Draco/Sastok $ED: Another copy of $E5 round/week variable? (Game writes but doesn't read this?) $EE: Player 2's team $F5: Season length ($01..$0A) (season length is 10*this) $101: $00 = Playing normal time $01+ = Playing extra time $10C: Conference ($00=WHC, $01=EHC) $3A0..$4FF: League table for the 11 teams. Player 1 is the 1st team. Each team is 32 bytes, as follows: $3A0..$3A6: Name (unused bytes are NULs) $3A7: $00 (NUL) $3A8..$3A9: Goals For $3AA..$3AB: Goals Against $3AC: PlayeD $3B4..$3B5: Points (0..32767) $3B8: Matches For $3B9: Matches Against $3BA: Matches Drawn Unknown encodings/locations: current scores (and stamina, etc.?) for the game being played current leg # game type (knockout/league/2-player) the draw? (ie. what order the teams will play against each other) "L"? (ladder movement) (probably calculated) Not stored in file: captain names NPC team stats (stamina, power, skill)? Speedball 2--------------------------------------------------------------- Replays are GOAL1..9.SAVE ( 3,072 bytes each) Cup is CUP.SAVE (11,264 bytes) League is LEAGUE.SAVE (11,264 bytes) $0.. $3: "leag" or "cup " $4.. $5: Money $6.. $7: a word, eg. $0226 (550) or $028A (650) $8.. $9: a word, eg. $0226 (550) or $028A (650) $A.. $C: ? $D: Manager flag: $02 = no (human controls team during play, F key is not available) $03 = yes (Amiga controls team during play, F key is available) $E.. $10: ? $11.. $B8: Player attributes. Each of the 12 players is 14 bytes, as follows (offset is from start of file, assuming 1st player): $11: Name offset (from $7D53 in Disk.1) $12: ? $13: Portrait offset $14: AGGression $15: ATTack $16: DEFence $17: SPeeD $18: THRowing $19: POWer $1A: STAmina $1B: INTelligence $1C.. $1E: ? $BB..$21A: League table (ie. ladder). Each of the 16 teams is 22 bytes, as follows (offset is from start of file, assuming 1st team): $BB: matches played $BC: ? $BD: matches won $BE: ? $BF: matches drawn $C0: ? $C1: matches lost $C2: ? $C3: goals for $C4: ? $C5: goals against $C6: ? $C7: points $C8..$ D0: ? There also appears to be team-related data around $2A0 or so, 18 bytes wide. Unknown locations/encodings: Division Round/week (of the season) Spirit of Excalibur------------------------------------------------------- "In this scheme is explained starting from the first letter of the name of the character and the figure indicated by counting it comes to the data of each character." Syndicate----------------------------------------------------------------- filenames (260 bytes): $00.. $19: 1st gamename (20 characters max) (NUL terminated) (26 bytes) $1A.. $33: 2nd gamename : : : $EA..$103: 10th gamename 0?.gam (10,288 bytes): 00.gam = game "1" as referred to by the game : : 09.gam = game "10" as referred to by the game $0.. $13: game name (NUL terminated if less than 20 characters) $14.. $17: money (big-endian) (max. displayable is 999999999) $18.. $1B: time? $23: logo colour ($00..$07) ( 8 possibilities) $24: logo image ($00..$27) (40 possibilities) $25.. $35: your name (NUL terminated) $37.. $47: company name (NUL terminated) Each agent is 42 bytes, as follows: $132..$15B: 1st agent: $0 ($132): name ($00..$44. $FF means empty) $4..$5 ($136..$137): bits 12..11: eyes version (0..3) bits 10.. 9: brain bits 8.. 7: heart bits 6.. 5: chest bits 4.. 3: arms bits 2.. 1: legs bit 0 : sex (0=male, 1=female) $A..$B ($13C..$13D): 1st item slot: charges (big-endian) $D ($13F): 1st item slot: item # $E..$F ($140..$141): 2nd item slot: charges (big-endian) $11 ($143): 2nd item slot: item # $15C..$185: 2nd agent : : : $3FC..$435: 18th agent These aren't stored in the file: animations on/off language Unknown locations/encodings: for each country: population tax amount tax rate happiness ruler position of world map "cursor" which agents are actually in the "team" (party) which agents are alive vs. dead research statuses See the MCE source code for more information. Tass Times in Tonetown (SVA..SVK, 202 bytes)------------------------------ $0D: always $00? (vs. always $02 here for Borrowed Time?) $14..$15: number of guitar picks (0..65535) ($41 must also be $00) Item locations: $41: a bunch of guitar picks (quantity is at $14..$15) $43: Blobo $45: a key $47: a book $49: a jumpsuit $4B: a jar with a devil in it $4D: a slippy shirt $4F: a hooplet $51: a newspaper $53: a press pass $55: an instant camera $57: a photo $59: a zagtone $5B: a debossed metal card $5D: mitts $5F: a Glo Burger $61: a black mask $63: a gold mask $65: a silver jar $67: a mushroom $C1: You $C1: Your location: $00 = Carried $01 = This is your grandfather's main living area... $02 = You're in a small, familiar kitchen. $03 = You're in a hallway off the living area. $04 = You're in a messy bedroom. $05 = You're in Gramps's lab. $06 = You're in the eastern part of the lab. $07 = You're in a dirt-filled construction site. $08 = You're on a north and south sidewalk. $09 = You are sitting in a chair in the Jamac Salon. $0A = You are standing in a clothing boutique. $0B = You're on the sidewalk right outside of the Tonetown Times. $0C = You're in the main office of the Tonetown Times... $0D = You are sitting behind a terminal and printer in the newsroom... $0E = - $0F = You're on a north and south sidewalk. $10 = You're in a dirt-filled construction site. $11 = ...Fast Freddy's is really hopping. $12 = You're standing in the centre of the town square. $13 = You're standing inside Snarl Pets. $14 = You're standing in the Party Supplies shop... $15 = - $16 = You're standing in a beautiful park. $17 = You're on a nature trail... $18 = You're on a nature trail... $19 = You're on a nature trail... $1A = You're on a nature trail... $1B = You're standing in densely treed woods. $1C = You're standing in a small clearing. $1D = You're at the bottom of a well. $1E = You're in a small cavern... $1F = You're at the southern end of a tunnel. $20 = You're in a north and south tunnel... $21 = You're in a north and south tunnel... $22 = You're at the northern end of a dark tunnel. $23 = You're behind the bandstand. $24 = You're standing inside Snarl Pets. $25 = - $26 = ...the hideous Gristle... $27 = You are in a vast penthouse. $28 = a damp, dim and densely treed wood. $29 = a damp, dim and densely treed wood. $2A = a damp, dim and densely treed wood. $2B = a damp, dim and densely treed wood. $2C = a damp, dim and densely treed wood. $2D = A high brick directly ahead. $2E = A high brick directly ahead. $2F = A high brick to your left. $30 = A high brick to your left. $31 = On your left is a high wooden gate. $32 = A high brick to your left. $33 = Large mushroom growths encrust the tree trunks. $34 = Huge mushroom growths completely cover the trees... $35 = The woods close around you. $36 = Out of the thick air flash Red Devils... $37 = Out of the thick air flash Red Devils... $38 = You're on a mossy path that leads to the north. $39 = On your right is a rotted boat landing... $3A = There is an old campground here... $3B = You're on a long river which flows from the north and east. $3C = You're on a long river which flows from the north and east. $3D = You're on a long river which flows from the north and east. $3E = You're on a long river which flows from the north and east. $3F = You're on a long river which flows from the north and east. $40 = Straight ahead looms a magnificent waterfall... $41 = Straight ahead looms a magnificent waterfall... $42 = This is your grandfather's main living area... $43 = You climb up an embankment to another stretch of shoreline. $44 = Long, reedy grasses sway in the wind...marsh. $45 = Long, reedy grasses sway in the wind...marsh. $46 = Long, reedy grasses sway in the wind...marsh. $47 = You're on the high shoreline of a lake. $48 = You're at the entrance of Ennui Estates. $49 = You're on a section of the lake directly south of a landing... $4A = You're floating in the boat. $4B = You're floating in the boat. $4C = Before you lies the entrance to the Tower. $4D = - $4E = - $4F = You're inside a chrome, glass and steel office complex... $50 = You're in a small elevator. $51 = You're in a small elevator. $52 = You're in a small elevator. $53 = You're in a small elevator. $54 = You are in a vast penthouse. $55 = You're in an east and west hallway of office doors... $56 = You're in an east and west hallway of office doors... $57 = You're on Franklin Snarl's estate, standing by a hollow tree. $58 = You're in the southeast corner of the estate, standing by a brick wall. $59 = You're at the eastern end of an east and west path... $5A = You're in the middle of Snarl's huge estate. $5B = You're on Franklin Snarl's estate, on a vast expanse of lawn. $5C = You're at the northern lawn of Snarl's estate. $5D = You're on Franklin Snarl's estate, on a vast expanse of lawn. $5E = You're in the house of Franklin Snarl. $5F = You're in the laboratory belonging to Franklin Snarl. $C2..$C9: 8 item graphics slots: $00 = a bunch of guitar picks $01 = Blobo $02 = a key $03 = a book $04 = a jumpsuit $05 = a jar with a devil in it $06 = a slippy shirt $07 = a hooplet $08 = a newspaper $09 = a press pass $0A = an instant camera $0B = a photo $0C = a zagtone $0D = a debossed metal card $0E = mitts $0F = a Glo Burger $10 = a black mask $11 = a gold mask $12 = a silver jar $13 = a mushroom $FF = nothing Temple of Apshai---------------------------------------------------------- Characters/#?, 114 bytes: $00..$0F: "Apshai Character" (not NUL-terminated) $10..$1E: Name (14 characters maximum) (NUL-terminated) (unused bytes are NULs) $24: Intelligence (1.. 127) $25: Intuition (1.. 127) $26: Ego (1.. 127) $27: Strength (1.. 127) $28: Constitution (1.. 127) $29: Dexterity (1.. 127) $2A: Weapon: $00 = None $01 = Dagger $02 = Shortsword $03 = Broadsword $04 = Bastardsword $05 = Greatsword $06 = Magic Sword $2B: Armour: $00 = None $01 = Leather $02 = Ringmail $03 = Chainmail $04 = Partial Plate $05 = Full Plate $2C: Plus of weapon (0.. 9) $2D: Plus of armour (0.. 9) $2E: Shield: $00 = None $01 = Small $02 = Large $2F: Bow ($00 = no, $01 = yes) $30: Arrows (0.. 127) $31: Magic Arrows (0.. 127) $32: Salves (0.. 127) $33: Elixirs (0.. 127) $34..$37: Experience (0..2,147,483,647) (big-endian) $38..$3B: Silver (0..2,147,483,647) (big-endian) dngns/cip (338 bytes): $0.. $E: Name (14 characters maximum) (NUL-terminated) (unused bytes are NULs) $14: Intelligence (1.. 127) $15: Intuition (1.. 127) $16: Ego (1.. 127) $17: Strength (1.. 127) $18: Constitution (1.. 127) $19: Dexterity (1.. 127) $1A: Weapon: $00 = None $01 = Dagger $02 = Shortsword $03 = Broadsword $04 = Bastardsword $05 = Greatsword $06 = Magic Sword $1B: Armour: $00 = None $01 = Leather $02 = Ringmail $03 = Chainmail $04 = Partial Plate $05 = Full Plate $1C: Plus of weapon (0.. 9) $1D: Plus of armour (0.. 9) $1E: Shield: $00 = None $01 = Small $02 = Large $1F: Bow ($00 = no, $01 = yes) $20: Arrows (0.. 127) $21: Magic Arrows (0.. 127) $22: Salves (0.. 127) $23: Elixirs (0.. 127) $24..$27: Experience (0..2,147,483,647) (big-endian) $28..$2B: Silver (0..2,147,483,647) (big-endian) $2C: Quantity carried of treasure #1 (0..127) $2D: Quantity carried of treasure #2 (0..127) $2E: Quantity carried of treasure #3 (0..127) $2F: Quantity carried of treasure #4 (0..127) $30: Quantity carried of treasure #5 (0..127) $31: Quantity carried of treasure #6 (0..127) $32: Quantity carried of treasure #7 (0..127) $33: Quantity carried of treasure #8 (0..127) $34: Quantity carried of treasure #9 (0..127) $35: Quantity carried of treasure #10 (0..127) $36: Quantity carried of treasure #11 (0..127) $37: Quantity carried of treasure #12 (0..127) $38: Quantity carried of treasure #13 (0..127) $39: Quantity carried of treasure #14 (0..127) $3A: Quantity carried of treasure #15 (0..127) $3B: Quantity carried of treasure #16 (0..127) $3C: Quantity carried of treasure #17 (0..127) $3D: Quantity carried of treasure #18 (0..127) $3E: Quantity carried of treasure #19 (0..127) $3F: Quantity carried of treasure #20 (0..127) $44: Room number (1.. 60) $49: Energy % (0.. 100) ("fatigue") $4D: Health % (0.. 100) ("wounds") Unknown locations/encodings: X and Y location (within the current room) Which dungeon you are in Monster locations, types, healths, etc. Weight carried Test Drive 1 (Highscores, varying bytes)---------------------------------- $0.. $E: "Clutch Correll!" $F..$14: "16260!" $15..$22: "cars/Countach!" where ! represents EOL (LF) ($0A) There are 8 high scores. Entries are stored 1st..8th. Blank entries have "!" for name, "0!" for score, and "!" for car. The last 5 bytes of the file are some kind of checksum/CRC/etc. It is a 4-byte hex value, stored as the corresponding four (lowercase) ASCII digits. If the checksum check fails, a blank high score table will be shown. The final byte is EOL (LF) ($0A). Times of Lore (SAVEGAME.DAT, 5782 bytes)---------------------------------- $00: class: $00 = knight $01 = valkyrie $02 = barbarian $0A..$0B: X-location (big-endian): $0238 = Eralan $02C0 = Lankwell $0448 = Last Hope Inn $0490 = Rhyder $0540 = Treela $05D0 = Hampton $072C = Ganestor $0C..$0D: Y-location (big-endian): $00B1 = Rhyder $0221 = Eralan $0291 = Treela $03B1 = Hampton $03E1 = Last Hope Inn $04B1 = Lankwell $0571 = Ganestor $4A..$4F: score (6 digits) (ASCII format) (eg. "007610") $50..$51: gold pieces (0..999) $52..$53: food (0..999) $59: 1st inventory slot $00 = Green Potion $01 = Brown Potion $02 = White Potion $03 = Green Scroll $04 = Brown Scroll $05 = White Scroll $06 = west Dagger this is the proper value for dagger! !$07 = northwest Dagger !$08 = north Dagger !$09 = northeast Dagger !$0A = east Dagger !$0B = southeast Dagger !$0C = south Dagger !$0D = southwest Dagger $0E = east Axe this is the proper value for axe! !$0F = southeast Axe !$10 = southwest Axe !$11 = south Axe !$12 = west Axe !$13 = northwest Axe !$14 = north Axe !$15 = northeast Axe $16 = Boots !$17 = Bag of Gold !$18 = Food $19 = Holy Water $1A = White Key $1B = Green Key $1C = Ring $1D = Tablet of Truth $1E = Medallion $1F = Sphere $20 = Confession $21 = Chime $22 = Note !$23 = south Arrow $24 = Photo !$25 = west Arrow $26 = Rock $27 = Urn $28 = orange Key !$29 = north Arrow !$2A = east Arrow $2B = Scroll of Life (no imagery!) ! are not valid inventory contents $5B: 2nd inventory slot $5D: 3rd inventory slot $5F: 4th inventory slot $61: 5th inventory slot $63: 6th inventory slot $65: 7th inventory slot $67: 8th inventory slot $69: 9th inventory slot $6B: 10th inventory slot $6D: 11th inventory slot $6F: 12th inventory slot $71: number of carried objects (0..12) $75: zone number: $00 = zone of Frothing Slosh (Eralan) $03 = zone of Naughty Widow (Lankwell) $0A = zone of Green Oak Tavern (Treela) $1C = zone of Last Hope Inn $1D = zone of Sleepy Friar (Rhyder) $21 = zone of Hampton Tavern (Hampton) $24 = zone of Trollsbane Tavern (Ganestor) $12A9: Health (0..99) 0..15 = dead 16..99 = alive Unknown locations/encodings: Facing direction of player Locations of the 24 items Time of day? "Ask list" (ie. list of things you can ask questions about) Quest status? Locations, types, facing directions, health, etc. of nearby monsters/NPCs? Anger of townsfolk? Hunger Regeneration rate? State of "brick switches" in eg. ruins? Sphere visible (yes/no)? Note that the Times of Lore WHDLoad slave V1.0 and V1.1 do not reliably save the game. You need V1.2 (or later) of the slave. Also, make sure the floppy disk is not actually in the drive, or this will be used instead of the hard disk. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Transylvania 1 (ccgdt?.yyy, 1024 bytes)----------------------------------- ? in filename is 0..3 for games 1..4, respectively. $C..$D: Turn counter (monotonically incrementing) $128: Location: $01 = facing an ancient stump covered with faint writing $02 = standing near a broken horse-drawn wagon $03 = in a dark area of the forest $04 = in a clearing with a statue $05 = in a gloomy cemetery $06 = near a small clay hut $07 = inside the clay hut $08 = near a cave entrance shut by a rock slide $09 = in a large dark cave $0A = in a small cave $0B = in a secret chamber under the cemetery $0C = at the crossing of north, west, and east paths $0D = standing before a gloomy castle $0E = in a dismal area of the forest $0F = in the crown of a sleepy willow tree $10 = on a lakeshore near a willow tree $11 = still in the forest $12 = in a foreboding part of the forest $13 = facing a shack on a north/south dirt road $14 = in a small grim shack $15 = inside a log cabin $16 = in a secret annex $17 = before an old but elegant frame house $18 = in the house $19 = in the attic $1A = in a sandy field $1B = in the castle's north/south entranceway $1C = in a small room $1D = in a side room $1E = in a vast chamber $1F = in a cellar room with a vault door $20 = aboard a seaworthy sailboat, 'The Humbolt' $21 = in a dungeon chamber $22 = in a musty dungeon $23 = in a low chamber $24 = in a high castle chamber $25 = in a tower chamber bathed in moonlight $26 = inside a broken horse-drawn wagon $27 = behind the house $28 = in a dark cellar Item locations ($00 = carried, otherwise uses location code): $312: a bottle of weak acid *$313: a statue $314: a dusty wizard's cloak *$315: "blue thing" $316: a shiny ring $317: a wooden cross $318: flies *$319: a frog $31A: a loaf of stale bread *$31B: a goblin $31C: a tiny key $31D: a heavy piece of iron *$31E: "red thing" (grate?) $31F: a large mess of tangled vines *$320: "raft" $321: a beautiful sleeping damsel! $322: a flintlock pistol $323: a wrinkled note *$324: "body" $325: a trio of ravenous mice $326: "brown thing" $327: a silver bullet *$328: ? *$329: a cat $32A: a broom $32B: a lock pick $32C: a small black box *$32D: "spaceship" *$32E: "ring of fire" *$32F: ? $330: a piece of flypaper $331: a garlic clove *$332: ? *$333: a menacing werewolf *$334: ? $335: a vial of elixir *$336: ? *$337: a wide-awake princess *$338: a vampire! * are props/characters For Apple ][ version: INPUT P,TU INPUT NZ: DIM N%(NZ): FOR I = 1 TO NZ: INPUT N%(I): NEXT INPUT M: FOR I = 1 TO M: INPUT OD$(I),P%(I),T%(I): NEXT INPUT LZ FOR I = 1 TO LZ INPUT RT%(I) FOR X = 0 TO 5 INPUT D%(I,X) NEXT NEXT INPUT SM,GT,SH,PO,GN,DR,H,R,W,V,WF,VR,ZZ,YN$ YN$ is your name Unknown locations/encodings: "Game last loaded" and "game last saved" (probably not stored in the saved game files but rather in a "master file") Names of you and your next of kin Werewolf, vampire, etc. alive/dead Whether the gun is loaded or not The game expects the saved game file to already exist and will fail silently otherwise. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Transylvania 2 (ccgdt?.yyy, 846 bytes)------------------------------------ ? in filename is 0..3 for games 1..4, respectively. The format is very similar to that used for Transylvania 1. $128: your location $2C9: ? $2CA: sage prop $2CB: cat prop $2CC: black kite prop $2CD: zombie prop $2CE: owl prop $2CF: ? $2D0: "a jewelled scepter" $2D1: "a mouse" $2D2: "a gleaming black ring" $2D3: "a candle" $2D4: "a censer" $2D5: ? $2D6: "a stone tablet" $2D7: "a grating" prop $2D8: "a scroll" $2D9: "a silver coin" $2DA: "a glowing sphere" $2DB: "a burlap sack" $2DC: "a strange-looking flute" $2DD: "a confused little frog" $2DE: "a large, purple diamond" $2DF: "a powerful broadsword" $2E0: ? Location codes are as follows: $01: "on a lake shore near a sleepy willow tree." $02: "in the crown of a sleepy willow tree bathed in moonlight." $03: "in the woods." $04: "in a subterranean crypt before two iron doors." $05: "in a cave. On a stalagmite rests a pulsating crystal ball." $06: "in a musty crypt before a cairn of glowing stones." $07: "in a large, misty cavern." $08: "on a staircase which ends abruptly above a cavern some 20' below." $09: "in an oddly-shaped cavern." $0A: "in the gryphon's den." $0B: "before a cave entrance." $0C: "at the crossroads of twisting paths which meander all directions." $0D: "facing an ancient stump covered with faint writing." $0E: "under a large, shady tree facing a grassy clearing." $0F: "in a clearing." $10: "at a foreboding intersection of forest paths which lead all directions." $11: "before an abandoned house." $12: "inside an abandoned house." $13: "in a large attic." $14: "at the crossing of north and east paths." $15: "standing before a gloomy castle." $16: "in the north/south entranceway of a recently refurbished castle." $17: "in a large candle-lit chamber." $18: "in the cellar." $19: "in the treasure chamber." $1A: "in a high chamber." $1B: "in the chamber of the not-so-evil wizard Zin." $1C: "standing on a high ledge." $1D: "standing before a mysterious cave." $1E: "in a forlorn cemetery." $1F: "in a dark, underground annex." $20: "in a damp cavern." $21: "before a giant cobra." $22: "in Fair Deal Sam's place of business." Unknown locations/encodings: "Game last loaded" and "game last saved" (probably not stored in the saved game files but rather in a "master file") Elapsed time The game expects the saved game file to already exist and will fail silently otherwise. There is a character editor available for this game. See . Turbo (T?, 4,104 bytes (tracks) and tiles, 93,904 bytes (graphics))------- There is a level and graphics editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . TV Sports Baseball (seas.blt, 120,732 bytes)------------------------------ There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Also, the game itself has a built-in team editor. TV Sports Basketball (tdat, 12,544 bytes)--------------------------------- 448 bytes per team * 28 teams = 12,544 bytes. $000..$1BF: 1st team data: $00.. $11: 1st player (G1) name $12.. $23: 2nd player (G2) name $24.. $35: 3rd player (G3) name $36.. $47: 4th player (G4) name $48.. $59: 5th player (G5) name $5A.. $6B: 6th player (F1) name $6C.. $7D: 7th player (F2) name $7E.. $8F: 8th player (F3) name $90.. $A1: 9th player (F4) name $A2.. $B3: 10th player (F5) name $B4.. $C5: 11th player (C1) name $C6.. $D7: 12th player (C2) name $D8.. $E9: coach name $EA.. $FB: junk name? Names are NUL-terminated, but not necessarily padded with anything but junk. $FC..$109: 1st player data: $FC.. $FD: ? $FE: Stamina $FF: HeighT: 5' 4" (64"), plus the height given (in inches). Eg. if the value is $10 (16): 64" + 16" = 80" = 6' 8". $100: Jersey number (0..36) The game uses a look-up table to convert these to strings from "00".."55". $101: Release $102: Arc $103: Velocity $104: Shooting $105: Passing $106: Defence $107: Rebounding $108: Quickness $109: Jumping $10A..$117: 2nd player data $118..$125: 3rd player data $126..$133: 4th player data $134..$141: 5th player data $142..$14F: 6th player data $150..$15D: 7th player data $15E..$16B: 8th player data $16C..$179: 9th player data $17A..$187: 10th player data $188..$195: 11th player data $196..$1A3: 12th player data $1A4..$1B1: coach data? $1B2..$1BF: junk data? Teams are numbered thus: 1st team: Western Division #1 1st team (eg. LOS ANGELES) 2nd team: Western Division #1 2nd team (eg. SAN FRANCISCO) 3rd team: Western Division #1 3rd team (eg. PHOENIX) 4th team: Western Division #1 4th team (eg. SAN DIEGO) 5th team: Western Division #1 5th team (eg. SACRAMENTO) 6th team: Western Division #1 6th team (eg. PORTLAND) 7th team: Western Division #1 7th team (eg. SEATTLE) 8th team: Western Division #2 1st team (eg. MINNESOTA) 9th team: Western Division #2 2nd team (eg. UTAH) 10th team: Western Division #2 3rd team (eg. SAN ANTONIO) 11th team: Western Division #2 4th team (eg. CHARLOTTE) 12th team: Western Division #2 5th team (eg. HOUSTON) 13th team: Western Division #2 6th team (eg. DALLAS) 14th team: Western Division #2 7th team (eg. DENVER) 15th team: Eastern Division #1 1st team (eg. BOSTON) 16th team: Eastern Division #1 2nd team (eg. PHILADELPHIA) 17th team: Eastern Division #1 3rd team (eg. WASHINGTON) 18th team: Eastern Division #1 4th team (eg. NEW YORK) 19th team: Eastern Division #1 5th team (eg. NEW JERSEY) 20th team: Eastern Division #1 6th team (eg. MIAMI) 21st team: Eastern Division #1 7th team (eg. CINEMAWARE) 22nd team: Eastern Division #2 1st team (eg. ATLANTA) 23rd team: Eastern Division #2 2nd team (eg. CHICAGO) 24th team: Eastern Division #2 3rd team (eg. CLEVELAND) 25th team: Eastern Division #2 4th team (eg. DETROIT) 26th team: Eastern Division #2 5th team (eg. INDIANA) 27th team: Eastern Division #2 6th team (eg. MILWAUKEE) 28th team: Eastern Division #2 7th team (eg. ORLANDO) TV Sports Basketball (seas, 21,948 bytes)--------------------------------- See the TV Sports Football entry (except that away colours and mascots are not used for TV Sports Basketball). TV Sports Boxing (BOXRDATA.BLT, 19,282 bytes)----------------------------- $4C6..$551: 1st boxer. Each boxer is 140 bytes, as follows: $4C6+: name $4D9: handedness: $04=right $05=left $4DA..$4DB: age in months $4DC: height in inches (255 = 21' 3") $4DD: weight in pounds $4DE: reach in inches $4E2+: hometown $4FC..$505: punch ratings (divide these by 10 for the in-game value): $4FC..$4FD: stamina $4FE..$4FF: power $500..$501: defence $502..$503: chin $504..$505: body $506..$50F: ring ratings (divide these by 10 for the in-game value): $506..$507: footwork $508..$509: hand speed $50A..$50B: cuts $50C..$50D: killer instinct $50E..$50F: conditioning $524..$526: punching percent: $524: jab/straight $525: hook/cross $526: uppercut $538: style: $00=brawler $01=boxer $02=dancer $03=dodger $539: intelligence: $00=brilliant $01=smart $02=average $03=dumb $04=very dumb $05=zzz... $552+: 2nd boxer etc. Unknown locations/encodings (for each boxer): record (wins/losses/ties/etc.) the 6 trunk colours (green/purple/blue/red/yellow/cyan) the 6 hair colours the 6 skin colours the 6 head portraits TV Sports Football (tdat, 15,624 bytes)----------------------------------- 558 bytes per team * 28 teams = 12,544 bytes. The format is similar to that of TV Sports Basketball. There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . TV Sports Football (seas, 14,998 bytes)----------------------------------- $22..$43: 1st team: $22..$2F: Long team name (14 chars) $30..$34: Short team name ( 5 chars) $35..$3F: Mascot name (11 chars) $40: Colour: $01 = Grey $02 = Red $03 = Purple $04 = Blue $05 = Yellow $06 = Orange $41: Owner: $00 = Human $01 = Amiga $42..$43: ? $44..$65: 2nd team $66..$87: 3rd team etc. Ultima 3 (rost.bin, 1280 bytes; plrs.bin, 256 bytes)---------------------- The character codes used by the game are: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDDDDD 123456789ABCDEF0123456789A -------------------------- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Each character is 64 bytes. 20 characters can be stored in ROST.BIN and 4 in PLRS.BIN. For characters currently in the party, the game reads the PLRS.bin file; for other characters, the game reads the ROST.BIN file. For each character: 0..11: Name (NULL-terminated) 12..13: ? 14: Cards/marks (bits are set if cards/marks are held) $80 = Snake mark $40 = Kings mark $20 = Fire mark $10 = Force mark $08 = Moons card $04 = Death card $02 = Sol card $01 = Love card 15: Torches (in packed BCD format) 16: Whether in party or not ($00 = no, $FF = yes) 17: Status $C1 (A) = Asleep $C4 (D) = Dead $C7 (G) = Good $D0 (P) = Poisoned 18: Strength (in packed BCD format) 19: Dexterity (in packed BCD format) 20: Intelligence (in packed BCD format) 21: Wisdom (in packed BCD format) 22: Race $C2 (B) = Bobbit $C4 (D) = Dwarf $C5 (E) = Elf $C6 (F) = Fuzzy $C8 (H) = Human 23: Class ("Profession") $C1 (A) = Alchemist $C2 (B) = Barbarian $C3 (C) = Cleric $C4 (D) = Druid $C6 (F) = Fighter $C9 (I) = Illusionist $CC (L) = Lark $D0 (P) = Paladin $D2 (R) = Ranger $D4 (T) = Thief $D7 (W) = Wizard 24: Sex $C6 (F) = Female $CD (M) = Male $CF (O) = Other 25: Current magic points (in packed BCD format) 26..27: Current hit points (in big-endian packed BCD format) 28..29: Maximum hit points (in big-endian packed BCD format) 30..31: Experience points (in big-endian packed BCD format) 32..33: Food (in big-endian packed BCD format) 34: ? 35..36: Gold pieces (in big-endian packed BCD format) 37: Gems (in packed BCD format) 38: Keys (in packed BCD format) 39: Powders (in packed BCD format) 40: Worn armour $00 = skin $01 = cloth $02 = leather $03 = chain $04 = plate $05 = +2 chain $06 = +2 plate $07 = exotic armour 41..47: # possessed of each kind of armour: 41: # of cloths 42: # of leathers 43: # of chains 44: # of plates 45: # of +2 chains 46: # of +2 plates 47: # of exotic armours 48: Wielded weapon $00 = hands $01 = dagger $02 = mace $03 = sling $04 = axe $05 = bow $06 = sword $07 = 2-handed sword $08 = +2 axe $09 = +2 bow $0A = +2 sword $0B = gloves $0C = +4 axe $0D = +4 bow $0E = +4 sword $0F = exotic weapon 49..63: # possessed of each kind of weapon: 49: # of daggers 50: # of maces 51: # of slings 52: # of axes 53: # of bows 54: # of swords 55: # of 2-handed swords 56: # of +2 axes 57: # of +2 bows 58: # of +2 swords 59: # of gloves 60: # of +4 axes 61: # of +4 bows 62: # of +4 swords 63: # of exotic weapons The game calculates characters' levels automagically, based on their experience points. The MS-DOS format seems identical except the files are ROSTER.ULT instead of ROST.BIN, and PARTY.ULT instead of PLRS.BIN, and that there are 18 unknown bytes preceding the PARTY.ULT file. Unknown locations/encodings: elapsed moves There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Ultima 4 (rost.bin, 512 bytes)-------------------------------------------- There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Also, see AmigaFileFormats.txt . Note that potions and scrolls do not exist in Ultima 4. Ultima 5 (saved.gam, 4838 bytes)------------------------------------------ There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Additionally: $2CE..$2CF: year (big-endian) $2DB: month $2DC: day Dates are given by the game in MM-DD-YYY format. $2DD: hours $00 = midnight (12:00 AM) : : $23 = 11:00 PM $2DF: minutes $2F1: location $00 = Britannia/Underworld $01 = Moonglow $02 = Britain $03 = Jhelom $04 = Yew $05 = Minoc $06 = Trinsic $07 = Skara Brae $08 = New Magincia $09 = Fogsbane $0A = Stormcrow $0B = Greyhaven $0C = Waveguide $0D = Iolo's Hut $0E = Sutek's Hut $0F = Sin'Vraal's Hut $10 = Grendel's Hut $11 = Lord British's Castle $12 = Blackthorn's Palace $13 = West Britanny $14 = North Britanny $15 = East Britanny $16 = Paws $17 = Cove $18 = Buccaneer's Den $19 = Ararat (in Underworld) $1A = Bordermarch $1B = Farthing $1C = Windemere $1D = Stonegate $1E = Lycaeum $1F = Empath Abbey $20 = Serpent's Hold $21 = Deceit $22 = Despise $23 = Destard $24 = Wrong $25 = Covetous $26 = Shame $27 = Hythloth $28 = Doom $2F2: copy of $2F1? $2F3: floor number $FF = basement/underworld $00 = ground floor : : $03 = battlements of Lord British's Castle $00 = L1 of dungeon : : $07 = L8 of dungeon $2F4: X-coordinate (high nybble is minutes: $0 = A, ..., $F = P) (low nybble is seconds: $0 = A, ..., $F = P) (eg. $12 is B'C") $2F5: Y-coordinate (high nybble is minutes: $0 = A, ..., $F = P) (low nybble is seconds: $0 = A, ..., $F = P) (eg. $EF is O'P") Coordinates are given by the game (eg. sextant) in Y,X format. Ultima 6 (savegame/objlist, 7283 or 7539 bytes)--------------------------- 0..2047 ( $0.. $7FF): ? 2048..2303 ( $800.. $8FF): status for the 256 characters ($04 means sleeping?) ($C0 means OK) 2304..2559 ( $900.. $9FF): strength for the 256 characters 2560..2815 ( $A00.. $AFF): dexterity for the 256 characters 2816..3073 ( $B00.. $BFF): intelligence for the 256 characters 3074..3583 ( $C00.. $DFF): experience for the 256 characters (16-bit big-endian) 3584..3839 ( $E00.. $EFF): current hp for the 256 characters 3840..3853 ( $F00.. $F0D): name of 1st party member (13 chars max, NUL-terminated) 3854..3867 ( $F0E.. $F1B): name of 2nd party member 3868..3881 ( $F1C.. $F29): name of 3rd party member 3882..3895 ( $F2A.. $F37): name of 4th party member 3896..3909 ( $F38.. $F45): name of 5th party member 3910..3923 ( $F46.. $F53): name of 6th party member 3924..3937 ( $F54.. $F61): name of 7th party member 3938..3951 ( $F62.. $F6F): name of 8th party member 3952..4063 ( $F70.. $FDF): ? 4064..4071 ( $FE0.. $FE7): character codes for the 8 party members 4072..4079 ( $FE8.. $FEF): ? 4080 ( $FF0 ): how many party members ($01..$08) 4081..4336 ( $FF1..$10F0): level for the 256 characters 4337..5104 ($10F1..$13F0): ? 5105..5360 ($13F1..$14F0): current mp for the 256 characters 5361..7280 ($14F1..$1C70): ? 7281 ($1C71 ): Avatar's sex ($00=male, $01=female) 7282 ($1C72 ): Avatar's portrait Character codes are: $01 = Avatar $02 = Dupre $03 = Shamino $04 = Iolo $05..$FF = ? Unknown encodings: Status Unknown locations/encodings: Commands to each party member Location(s) Portrait Time and date Wind direction There is a character editor available for this game. The file format is documented in the source code. See . Uninvited (11,020 bytes)-------------------------------------------------- $0002..$0003: Your location: $0000 = nowhere $0001 = you $0002 = dummy $0003 = car $0004 = front yard $0005 = library $0006 = entrance hall $0007 = parlor $0008 = veranda $0009 = congratulations $000A = hall $000B = study $000C = dining room $000D = rec room $000E = pantry $000F = kitchen $0010 = bedroom $0011 = trophy room $0012 = master bedroom $0013 = bedroom $0014 = bathroom $0015 = upstairs hallway $0016 = bathroom $0017 = storage closet $0018 = stairwell $0019 = bedroom $001A = tower $001B = trapped $001C = secret room $001D = backyard $001E = entrance $001F = room $0020 = laboratory $0021 = observatory $0022 = cave $0023 = cave $0024 = ice cave $0025 = ice cave $0026 = cave $0027 = stairway $0028 = entrance $0029 = greenhouse $002A = chapel entrance $002B = chapel $002C = church grounds $002D..$06A = maze $006B = I've got you! $006C = art gallery $006D = mansion Container code: Exits?: $0DA..$0DB: $0037 : : : $1C0..$1C1: nothing $00E0 $1C2..$1C3: nothing $00E1 $1C4..$1C5: nothing $00E2 $1C6..$1C7: nothing $00E3 $1C8..$1C9: nothing $00E4 $1CA..$1CB: nothing $00E5 $1CC..$1CD: thing (unsel.) $00E6 $1CE..$1CF: thing (unsel.) $00E7 $1D0..$1D1: nothing $00E8 $1D2..$1D3: nothing $00E9 $1D4..$1D5: nothing $00EA $1D6..$1D7: nothing $00EB $1D8..$1D9: nothing $00EC Items/props?: $1DA..$1DB: rug $00ED $1DC..$1DD: rug $00EE $1DE..$1DF: rug $00EF $1E0..$1E1: rug $00F0 $1E2..$1E3: rug $00F1 $1E4..$1E5: rug $00F2 $1E6..$1E7: rug $00F3 $1E8..$1E9: rug $00F4 $1EA..$1EB: window $00F5 $1EC..$1ED: broken window $00F6 $1EE..$1EF: window $00F7 $1F0..$1F1: broken window $00F8 $1F2..$1F3: window $00F9 $1F4..$1F5: broken window $00FA $1F6..$1F7: window $00FB $1F8..$1F9: broken window $00FC $1FA..$1FB: window $00FD $1FC..$1FD: broken window $00FE $1FE..$1FF: window $00FF $200..$201: broken window $0100 $202..$203: window $0101 $204..$205: broken window $0102 $206..$207: window $0103 $208..$209: broken window $0104 $20A..$20B: broken window $0105 $20C..$20D: window $0106 $20E..$20F: window $0107 $210..$211: broken window $0108 $212..$213: window $0109 $214..$215: broken window $010A $216..$217: window $010B $218..$219: broken window $010C $21A..$21B: window $010D $21C..$21D: broken window $010E $21E..$21F: window $010F $220..$221: broken window $0110 $222..$223: mirror $0111 $224..$225: broken mirror $0112 $226..$227: mirror $0113 $228..$229: broken mirror $0114 $22A..$22B: mirror $0115 $22C..$22D: broken mirror $0116 $22E..$22F: drapery $0117 $230..$231: drapery $0118 $232..$233: drapery $0119 $234..$235: drapery $011A $236..$237: picture $011B $238..$239: picture $011C $23A..$23B: picture $011D $23C..$23D: picture $011E $23E..$23F: picture $011F $240..$241: picture $0120 $242..$243: picture $0121 $244..$245: picture $0122 $246..$247: picture $0123 $248..$249: picture $0124 $24A..$24B: picture $0125 $24C..$24D: picture $0126 $24E..$24F: picture $0127 $250..$251: picture $0128 $252..$253: picture $0129 $254..$255: picture $012A $256..$257: picture $012B $258..$259: picture $012C $25A..$25B: diary $012D $25C..$25D: picture $012E $25E..$25F: plaque $012F $260..$261: mounted fish $0130 $262..$263: bookcase $0131 $264..$265: shelf $0132 $266..$267: shelf $0133 $268..$269: shelf $0134 $26A..$26B: shelf $0135 $26C..$26D: rack $0136 $26E..$26F: shelf $0137 $270..$271: shelf $0138 $272..$273: shelf $0139 $274..$275: shelf $013A $276..$277: shelf $013B $278..$279: shelf $013C $27A..$27B: shelf $013D $27C..$27D: shelf $013E $27E..$27F: shelf $013F $280..$281: fireplace $0140 $282..$283: fire $0141 $284..$285: firewood $0142 $286..$287: fireplace $0143 $288..$289: fireplace $0144 $28A..$28B: firewood $0145 $28C..$28D: fire $0146 $28E..$28F: cauldron $0147 $290..$291: broken windshield $0148 $292..$293: dashboard $0149 $294..$295: rear view mirror $014A $296..$297: flame $014B $298..$299: flame $014C $29A..$29B: flame $014D $29C..$29D: flame $014E $29E..$29F: flame $014F $2A0..$2A1: flame $0150 $2A2..$2A3: flame $0151 $2A4..$2A5: steering wheel $0152 $2A6..$2A7: closed mailbox $0153 $2A8..$2A9: open mailbox $0154 $2AA..$2AB: statue $0155 $2AC..$2AD: statue $0156 $2AE..$2AF: star map $0157 $2B0..$2B1: table $0158 $2B2..$2B3: globe $0159 $2B4..$2B5: statue $015A $2B6..$2B7: couch $015B $2B8..$2B9: chair $015C $2BA..$2BB: ripped chair $015D $2BC..$2BD: chair $015E $2BE..$2BF: ripped chair $015F $2C0..$2C1: light $0160 $2C2..$2C3: chair $0161 $2C4..$2C5: railing $0162 $2C6..$2C7: nothing $0163 $2C8..$2C9: thing (unsel.) $0164 $2CA..$2CB: couch $0165 $2CC..$2CD: desk $0166 $2CE..$2CF: chandelier $0167 $2D0..$2D1: chair $0168 $2D2..$2D3: chair $0169 $2D4..$2D5: chair $016A $2D6..$2D7: chair $016B $2D8..$2D9: chair $016C $2DA..$2DB: chair $016D $2DC..$2DD: chair $016E $2DE..$2DF: chair $016F $2E0..$2E1: table $0170 $2E2..$2E3: light $0171 $2E4..$2E5: potholder $0172 $2E6..$2E7: cabinet $0173 $2E8..$2E9: cabinet $0174 $2EA..$2EB: cabinet $0175 $2EC..$2ED: cabinet $0176 $2EE..$2EF: cabinet $0177 $2F0..$2F1: cabinet $0178 $2F2..$2F3: cabinet $0179 $2F4..$2F5: oven $017A $2F6..$2F7: oven $017B $2F8..$2F9: bed $017C $2FA..$2FB: dresser $017D $2FC..$2FD: light $017E $2FE..$2FF: spear $017F $300..$301: spear $0180 $302..$303: shield $0181 $304..$305: gun rack $0182 $306..$307: rifle $0183 $308..$309: rifle $0184 $30A..$30B: rifle $0185 $30C..$30D: stuffed bear $0186 $30E..$30F: tiger skin $0187 $310..$311: boar head $0188 $312..$313: moose head $0189 $314..$315: cabinet $018A $316..$317: cabinet $018B $318..$319: chair $018C $31A..$31B: chair $018D $31C..$31D: chess table $018E $31E..$31F: cabinet $018F $320..$321: cabinet $0190 $322..$323: light $0191 $324..$325: bed $0192 $326..$327: table $0193 $328..$329: closet $0194 $32A..$32B: closet $0195 $32C..$32D: closet $0196 $32E..$32F: light $0197 $330..$331: bed $0198 $332..$333: nightstand $0199 $334..$335: tub $019A $336..$337: tub $019B $338..$339: faucet $019C $33A..$33B: hot water knob $019D $33C..$33D: cold water knob $019E $33E..$33F: sink $019F $340..$341: stream of water $01A0 $342..$343: stream of water $01A1 $344..$345: fish tank $01A2 $346..$347: broken fish tank $01A3 $348..$349: hook $01A4 $34A..$34B: hamper $01A5 $34C..$34D: tub $01A6 $34E..$34F: sink $01A7 $350..$351: stream of water $01A8 $352..$353: stream of water $01A9 $354..$355: towel rod $01AA $356..$357: light $01AB $358..$359: dresser $01AC $35A..$35B: light $01AD $35C..$35D: bed $01AE $35E..$35F: kid brother $01AF $360..$361: kid brother $01B0 $362..$363: kid brother $01B1 $364..$365: kid brother $01B2 $366..$367: hatch $01B3 $368..$369: hatch $01B4 $36A..$36B: thing (unsel.) $01B5 $36C..$36D: cross $01B6 $36E..$36F: altar $01B7 $370..$371: statue head $01B8 $372..$373: statue head $01B9 $374..$375: Doric column $01BA $376..$377: pew $01BB $378..$379: pew $01BC $37A..$37B: nothing $01BD $37C..$37D: ornament $01BE $37E..$37F: ornament $01BF $380..$381: light $01C0 $382..$383: safe $01C1 $384..$385: table $01C2 $386..$387: experiment $01C3 $388..$389: experiment $01C4 $38A..$38B: telescope $01C5 $38C..$38D: map $01C6 $38E..$38F: table $01C7 $390..$391: stool $01C8 $392..$393: table $01C9 $394..$395: table $01CA $396..$397: spider $01CB $398..$399: stairway $01CC $39A..$39B: gem $01CD $39C..$39D: thing (unsel.) $01CE $39E..$39F: thing (unsel.) $01CF $3A0..$3A1: bouncing creature $01D0 $3A2..$3A3: bouncing creature $01D1 $3A4..$3A5: cage $01D2 $3A6..$3A7: cage $01D3 $3A8..$3A9: cage $01D4 $3AA..$3AB: cage $01D5 $3AC..$3AD: cage $01D6 $3AE..$3AF: cage $01D7 $3B0..$3B1: cage $01D8 $3B2..$3B3: cage $01D9 $3B4..$3B5: cage $01DA $3B6..$3B7: keyhole $01DB $3B8..$3B9: nothing $01DC $3BA..$3BB: tombstone $01DD $3BC..$3BD: tombstone $01DE $3BE..$3BF: tombstone $01DF $3C0..$3C1: tombstone $01E0 $3C2..$3C3: coffin $01E1 $3C4..$3C5: coffin $01E2 $3C6..$3C7: picture $01E3 $3C8..$3C9: picture $01E4 $3CA..$3CB: picture $01E5 $3CC..$3CD: statue $01E6 $3CE..$3CF: urn $01E7 $3D0..$3D1: bowl $01E8 $3D2..$3D3: plate $01E9 $3D4..$3D5: plant $01EA $3D6..$3D7: evil genius $01EB $3D8..$3D9: wheelchair $01EC $3DA..$3DB: nothing $01ED $3DC..$3DD: demon $01EE $3DE..$3DF: demon $01EF $3E0..$3E1: demon $01F0 $3E2..$3E3: demon $01F1 $3E4..$3E5: broom $01F2 $3E6..$3E7: mop $01F3 $3E8..$3E9: vase $01F4 $3EA..$3EB: candleholder $01F5 $3EC..$3ED: candleholder $01F6 $3EE..$3EF: phonograph $01F7 $3F0..$3F1: rice $01F8 $3F2..$3F3: flour $01F9 $3F4..$3F5: detergent $01FA $3F6..$3F7: battle axe $01FB $3F8..$3F9: snake $01FC $3FA..$3FB: cage $01FD $3FC..$3FD: book $01FE $3FE..$3FF: book $01FF $400..$401: watering pot $0200 $402..$403: blotter $0201 $404..$405: tarp $0202 $406..$407: plate $0203 $408..$409: plant $0204 $40A..$40B: plant $0205 $40C..$40D: plant $0206 $40E..$40F: cat $0207 $410..$411: papyrus $0208 $412..$413: papyrus $0209 $414..$415: papyrus $020A $416..$417: scroll $020B $418..$419: scroll $020C $41A..$41B: scroll $020D $41C..$41D: bag $020E $41E..$41F: bag $020F $420..$421: cat $0210 $422..$423: radio $0211 $424..$425: plant $0212 $426..$427: snake $0213 $428..$429: letter $0214 $42A..$42B: plant $0215 $42C..$42D: amulet $0216 $42E..$42F: sugar $0217 $430..$431: bird $0218 $432..$433: doll $0219 $434..$435: towel $021A $436..$437: towel $021B $438..$439: plant $021C $43A..$43B: salami $021D $43C..$43D: diary $021E $43E..$43F: diary $021F $440..$441: plant $0220 $442..$443: plant $0221 $444..$445: book $0222 $446..$447: book $0223 $448..$449: bowl $0224 $44A..$44B: bag $0225 $44C..$43D: box $0226 $44E..$44F: plant $0227 $450..$451: plant $0228 $452..$453: clay pot $0229 $454..$455: towel $022A $456..$457: towel $022B $458..$459: towel $022C $45A..$45B: towel $022D $45C..$45D: voodoo doll $022E $45E..$45F: voodoo mask $022F $460..$461: voodoo mask $0230 $462..$463: voodoo mask $0231 $464..$465: bowl $0232 $466..$467: salt $0233 $468..$469: plate $0234 $46A..$46B: book $0235 $46C..$46D: book $0236 $46E..$46F: cross $0237 $470..$471: card $0238 $472..$473: card $0239 $474..$475: card $023A $476..$477: card $023B $478..$479: card $023C $47A..$47B: card $023D $47C..$47D: card $023E $47E..$47F: card $023F $480..$481: card $0240 $482..$483: card $0241 $484..$485: hat box $0242 $486..$487: bouquet $0243 $488..$489: jar $0244 $48A..$48B: star $0245 $48C..$48D: pillow $0246 $48E..$48F: pot $0247 $490..$491: pillow $0248 $492..$493: pan $0249 $494..$495: pan $024A $496..$497: pot $024B $498..$499: beater $024C $49A..$49B: pot $024D $49C..$49D: bottle $024E $49E..$49F: bottle $024F $4A0..$4A1: tray $0250 $4A2..$4A3: lit match $0251 $4A4..$4A5: lit match $0252 $4A6..$4A7: lit match $0253 $4A8..$4A9: lit match $0254 $4AA..$4AB: lit match $0255 $4AC..$4AD: lit match $0256 $4AE..$4AF: hat $0257 $4B0..$4B1: bag $0258 $4B2..$4B3: envelope $0259 $4B4..$4B5: pepper mill $025A $4B6..$4B7: baster $025B $4B8..$4B9: towel $025C $4BA..$4BB: towel $025D $4BC..$4BD: box $025E $4BE..$4BF: pillow $025F $4C0..$4C1: pan $0260 $4C2..$4C3: spatula $0261 $4C4..$4C5: box $0262 $4C6..$4C7: box $0263 $4C8..$4C9: lit candle $0264 $4CA..$4CB: candle $0265 $4CC..$4CD: banana $0266 $4CE..$4CF: banana $0267 $4D0..$4D1: can $0268 $4D2..$4D3: spider $0269 $4D4..$4D5: spider $026A $4D6..$4D7: matchbox $026B $4D8..$4D9: pillow $026C $4DA..$4DB: jar $026D $4DC..$4DD: jar $026E $4DE..$4DF: lamp $026F $4E0..$4E1: lamp $0270 $4E2..$4E3: key $0271 $4E4..$4E5: knife $0272 $4E6..$4E7: knife $0273 $4E8..$4E9: gem $0274 $4EA..$4EB: gem $0275 $4EC..$4ED: bottle $0276 $4EE..$4EF: knife $0277 $4F0..$4F1: lit candle $0278 $4F2..$4F3: candle $0279 $4F4..$4F5: key $027A $4F6..$4F7: bottle $027B $4F8..$4F9: bottle $027C $4FA..$4FB: spray can $027D $4FC..$4FD: brush $027E $4FE..$4FF: match $027F $500..$501: match $0280 $502..$503: match $0281 $504..$505: match $0282 $506..$507: match $0283 $508..$509: match $0284 $50A..$50B: knife $0285 $50C..$50D: jar $0286 $50E..$50F: jar $0287 $510..$511: jar $0288 $512..$513: book $0289 $514..$515: book $028A $516..$517: star $028B $518..$519: thermometer $028C $51A..$51B: apple $028D $51C..$51D: apple $028E $51E..$51F: knife $028F $520..$521: paintbrush $0290 $522..$523: cookie $0291 $524..$525: bottle $0292 $526..$527: bottle $0293 $528..$529: bottle $0294 $52A..$52B: bottle $0295 $52C..$52D: bottle $0296 $52E..$52F: bottle $0297 $530..$531: bottle $0298 $532..$533: bottle $0299 $534..$535: bottle $029A $536..$537: bottle $029B $538..$539: bottle $029C $53A..$53B: bottle $029D $53C..$53D: burnt out match $029E $53E..$53F: burnt out match $029F $540..$541: burnt out match $02A0 $542..$543: burnt out match $02A1 $544..$545: burnt out match $02A2 $546..$547: burnt out match $02A3 $548..$549: bottle $02A4 $54A..$54B: bottle $02A5 $54C..$54D: bottle $02A6 $54E..$54F: bottle $02A7 $550..$551: bottle $02A8 $552..$553: bottle $02A9 $554..$555: bottle $02AA $5F6..$5F8: bottle $02AB $5F8..$5F9: plum $02AC $5FA..$5FB: plum $02AD $5FC..$5FD: soap $02AE $5FE..$5FF: bottle $02AF $560..$561: bottle $02B0 $562..$563: bottle $02B1 $564..$565: bottle $02B2 $566..$567: black hole $02B3 Item location codes work as follows: $0001 = carried. Eg. to carry the paintbrush, put $0001 in $520..$521. To put an item in a room, put the room number in the item's inventory slot. Eg. to put the paintbrush in the study, put $000B in $520..$521. To put an item inside another item (or prop), put the "container code" of the container in the containee's inventory slot. Eg. to put the soap in the nightstand, put $0199 in $5FC..$5FD. Vengeance of Excalibur---------------------------------------------------- "Similarly to Spirit of Excalibur, you have to count 43 bytes from the first letter of the name of the character. Example: HP HTH MAG COM ARM NOB FTH Lancelot ..... 5 5 0 35 50 10 10 /\ /\ !-----------------!" War in Middle Earth (ARCHIVE.DAT, 8,330 bytes)---------------------------- $EC.. $EF: ?'s coords? $112.. $115: Frodo (unit #7)'s coords (X word then Y word) $138.. $13B: Sam's coords $140.. $141: Sam's inventory $15E.. $161: Merry's coords $166.. $167: Merry's inventory $184.. $187: Pippin's coords $18C.. $18D: Pippin's inventory $1AA.. $1AD: ?'s coords? $AB8.. $ABB: ?'s coords? $ADE.. $AE1: ?'s coords? $B04.. $B07: 500 infantry's coords $B2A.. $B2B: ?'s coords? $B50.. $B53: 200 infantry's coords $B76.. $B79: ?'s coords? $B9C.. $B9F: Gollum's coords $BC2.. $BC5: Nazgul Lord's coords $BE8.. $BEB: 2nd Nazgul's coords $C0E.. $C11: 3rd Nazgul's coords $C34.. $C37: 4th Nazgul's coords $C5A.. $C5D: 5th Nazgul's coords $C80.. $C83: 6th Nazgul's coords $CA6.. $CA9: 7th Nazgul's coords $CCC.. $CCF: 8th Nazgul's coords $CF2.. $CF5: 9th Nazgul's coords $D18.. $D1B: ?'s coords? $D3E.. $D41: ?'s coords? $D60.. $D61: 2500 hand orcs' maximum manpower $D62.. $D63: 2500 hand orcs' current manpower $D64.. $D67: 2500 hand orcs' coords $D8A.. $D8D: 1500 uruk-hai's coords $DB0.. $DB3: 2000 Dunlendings' coords $DD6.. $DD9: ?'s coords? $DFC.. $DFF: ?'s coords? $E22.. $E25: ?'s coords? $E48.. $E4B: ?'s coords? $E6E.. $E71: ?'s coords? $E94.. $E97: ?'s coords? $14D0+: 500 orcs' coords (originally ?) $14F6+: 500 orcs' coords (originally ?) $151C+: 500 orcs' coords (originally ?) $1542+: 1000 orcs' coords (originally ?) $1564..$1565: 10000 orcs' maximum manpower $1566..$1567: 10000 orcs' current manpower $1568..$157B: 10000 orcs' coords (originally MORANNON) $158A..$158B: 3400 orc's maximum manpower $158C..$158D: 3400 orc's current manpower $158E..$1591: 3400 orcs' coords (originally CARACH ANGREN) $15B0..$15B1: 10000 orcs' maximum manpower $15B2..$15B3: 10000 orcs' current manpower $15B4..$15B7: 10000 orcs' coords (originally MINAS MORGUL) $15D6..$15D7: 2500 orcs' maximum manpower $15D8..$15D9: 2500 orcs' current manpower $15DA..$15DD: 2500 orcs' coords (originally CIRITH UNGOL) $15FC..$15FD: 9500 orcs' maximum manpower $15FE..$15FF: 9500 orcs' current manpower $1600..$1603: 9500 orcs' coords (originally BARAD-DUR) $1626+: 500 trolls' coords (originally BARAD-DUR) $164C+: ? $0.. $25: unit #0's record (unused) Each unit's record is 38 ($26) bytes, as follows: $0.. $3: offset of name $4.. $5: maximum manpower $6.. $7: current manpower $8.. $9: X-coord $A.. $B: Y-coord $C.. $D: destination X-coord? $E.. $F: destination Y-coord? $10.. $11: inventory (%0=no, %1=yes): bit 15: a silver orb bit 14: a sceptre bit 13: a coil of rope bit 12: the Red Arrow bit 11: a glowing vial bit 10: a black flask bit 9: a blue potion bit 8: an Elven cloak bit 7: a Palantir bit 6: Mithril mail bit 5: a Dwarven hammer bit 4: an Elven blade bit 3: an Ancient sword bit 2: a Gnarled staff bit 1: a Dwarven ring bit 0: the One Ring? $12.. $16: ? $17: strength (0?..255?) $18: ? $19: maximum health (1..9) $1A: ? $1B: current health (0..9) $1C: allegiance: $00 = evil (Amiga) $63 = good (human) other values = neutral $1D.. $25: ? : : : $1CF0..$1D17: unit #195's record $207C..$207D: date (measured as days since 23 Sep 1418): $00DB gives 30 Apr 1419 $00DC gives 31 Apr 1419 $207E..$207F: time of day? Unknown locations/encoding: Visibility of each unit Quality of each unit? Winter Games (WGWR.dat, 98 bytes)----------------------------------------- $00..$01: Hot Dog score (in tenths) (eg. $005C = 92 = 9.2) $02..$0B: Hot Dog player (padded with spaces) $0C..$0D: $0000 $0E..$0F: Biathlon score (eg. $006F = 111 = 1:11) $10..$19: Biathlon player (padded with spaces) $1A..$1B: $0000 $1C..$1D: Speed Skating score (eg. $0114 = 276 = 0:27.6) $1E..$27: Speed Skating player (padded with spaces) $28..$29: $0000 $2A..$2B: Figure Skating score (in tenths) (eg. $001C = 28 = 2.8) $2C..$35: Figure Skating player (padded with spaces) $36..$37: $0000 $38..$39: Ski Jump score (in tenths) (eg. $07D2 = 2002 = 200.2) $3A..$43: Ski Jump player (padded with spaces) $44..$45: $0000 $46..$47: Free Style Skating score (in tenths) (eg. $001C = 28 = 2.8) $48..$51: Free Style Skating player (padded with spaces) $52..$53: $0000 $54..$55: Bobsled score (in hundredths) (eg. $0860 = 2144 = 21.44) $56..$5F: Bobsled player (padded with spaces) $60..$61: $0000 Winter Olympiad '88 (olympiad.rec, 160 bytes)----------------------------- Player names are up to 11 characters. Country codes are: BLA = Blank AUS = Australia AUT = Austria BRA = Brazil CAN = Canada DEN = Denmark FDR = West Germany FIN = Finland FRA = France GBR = Great Britain IRL = Ireland ITA = Italy JPN = Japan MEX = Mexico NED = Netherlands NOR = Norway SPA = Spain USA = United States of America USR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Wizardry 6 (SAVEGAME.DBS, 50288..52448 bytes)----------------------------- Characters start at $C2C0. Each character is $1B0 (432) bytes in length. Each character record is: $C2C0..$C2C6 $ 0.. $6: Name (7 characters max) (unused chars are NULs) $C2C8..$C2CA $ 8.. $A: Age? $000000 = 0 $000001 = 1 $000002 = 1 $000003 = 2 $000004 = 2 $000005 = 3 $000010 = 11 $00001C = 19 $00001D = 20 $000110 = 190 $010110 = 381 $C2CC..$C2CF $ C.. $F: EXPerience points $C2D0..$C2D3 $ 10.. $13: Monster Kill Statistic (body count) $C2D4..$C2D7 $ 14.. $17: Gold Pieces (only last 7 digits are displayed) $C2D8..$C2D9 $ 18.. $19: Current hit points $C2DA..$C2DB $ 1A.. $1B: Maximum hit points $C2DC..$C2DD $ 1D.. $1D: Current STaMina $C2DE..$C2DF $ 1E.. $1F: Maximum STaMina $C2E2 $ 22 : Maximum Carrying Capacity: $06 = 164 $07 = 180 $08 = 205 $09 = 231 $C2E4..$C2E5 $ 24.. $25: LeVeL $C2E6..$C2E7 $ 26.. $27: Rebirths $C2E8..$C2E9 $ 28.. $29: Current fire (top left ) icon value $C2EA..$C2EB $ 2A.. $2B: Maximum fire (top left ) icon value $C2EC..$C2ED $ 2C.. $2D: Current water (middle left ) icon value $C2EE..$C2EF $ 2E.. $2F: Maximum water (middle left ) icon value $C2F0..$C2F1 $ 30.. $31: Current air (bottom left ) icon value $C2F2..$C2F3 $ 32.. $33: Maximum air (bottom left ) icon value $C2F4..$C2F5 $ 34.. $35: Current earth (top right) icon value $C2F6..$C2F7 $ 36.. $37: Maximum earth (top right) icon value $C2F8..$C2F9 $ 38.. $39: Current mental (middle right) icon value $C2FA..$C2FB $ 3A.. $3B: Maximum mental (middle right) icon value $C2FC..$C2FD $ 3C.. $3D: Current magic (bottom right) icon value $C2FE..$C2FF $ 3E.. $3F: Maximum magic (bottom right) icon value CoNDition flags ("OK" if all are clear): $C301 $ 41 : 1st item slot: $01 = Dagger $02 = Main Gauche $03 = Short Sword $04 = Wakizashi $05 = Rapier $06 = Cutlass $07 = Inferior Sword $08 = Longsword $09 = Broadsword $0A = Katana $0B = Bastard Sword $0C = Claymore $0D = Bearded War Axe $0E = Battle Axe $0F = Anointed Flail : : : $82 = Fur Leggings $84 = Leather Cuirass $87 = Buckler Shield $8D = Sandals $C309 $ 49 : 2nd item slot $C311 $ 51 : 3rd item slot $C319 $ 59 : 4th item slot $C321 $ 61 : 5th item slot $C329 $ 69 : 6th item slot $C331 $ 71 : 7th item slot $C339 $ 79 : 8th item slot $C341 $ 81 : 9th item slot $C349 $ 89 : 10th item slot $C3E4 $124 : Asleep ("ZZ") $C3E5 $125 : ? (cyan cross?) $C3E6 $126 : Blind (eye) $C3E7..$C3EA $127..$12A: ? (skull) $C3EB $12B : ? (white cross?) $C3EC $12C : STRength $C3ED $12D : INTelligence $C3EE $12E : PIEty $C3EF $12F : VITality $C3F0 $130 : DEXterity $C3F1 $131 : SPeeD $C3F2 $132 : PERsonality $C3F3 $133 : KARma Weaponry skills: $C3F4 $134 : Wand & Dagger $C3F5 $135 : Sword $C3F6 $136 : Axe $C3F7 $137 : Mace & Flail $C3F8 $138 : Pole & Staff $C3F9 $139 : Throwing $C3FA $13A : Sling $C3FB $13B : Bows $C3FC $13C : Shield $C3FD $13D : Hands & Feet Physical skills: $C3FE $13E : Swimming $C3FF $13F : Scouting $C400 $140 : Music $C401 $141 : Oratory $C402 $142 : Legerdemain $C403 $143 : Skulduggery $C404 $144 : Ninjutsu Personal skills: $C405 $145 : Defence $C406 $146 : Speed $C407 $147 : Movement $C408 $148 : Aim $C409 $149 : Power Academic skills: $C40A $14A : Artifacts $C40B $14B : Mythology $C40C $14C : Scribe $C40D $14D : Alchemy $C40E $14E : Theology $C40F $14F : Theosophy $C410 $150 : Thaumaturgy $C411 $151 : Kirijutsu $C420 $152 : Base armour class $C421 $153 : Modifier to armour class Displayed in-game is " (+ )" Armour classes: $C422 $154 : Question mark $C423 $155 : Head $C424 $155 : Arms $C425 $155 : Legs $C426 $155 : Hands $C427 $155 : Feet 80 spells: $C448 $188 : bit 7 = Firestorm (Fire) : bit 6 = Prismic Missile (Fire) : bit 5 = Lightning (Fire) : bit 4 = Fire Bomb (Fire) : bit 3 = Fire Shield (Fire) : bit 2 = Fireball (Fire) : bit 1 = Blinding Flash (Fire) : bit 0 = Energy Blast (Fire) $C449 $189 : bit 7 = Cure Paralysis (Water) : bit 6 = Haste (Water) : bit 5 = Slow (Water) : bit 4 = Weaken (Water) : bit 3 = Terror (Water) : bit 2 = Stamina (Water) : bit 1 = Chilling Touch (Water) : bit 0 = Nuclear Blast (Fire) $C44A $18A : bit 7 = Air Pocket (Air) : bit 6 = Stink Bomb (Air) : bit 5 = Missile Shield (Air) : bit 4 = Poison (Air) : bit 3 = Deep Freeze (Water) : bit 2 = Paralyze (Water) : bit 1 = Iceball (Water) : bit 0 = Ice Shield (Water) $C44B $18B : bit 7 = Toxic Vapours (Air) : bit 6 = Levitate (Air) : bit 5 = Deadly Poison (Air) : bit 4 = Purify Air (Air) : bit 3 = Whirlwind (Air) : bit 2 = Cure Poison (Air) : bit 1 = Poison Gas (Air) : bit 0 = Silence (Air) $C44C $18C : bit 7 = Knock-Knock (Earth) : bit 6 = Direction (Earth) : bit 5 = Armour Shield (Earth) : bit 4 = Itching Skin (Earth) : bit 3 = Acid Splash (Earth) : bit 2 = Deadly Air (Air) : bit 1 = Asphyxiation (Air) : bit 0 = Noxious Fumes (Air) $C44D $18D : bit 7 = Mental Attack (Mental) : bit 6 = Cure Stone (Earth) : bit 5 = Create Life (Earth) : bit 4 = Armourmelt (Earth) : bit 3 = Acid Bomb (Earth) : bit 2 = Web (Earth) : bit 1 = Armourplate (Earth) : bit 0 = Blades (Earth) $C44E $18E : bit 7 = Hold Monsters (Mental) : bit 6 = Identify (Mental) : bit 5 = Detect Secret (Mental) : bit 4 = Divine Trap (Mental) : bit 3 = Cure Lesser Cnd (Mental) : bit 2 = Charm (Mental) : bit 1 = Bless (Mental) : bit 0 = Sleep (Mental) $C44F $18F : bit 7 = Mind Flay (Mental) : bit 6 = Locate Object (Mental) : bit 5 = Death (Mental) : bit 4 = Wizard Eye (Mental) : bit 3 = Illusion (Mental) : bit 2 = Psionic Blast (Mental) : bit 1 = Sane Mind (Mental) : bit 0 = Mindread (Mental) $C450 $190 : bit 7 = Conjuration (Magic) : bit 6 = Magic Screen (Magic) : bit 5 = Blink (Magic) : bit 4 = Enchanted Blade (Magic) : bit 3 = Dispel Undead (Magic) : bit 2 = Magic Missile (Magic) : bit 1 = Make Wounds (Magic) : bit 0 = Heal Wounds (Magic) $C451 $191 : bit 7 = Holy Water (Magic) : bit 6 = Death Wish (Magic) : bit 5 = Resurrection (Magic) : bit 4 = Word of Death (Magic) : bit 3 = Astral Gate (Magic) : bit 2 = Lifesteal (Magic) : bit 1 = Remove Curse (Magic) : bit 0 = Anti-Magic (Magic) $C45C $19C : Portrait ($00..$29) $C45D $19D : Race: $00 = Human $01 = Elf $02 = Dwarf $03 = Gnome $04 = Hobbit $05 = Faerie $06 = Lizardman $07 = Dracon $08 = Felpurr $09 = Rawulf $0A = Mook $C45E $19E : Sex: $00 = Male $01 = Female $C45F $19F : Class: $00 = Fighter $01 = Mage $02 = Priest $03 = Thief $04 = Ranger $05 = Alchemist $06 = Bard $07 = Psionic $08 = Valkyrie $09 = Bishop $C460 $1A0 : RaNK: $00 = None $01 = Journeyman/Magician/Acolyte/Rogue/Woodsman/Herbalist/?/?/?/? $02 = Warrior/Conjurer/Healer/Trickster/Scout/Physician/?/?/?/? $03 = Marauder/Warlock/Curate/Highwayman/Archer/Adept/?/?/?/? $04 = Gladiator/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/?/? $05 = Swordsman/?/Highpriest/Pirate/?/?/?/?/?/? $06 = ?/?/Patriarch/Ms. Shadows/?/?/?/?/?/? $07 = Conquerer/Magus/?/?/Rangerlord/?/Muse/?/Olympian/Pontiff Left column refers to the offset of that data for the 1st character, from the start of the file. Right columns refers to the offset of that data for any character, from the start of that character's 432-byte record. All multibyte values are stored in big-endian format. Unknown locations/encodings: For each character: Current CC Skill points (unspent?) Items: 10 slots are available for each item: equipped-or-not status charges type? (eg. "feet", "legs") Contents of "swag bag" (12 slots are available) General: Time of day? Quest status? Location Facing direction Configuration: Sound Delay Level Input GMode (probably always EGA for Amiga) Savegame drive Scenario drive World Games (d0.bin, 474 bytes)------------------------------------------- $D8.. $E1: Weight Lifting score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) (these strings must have at least one terminator byte) (entries longer than 7 characters can cause problems) $E2.. $EB: Cliff Diving score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $EC.. $F5: Barrel Jumping score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $F6.. $FF: Bull Riding score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $100..$109: Log Rolling score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $10A..$113: Slalom Skiing score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $114..$11D: Caber Toss score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $11E..$127: Sumo Wrestling score (or "DEFAULT" if none) (ASCII format) (padded with NULs) $128..$137: Sumo Wrestling player and country (eg. "FOO (EPX)") $138: $00 $129..$138: Cliff Diving player and country $139: $00 $12A..$139: Barrel Jumping player and country $13A: $00 $12B..$13A: Bull Riding player and country $13B: $00 $12C..$13B: Log Rolling player and country $13C: $00 $12D..$13C: Slalom Skiing player and country $13D: $00 $12E..$13D: Caber Toss player and country $13E: $00 $12F..$13E: Sumo Wrestling player and country $13F: $00 Zerg (V1.0) (RAM:SAVE, 2026 bytes)---------------------------------------- 0.. 7: Name/rank ("Wanderer")? 8.. 12: 0 13: X-location The stored location is that of the top left corner tile of the player's current view, not the location of the player himself. Thus, the player's X-location is +6 of this. 17: Y-location The stored location is that of the top left corner tile of the player's current view, not the location of the player himself. Thus, the player's Y-location is +4 of this. 21: Level (1..6) 41: STRength and AGiLity 45: WISdom 57: current MP 61: maximum MP 65: current HP 69: maximum HP 72.. 73: eXperience Points 76.. 77: GP 81: worn armour $00 = none $01 = heavy furs $02 = leather $03 = studded leather $04 = scale mail $05 = chain mail $06 = full mail $07 = splint mail $08 = banded mail $09 = plate mail 85: readied weapon $00 = bare hands $01 = dagger $02 = mace $03 = spear $04 = short sword $05 = flail $06 = longsword $07 = morning star $08 = battle axe $09 = pike 88.. 89: body count 240..241: turn Unknown locations/encodings: Inventory Class? Quest status Monster locations END OF DOCUMENT-----------------------------------------------------------